͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

Ʈ 6õ (089)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-10-21 11:35:46 | ȸ : 42

Ʈ 6õ (089)

== m (061-080) ==


(12) m ==


061. mens.wear/ménz.wɛ̀ər/[ ́.() ̀]

[] Ƿ, Ż纹

where can i find the ~/ménz.wɛ̀ər/ section!

/ Ĵ ?


062. men.tal/mén.təl/[ ́.]

[] (), *[] phys.i.cal(fíz.i.kəl) , ϴ () ź

hes old, but his ~/mén.təl/ abilities are still strong.

/ ״ ľ ŷ¸ŭ ϴ.


063. men.tion/mén.ʃən/[ ́.]

[] , , , ̸ ,

[] ϴ,

this is the book i ~.ed/mén.ʃənd/[ ́.] the other day.

/ ̰ ̾߱ å̾.


*men.tion.ed/mén.ʃənd/ , źл


064. men.u/mén.ju:/[ ́.̿]

[] Ĵ, ޴, ǥ, ǰ,


@ 065. mer.chan.dise/mə́:r.tʃən.dàiz/[Ӿ() ́.õ. ̀]

[]ǰ, (Ư) ǰ, ǰ

[] ŷϴ, (ǰ) ϴ

a new breakfast food

can easily be ~d/mə́:r.tʃən.dàizt/[() ́.õ. ̀Ʈ].

/ ο ǰȭ ִ.


*mer.chan.di.ser/mə́:r.tʃən.dài.zər/ []

*mer.chant/mə́:r.tʃənt/ [/] (), (Ư) ()


066. mere/miər/[()]

[] (mérer; mérest) ܼ, ~ Ұ,

*a mere/mi:ər/ child /


*mere.ly/mí:ər.li:/ [] , , ٸ,


many teachers believed that students merely engaging in activities and manipulating objects would organize the ination to be gained and the knowledge to be understood into concept comprehension. (2020 ) (41)

л Ȱ ϰ 繰 ϴ ͸ε ؾ ط ̶ Ͼϴ.


067. merge/mərdʒ/[()]

[] պϴ, ü()Ű, ٲ, ϴ, Ű

two lanes ~/mə:rdʒ/ into one lane.

/ .


068. mer.ry/mér.i:/[ ́.()]

[] (-rier/-riest) , , , () ų

we had a ~/mér.i:/ time at the party last night.

/ 츮 Ƽ ſ ð ´.

have a ~/mér.i:/ christmas! / ź !


# mes.o.the.li.o.ma /mèz.ǝ.ì:.li.óu.mə/[ ̀.. ̀.(). ́.]

n. (pl. ~s, ~ta [-tǝ]) ().

Ǽ ܺ پִ 丷̳ θ ѷ ,

ΰ ִ ɸ ǥ ǿ ߻ϴ Ǽ ǹ.


069. mes.sage/més.idʒ/[ ́.]

n. , ϴ ,

heres a ~ to you. / ſ Դϴ.

(), ,

wireless ~s told us that the ship was sinking.

/ 谡 ħ ̶ ̾.

̱ () to the presidents ~ to congress.

vt. ϴ, ˸. () ϴ; () ø .


*mes.sen.ger/més.ən.dʒər/ [] (), () , () ,


070. met/met/[]

[] meet

i met him yesterday. / ׸ .

== Ʒ ܾ о. ==


i met him yesterday. / ׸ .(, ?)

i met him yesterday. / ׸ .( °?)

i met him yesterday. / ׸ .( ׸ °?)


* : 忡 ְ ϴ°

ӽ(nuance) ޶.


071. met.al/mét.əl/[ ́.]

[] ݼ, () ݼ, () öμȰڱݼ


072. mete/mi:t/[̟]

[] (ǥ).

[]. ( ) Ҵϴ, ִ(allot)out.

þ , ϴ(measure).

it is not important to ~/mi:t/ out punishment him.

/ ׿ ִ ߿ ʴ.


@ 073. me.ter,-tre /mí:t.ər/[̟ ́.()]

[] (͹ ). (̫), ; ;

[] (ڵ) , ( ); , (Ư) .

[] ͷ ; () , ü 跮ϴ


074. meth.od/méɵ.əd/[ ́.]

[] , (Ư) , , ( ϴ)


@ 075. mid.dle/míd.l/[ ́.]

[] (the ) ߾, ߰(κ), (ü) , Ű ( pl.)߱ǰ

[] Ѱ, ߷, , ߼

i was at the ~/míd.l/ of them. / ׵ ߰ ־.


076. middle east(i:st)[̽Ʈ]

[the-] ߵ(ƿ Ͻź ̸ )


077. middle name

߰ ̸ (ȫ浿 / ̱ : ǥ==> ȫ Ǵ 浿 ȫ)


*ѱ Ȯ ϸ ߰ ̸ .

̸ ǵ ڰ ϳ ̴.

׷ ǿ ǥõ ״ ؾ Ѵ.


078. might/mait/[]

[] , , Ƿ, [syn.] power. .

[] () (might not mightnt[máitnt]/ 2Ī ܼ) may ġ ÷μ ̾ may Ÿ 𸥴, ص

i said that it ~/mait/ rain.

/ 𸥴ٰ ߴ( i said, "it may rain.").


*might.y /máit.i:/ [] (mightier; -iest) . ,


079. mild/maild/[ϵ]

[] (µ) ¼, , ( ) ȭ, () ε巯, ( )

the climate/klái.mit/ here is ~/maild/ and good for health.

/ ̰ Ĵ ȭϿ ǰ .


080. mile/mail/[]

[] () (1mile : 1.609 km), [Ÿ]

one ~/mail/ is around 1.6 km. / 1 1.6 km ̴.


* : 1 mile = 8 furlongs = 1,760 yards = 5,280 feet  1,609 m=1.609 km


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ù ΰ Ǿּ! ^^