͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ

å 5õ (153)
LV47 alexҹ Ϲ 2024-06-20 11:34:08 | ȸ : 56

å 5õ (153)

== t (141) ~ (160) ==


(19) t ==


141. trail/treil/[Ʈ()]

[] () , () , ڸ

she is ~.ing/tréil.i/[Ʈ() ́.] her skirt.

/ ׳ ĿƮ ( ) ִ.

[] ڷ þ ; ( ) ; ( ) ħof; ( ) , of; ڶ; þ߸ Ӹī; ڱ, ڱ,

(Ȳ߳ ̰) ֱ.


*trail.er/tréi.lər/ [] ( ) [], ƮϷ


@ 142. train/trein/[Ʈ()]

[] , , (2 ̻ Ǿ ޸ ), () ,

[] ġ, ϴ, Ʒϴ, 缺ϴ *[] teach(ti:tʃ) ܷýŰ

they ~/trein/ the dogs to obey. / ׵ 赵 ƷýŲ.


*train.ee/trei.ní:/ [] , ()Ʒû,̱ź, Ʒ

*train.er/tréi.nər/ [] Ʒ, ġ, ̴ , ,

*train.ing/tréi.ni/ [] Ʒ, Ʈ̴, ܷ, , (),


*̱ : train.ing/tréi.ni/[Ʈ() ́.]

<training> google how many syllables

how many syllables in training? 2 syllables ( )

divide training into syllables: train-ing ( )

stressed syllable in training: train-ing ( )

how to pronounce training: trey-ning ( )


* : ܾ -.ee/-.í:/[-. ́] ´.

absentee addressee employee payee


# trait /treit/[Ʈ()]

n. Ư, Ư, Ư¡, ; , , ױ۾ ؾ,

(). (), , of

english ~s μ culture ~s ȭ Ư.

a ~ of humor ӱ, ͻ.


143. trans.fer/trns.fə́:r/[Ʈ()^Ƚ.۾() ́]

[] ̵, , Ÿ, (Ǹ ) ,ȯ(), ü()

[] (-rr-) ű, ̵[]ϴ, [, ]Ű, ϴ

he has been ~.red/trns.fə́:rd/[Ʈ()^Ƚ.() ́]

from the branch office to the head office.

/ ״ 翡 ӵǾ.


144. tran.si.tive/tŕn.sə.tiv/[Ʈ()^ ́..M]

[]Ÿ() *[] in.tran.si.tive(in.tŕn.sə.tiv) ϴ, ߰,

in she wrote a letter,

the verb wrote is ~/tŕn.sə.tiv/

and the word letter is the direct object.

/ she wrote a letter

wrote Ÿ̰

ܾ letter ̴.


145. trans.late/trns.léit/[Ʈ()^Ƚ.() ́]

[] ϴ, (ൿ ) () ؼϴ

t~/trns.léit/ an english book into korean.

/ å ѱ۷ ϴ.


*trans.la.tion/trns.léi.ʃən/ [] , , , , ű ̵

*trans.la.tor/trns.léit.ər/ [] , , ,


146. trans.port/trns.pɔ́:rt/[Ʈ()^Ƚ.^()Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ *[] car.ry(ḱr.i:) ȲȦϰ

during ~/trns.pɔ́:rt/,

handle ins.tru.ments/íns.trə.mənts/[ν ́.Ʈ().ս] with care.

/ Ͽ ٷϴ.


*trans.por.ta.tion/tr̀ns.pər.téi.ʃən/ [] ,

*in.stru.ment /íns.trǝ.mǝnt/ n. ( ۾) (), (),


@ 147. trash/trʃ/[Ʈ()^ƾ]

[] , η ν, ⵿, [] [, ٱ ]; (), ; ();

[] ( ) ̳ Ĺ; ϴ; (Ӿ) ıϴ; (̱Ӿ) () е ϴ;

my apartments been totally ~ed/trʃt/[Ʈ()^ƾƮ].

/ Ʈ Ⱑ Ǿ.


148. trav.el/tŕv.əl/[Ʈ()^ ́.]

vi. (-l-, -ll-) (ָ Ǵ ܱ) ϴ; (Ż) ٴϴ

hes ~ing in africa. / ״ ī ̴.

̵ϴ, ư; ȴ, ޸; (Ҹ ) ; (ü ) Űover a scene, topic

light ~s faster than sound. / Ҹ .

ȸ鼭 ƴٴϴ, ֹܱ ٴϴin; for

he ~s for a large firm. / ״ ū ȸ ǿ̴.

vt. ( ) ϴ, ϴ, ( Ÿ) ϴ.

() ǿμ . ( ) , ̵Ű; () .

n. ; (pl.) (Ÿܱ) foreign ~ ؿ ,

(pl.) , gullivers trɑvels ɸ .

, ; θ շ,


*travel guide / ȳ


149. treas.ure/tréʒ.ər/[Ʈ()J ́.()]

[] ,


150. trest.le/trés.l/[Ʈ() ́.]

[] (ʭ), ٸ; Ʈ, (ϰ).


151. treat/tri:t/[Ʈ()]

[] () ٷ, ϴ, []ϴ, ϴ, ٷ, ǥϴ

they ~.ed/trí:t.id/[Ʈ() ́.] him with respect.

/ ׵ ׸ ߴ.

[] , [ ], ū , ġ

it is a ~/tri:t/ to see you. / ˰ Ǿ ſ ޴ϴ.


*treat.ment/trí:t.mənt/ [] , , ó(), ġ, ġ[]


@ 152. tree/tri:/[Ʈ()]

[] , , () (ſ Ͽ) , ٱ κ

a good ~/tri:/[Ʈ()] does not bear bad fruit/fru:t/[()W]

nor/nɔ:r/[^()] a bad tree does bear good fruit.

/ Ÿ ,

Ÿ ʴ´.


153. trem.ble/trém.bl/[Ʈ() ́.]

[] , , , ()

[] , ϴ, ͵͵ , (ǹ) ϴ,

his voice ~d/trém.bld/[Ʈ() ́.] with anger.

/ Ҹ ȴ.


154. trench/trentʃ/[Ʈ()]

[] Ʈġ, , , ȣ(),ر(ϵ),ȣ

[] (Ȩ ) , Ĵ[], () ġ,

visitors ~.ed/trentʃt/[Ʈ()Ʈ] upon my spare time.

/ մ ͼ Ѱ.


155. trend/trend/[Ʈ()]

[] , , , ߼

[] (Ư ) ϴ,

the wind is ~.ing/trén.di/[Ʈ() ́.] east [toward the east].

/ ٶ Ұ ִ.


156. tri.al/trái.əl/[Ʈ() ́.]

[], , ɸ, õ, , ÷, ,


157. tri.an.gle/trái.̀.gl/[Ʈ() ́.^ ̀.]

[], , Ʈ̾ޱ(ŸDZ )


* : e.qui.lat.er.al /ì:.kwi.ĺt.ər.əl/ : ,

e.qui.lat.er.al tri.angle :

i.sos.ce.les /ai.sɑ́s.ə.lì:z/ ̵ﰢ,

square /skwɛə:r/ : ,

rec.tang.le /rék.t̀.gl/ :

pen.ta.gon /pén.tə.gɑ̀:n/ : 5,

hex.ag.o.nal /hek.śg.ə.nəl/ square : 6,

oc.ta.gon /ɑ́:k.tə.gɑ̀:n/ : 8


@ 158. trick/trik/[Ʈ()]

[] Ӽ, ,

he knows all the ~s/triks/[Ʈ()] of the trade.

/ ״ ° ˰ ִ.


159. trim/trim/[Ʈ()]

[] , , غ, ( ) , , ٹ

[] (-mm-) ϴ, ϴ, (ܵŸ ) ġ, ٵ

she ~.med/trimd/[Ʈ()] her dress with lace.

/ ׳ ׳ 巹 ̽ ޾Ƽ ٸ.


*trim.ming/trím.i/ [] , ϰ , ٵ, ٵ,


@ 160. trip/trip/[Ʈ()]

[] (ª) , , dz, (ª) , ,

have a good ~/trip/! / Ǽ.



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ϴ. ּ!!
0 Դϴ.