͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ

å 5õ (154)
LV47 alexҹ Ϲ 2024-06-22 12:39:01 | ȸ : 59

å 5õ (154)

== t (161) ~ (180) ==


(19) t ==


161. trip.le/tríp.l/[Ʈ() ́.]

[] 3 [], [, ]̱渶3 ܽ,߱3Ÿ

[] 3[3], , κ * single(ϳ), double()

he is a ~/tríp.l/ jumper. / ״ ܶٱ ̴.

[] 3[3] ϴ[Ǵ], ϴ[Ǵ],߱3Ÿ ġ

the number of cars in the city will ~/tríp.l/ in 10 years.

/ ڵ 10 3谡 ̴.


*trip.lets /tríp.lits/ ֵ

*triplet ֵ


162. tri.umph/trái.əmf/[Ʈ() ́.]

[] ¸, , , ¸, θ.

[] ¸ ŵδ, ̱, DZ ϴ.


* : triumph :

¸ , DZ û.

: the triumph of science [ ].

victory :

ο򿡼 ¸. ׿ յ 踦 Ͻϴ .

conquest :

. , ο û.


163. troop/tru:p/[Ʈ()X]

[] (), , , ( pl.) ,

[] ̴, ̴(up; together) Ǿ ư

the students ~.ed/tru:pt/[Ʈ()] into the classroom.

/ л 츣 Ƿ Դ.


164. tro.phy/tróu.fi:/[Ʈ()ο ́.]

[] ǰ, ǰ[], ȹǰ, ( ) Ʈ, ǰ


165. trop.i.cal/trɑ́:p.i.kəl/[Ʈ() ́..]

[] , [] ʰ

[] (), , ,

this place reminds me of a seashore on a ~/trɑ́:p.i.kəl/ island.

/ ̰ ִ غ Ű׿.


@ 166. troub.le/trʌ́b.l/[Ʈ()^ ́.]

[] , ٽ, , , []Ÿ, ,

her heart is full of ~/trʌ́b.l/. / ׳ ϴ.

[] , óϰ ϴ, Ű

i am sorry to ~/trʌ́b.l/ you. / ˼մϴ.


@ 167. truck/trʌk/[Ʈ()^]

[] Ʈ, ȭ ڵ [] ȯ, , ȯ () ŷ,

[] Ʈ()


@ 168. true/tru:/[Ʈ()]

[] ,

is this ~/tru:/ or false? / ̰ ΰ ΰ?

that may be true. / װ ִ.


*tru.ly/trú:.li:/ [] , ùٸ, , ڸ,


@ 169. trust/trʌst/[Ʈ()^ƽƮ]

[] ŷ, Ȯ *[] belief(bi.lí:f)

[] ŷϴ *[] re.ly(ri.lái), Źϴ, []ϴ

he is not a man to be ~.ed./trʌ́s.tid/[Ʈ()^ƽ ́.].

/ ״ ſ ִ ƴϴ.


*̱ ü :

trust me. / Ͼ!


@ 170. truth/tru:ɵ/[Ʈ()]

[] (pl. truths[tru:ɵs]) (), , ,

i doubt the ~/tru:ɵ/ of it. / ǽѴ.


@ 171. try/trai/[Ʈ()]

[] (p., pp. tried; trying) غ, õϴ

t~/trai/ one more! / õ!


*try.ing/trái.i/[Ʈ() ́.]

[] ߵ , (painful), ȭ *try л,


*trying == [Ʈ()](x)


*̱ ü :

try again. / ٽ .


172. tube/tju:b/[Ƽ]

[] (ݼ ) (η), , (DZ) , (׸ ġ) Ʃ


@ 173. tues.day/tjú:z.dei/[Ƽ ́.]

[] ȭ(: tue., tues.)


* : z s ϱ .

˰ Ͱ 𸣰 ̰ ̶ .


174. tu.i.tion/tju:.íʃ.ən/[Ƽ.̾ ́.]

[] , ; (=~́ fèe)

private postal ~/tju:.íʃ.ən/ / .


* : tu.i.tion / tju:. í. ʃən /[ Ƽ. ́. ] (x)


@ 175. tu.lip/tjú:.lip/[Ƽ ́.()]

[] ƫ; [].


176. tum.ble/tʌ́m.bl/[^ ́.]

[] , Ѿ, , ϴ, ڸ鼭 ġ

the puppies ~.ed/tʌ́m.bld/[^ ́.] about on the floor.

/ ٴڿ ߱.


177. turn/tǝ;rn/[;()]
[] , ȸŰ

t~/tǝ;rn/ your head ɑround and look back.

/ ڸ ƺ.


178. tun.nel/tʌ́n.əl/[^ ́.]

[] ͳ, , ϵ, () (Գ), ( )

[] (-ll-) ([ ؿ]) ͳ Ĵ, ()μ ͳ[] Ĵ

he ~.led/tʌ́n.əld/[^ ́.] under the fence.

/ ״ Ÿ ͳ ʹ.


179. tur.key/tə́:r.ki:/[;() ́. Ű]

[] (pl. (s))ĥ, ĥ , (̱Ӿ)

t~/tə́:r.ki:/ is a staple food for thanksgiving.

/ ĥ ߼ ̴ֽ.


180. tur.key/tə́:r.ki:/[;() ́.Ű]

[] Ű(ߵ ȭ; ankara).



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0 Դϴ.