͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ

å 5õ (161)
LV47 alexҹ Ϲ 2024-07-01 4:39:10 | ȸ : 25

å 5õ (161)

== v (041) ~ (060) ==


(20) v ==


@ 041. vin.e.gar/vín.i.gər/[ ́..()]

[] (),ƼƮ


042. vine.yard/vín.jǝrd/[ ́.̾()]

[] ; Ư , Ȱ .


043. vin.tage/vín.tidʒ/[ ́.Ƽ]

[] Ȯ(); Ȯϱ(Ѣ), .


044. vi.o.la.tion/vài.ə.léi.ʃən/[ ̀..() ́.]

[] () , (Ǹ) ħ, , , foul Ģ.

a traffic ~/vài.ə.léi.ʃən/. / (Ģ) .


@ 045. vi.o.lin/vài.ə.lín/[ ̀..() ́]

[] ̿ø, ̿ø DZ

can he play the violin/vài.ə.lín/? / ״ ̿ø ֽϱ?


046. vi.o.late/vái.ə.lèit/[ ́..()̀ ̀]

[] (ͼ ) , (ż) , ϴ

we must not ~/vái.ə.lèit/ the law. / ƾ Ѵ.


# vi.o.lence/vái.ǝ.lǝns/[ ́..()]

[] (ڿ ൿ ) ݷ, , ; , , Ұ

the ~ of a storm an earthquake, a collision

/ dz, ݷ

crimes of ~ / .


047. vi.o.lent/vái.ə.lənt/[ ́..()Ʈ]

[] ݷ, ͷ, ش, (ؼ)

the crowd suddenly turned ~/vái.ə.lənt/. / ڱ .


*vi.o.lent.ly/vái.ə.lənt.li:/ [] , ͷϰ, ݷϰ; .


048. vi.o.let/vái.ə.lit/[ ́..()]

[]Ĺ̿÷((() Ĺ) ),


by the way, coating was ~/vái.ə.lit/. / ׷, ̾.


049. vir.gin/və́:r.dʒin/[() ́.]

[] ó, ư, (the v-) ,

[] ó, , ó ִ[ Ű], ̰ô, ȥչ

within 40 years there will be no ~/və́:r.dʒin/ forest left.

/ 40⵵ ̰ ʰ ̴.


050. vir.tue/və́:r.tʃu:/[() ́.߿]

[] ̴, , , .opp.vice.

a man of ~/və́:r.tʃu:/ / ̴ ִ


051. vi.sa/ví:.zə/[ ́.]

[] ( ) (),


052. vis.i.ble/víz.ə.bl/[ ́..]

[] ̴ , ǰ, ǰ, (the ) (),

[] () ̴, *[] in.vis.i.ble(in.víz.ə.bl) ,

the house is clearly ~/víz.ə.bl/ from the beach.

/ غ Ƿ δ.


053. vi.sion/víʒ.ən/[ ́.]

[] ÷, ð. [syn.] sight(sait). , ȯ, ȯ, ̴ , , ; (tv) , ſ Ƹٿ [, ].

have you ever had ~s/víʒ.əns/[ ́.] of great wealth?

/ ū ڰ Ǿ 츦 ִ°.


054. vi.sion.ar.y/víʒ.ən.èr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()]

[] ; ȯ .

[] ȯ(); ȯ; ; ƴ, , ִ.

he is such a ~/víʒ.ən.èr.i:/ en.thu.si.ast/en.jú:.zi.̀st/.

/ ״ ٺ ̴.


* : vi.sion.ar.y/ví.ʒən.èr.i/[ ́.. ̀.()] (x)


@ 055. vis.it/víz.it/[ ́.]

[] ( ) 湮ϴ

she often ~s/víz.its/[ ́.] here in autumn.

/ ׳ ´.


*vis.it.ed/víz.it.id/ visit , źл

*vis.it.ing/víz.it.i/ [] , ,

[] 湮ϴ,

*visit л,

*vis.it.or/víz.it.ər/ [] , , ü մ,


056. vis.u.al/víʒ.u.əl/[ ́..]

[] ( pl.) (ȭtv ) κ. () ð ȣϴ (, ȭ, ǥ )

[] ð, , , ̴, л

i have a very good ~/víʒ.u.əl/ memory.

/ ð[ ϴ] .


one is to an image of sunlight and shadow so that wrinkles of the topography are alternately lit and shaded, creating a visual representation of the shape of the land. (2019 ) (39)

ϳ ָ ǵ ޺ ׸ ̹ ¸ ð ǥϴ ̴.


057. vi.tal/váit.əl/[ٟ ́.]

[] (pl.) ʿ (Ư )

[] , , Ⱑ ġ, ġ, ʿ, ߿(to).

the doctor checked my ~/váit.əl/ signs. / ǻ ǰ ¸ ߴ


@ 058. vi.ta.min, -mine /váit.ə.min/[ٟ ́..]

[] Ÿ( Ȱ ʿ ȭչ)

orange contains a lot of ~/váit.ə.min/ c.

/ Ÿ c ִ.


* :[Ÿ](x) = ǥ ۸ ϳ


059. vi.va/ví:.və/[ ́.]

[] !

[] Ҹ, (pl.) ȯ

the train moved off amidst deafening shouts of ~/ví:.və/.

/ õ ϴ Ҹ ӿ ̱ ߴ.


060. vo.cab.u.lar.y/və.ḱb.jə.lèr.i:/[.ij^ ́.̾.()̀ ̀.()]

[] , []( Ǵ 

ִ), ǥ, ܾǥ, ܾ



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ϴ. ּ!!
0 Դϴ.