͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ

å 5õ (149)
LV47 alexҹ Ϲ 2024-06-16 12:46:55 | ȸ : 198

å 5õ (149)

== t (061) ~ (080) ==


(19) t ==


@ 061. these/i:z/[]

[/]this ̰͵()

th~/i:z/ are my books. / ̰͵ å̴.


* : this/is/[] these/i:z/[] ǰ .

th ̹ Ǿ. /i/ /i:/ ̸ ˸ ȴ.


@ 062. they/ei/[]

[] ׵, װ͵

th~/ei/ are my friends. / ׵ ģ̾.


*theyll/eil/ == they will(shall)

*theyve/eiv/ == they have


# theyre/ɛ́ər, /ər/[()]

== they are

theyre all my friends. / ׵ ģ̾.


@ 063. thick/ɵik/[I]

[] β, , ׶, (ü )

the air was ~/ɵik/ with dust. / (Ѩ) ڿߴ.


@ 064. thief/ɵi:f/[]

[] (pl. thieves(ɵi:vz)) , , ; ().

set a ~/ɵi:f/ to catch a ~/ɵi:f/. / (Ӵ) ض,

(׾) ȴ.


065. thigh/ɵai/[]

[] ٸ; =thighbone. ().


* : ߰ ̸,

տ chicken Ȯϳ Կ ֹ ô ʴ´.

== feet, ٸ == drum stick, == thigh, == wing

== breast, == whole chicken


@ 066. thin/ɵin/[]

[] (-nn-) , , *[] fat(ft), ,

he is ~/ɵin/. / ״ .


@ 067. thing/ɵi/[]

[] , , ü,

write down the ~s/ɵis/[] to do today.

/ ϵ .


@ 068. think/ɵik/[ũ]

[] (p., pp. thought [ɵɔt]) , ϴ

i ~/ɵik/ you are a good student. / ʸ л̶ Ѵ.

i think she is a beauty. / ׳డ ̶ Ѵ.


*think.ing/ɵí.ki/ [] ϴ, ϴ, ִ,

[] (ϱ), , , ǰ,


* : 42. th /ɵ/[/] :

th ϴ

ణ ̴ ô ϸ鼭 Լ ¿ ,

ġƿ ణ ¿ Ѵ.


[], []

1) ڿ տ δ.

*than/n/[^] this/is/[] *think/ɵik/[ũ]

2) տ δ.

*with/wi, wiɵ/[, ] both.er/bɑ́.ər/[W ́.()]


[], []

1) ڿ [], [] д´.

*thrill/ɵril/[()] throw/ɵrou/[()ο]

2) տ [], [] д´.



* :

// /ɵ/ Ű ǥ ܱ

Ѱ谡 ִ. ̸ ؼ ʿ .


069. third/ɵə:rd/[()]

[] 3, ()°, 3 1.

th~/ɵə:rd/ time does the trick. / (Ӵ) ° Ѵ.

[] 3, ()°, 3 1, (: 3rd, 3d).

i read/red/ two ~s/ɵə:rdz/[()] of the book.

/ å 3 2 о.

[] °, °, 3

he came ~/ɵə:rd/. / ״ ° Դ.


*thir.teen/ɵə́:r.tí:n/ [/] 13(), 13(), 13(), 13()

*thir.teenth/ɵə́:r.tí:nɵ/ [/] 13(), 13°(); 13 1(); () 13.

*thir.ti.eth/ɵə́:r.ti:.iɵ/ [/] 30(), 30°(); 30 1(); () 30:

*thir.ty/ɵə́:r.ti:/ [/] 30(), 30[](), 30()


* : 13,14,15,16,17,18,19 ==> ̸ Ѵ.

30,40,50,60,70,80,90 ==> ְ ߾ Ѵ.


070. thirst/ǝ:rst/[()Ʈ]

[] , 񸶸, , ɑfter; for; of; to doӾ

he has a ~/ǝ:rst/ for adventure. / ״ Ѵ.

[] ϴ, ɑfter; for

he ~s/ǝ:rsts/[()Ʈ] for revenge to her.

/ ״ ׳࿡ Ѵ.


*thirsts/ǝ:rsts/[()Ʈ] ==>[()] ok!

*thirst.y/ɵə́:rs.ti:/ [] (thirstier; -iest) 񸶸, ϰ ; ϴ, ϴ


@ 071. this/is/[]

[] ̰,

th~/is/ is your book. / ̰ å̾.


@ 072. those/ouz/[]

[]that װ͵, ,

th~/ouz/ are mine. / ͵ ̾.

[] װ͵, ,

th~/ouz/ books are mine. / å ̾.


073. thought/ɵɔ:t/[^i]

n. ϱ, ,

he spends hours in ~. / ״ ð̳ .

, ,

thank you for your kind ~. / ģ ּż մϴ.

, , Ǵ(),

beauty beyond ~ / Ƹٿ.


*thought.ful/ɵɔ́:t.fəl/ [] , , [] ִ, ģ.


@ 074. thou.sand/ɵáu.zənd/[ٿ ́.]

[] 1,000( ȣ); 1,000 [].

[] 1,000; 1,000[].

i told you about this a ~/ɵáu.zənd/ times.

/ װ ߴ.

i told you about this ~s/ɵáu.zənds/[ٿ ́.] times.

/ װ õ ߴ.


@ 075. thread/ɵred/[()A]

[] , (ݼ )

[] (ٴ) , , ̸ ġ ư

she ~.ed/ɵréd.id/[()A ́.] a needle. / ׳ ٴÿ .


076. threat/ɵret/[()M]

n. , ,

make a ~ / , ϴ.

() of, ¡

there was a ~ of rain. / Ҵ.

( ִ) .


*threat.en/ɵrét.ən/ [] ϴ, , ¡ĸ ̴

*threat.en.er/ɵrét.ən.ər/ [] .

*threat.en.ing/ɵrét.ən.i/ [] ϴ; , ; ( ) Ǫ


̱ : threat.en.ing/ɵrét.ən.i/[()M ́..]

<threatening> google how many syllables

how many syllables in threatening? 3 syllables [ ]

divide threatening into syllables: threat-en-ing [ ]

stressed syllable in threatening: threat-en-ing [ ]

how to pronounce threatening: thret-n-ing [ ]


@ 077. three/ɵri:/[()]

[/] 3(), 3[]()


# thresh.old /réʃ.ould/[() ́.]

n. , , Ա. ߴ, ,

those at the ~ of a career ǻȸ ó .

Ѱ, , Ư Ȱַ ; ɸ()ڱؿ


078. threw/ru:/[()]

throw .

he threw/ru:/ up the coin and caught it.

/ ״ ٰ ޾Ҵ


079. thrif.ty/ɵríf.ti:/[() ́.Ƽ]

[] (thriftier; -iest) ˼, ˶, ִ, ڶ, ϴ

my mother taught me to be ~(ɵríf.ti:).

/ Ӵϴ ˼϶ ġ̴.


thríftily [] -iness []


@ 080. throat/ɵrout/[()ΟW]

[] (), , , , ĵ

i am ~/sɔ:r/ throat. / 񱸸 .




(0) ۾ ī
ϴ. ּ!!
0 Դϴ.