͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

< >(001ȸ)

LV47 alexҹ

2025-02-17 12:39:08 | ȸ : 317

< >(001ȸ)


(01) a ==


001. a/ei, ə/[, ], an/n, ən/[^, ]

<> ϳ, ϳ * : . (* / the )

== a ܾ ù ڰ Ǹ a/ei, ə/[, ]

this/is/ is/is/ a/ə/[] pen/pen/. / ̰ ϳ ̴.

== a ܾ ù ڰ Ǹ an/n, ən/[^, ]

this is an/ən/[] egg/eg/. / ̰ ϳ ̴.

[ei, n] 縦 Ͽ аų

Ư ؼ 쿡 .

[ǝ, ǝn]


001. a/ei, ə/[, ], an/n, ən/[^, ]

this is ( ) ( ). / ̰ ϳ ̴.

this is ( ) ( ). / ̰ ϳ ̴.


001. a/ei, ə/[, ], an/n, ən/[^, ]

this is /ə/ pen. / ̰ ϳ ̴.

this is /ən/ egg. / ̰ ϳ ̴.


002. a.ban.don/ə.b́n.dən/[.^ ́.]

[] , (ȹ ) ܳϴ, (Ǹ) ϴ,

(óڸ) ϴ

they ~.ed their country. / ׵ ׵ ȴ.


002. a.ban.don/ə.b́n.dən/[.^ ́.]

they (  )ed their (  ). / ׵ ׵ ȴ.


002. a.ban.don/ə.b́n.dən/[.^ ́.]

they /ə.b́n.dənd/ their /kʌ́n.tri:/. / ׵ ׵ ȴ.


003. ab.bre.vi.ate/ə.brí:.vi.èit/[.() ́..֟ ̀]

[] () ()ؼ , ̴ (to)

*[] short.en(ʃɔ́:rt.ən)

i decided to ~ my stay in seoul.

/ £ ü縦 ̱ Ͽ.


003. ab.bre.vi.ate/ə.brí:.vi.èit/[.() ́..֟ ̀]

i ( )d to ( ) my stay in seoul.

/ £ ü縦 ̱ Ͽ.


003. ab.bre.vi.ate/ə.brí:.vi.èit/[.() ́..֟ ̀]

i /di.sái.did/ to /ə.brí:.vi.èit/ my stay in seoul.

/ £ ü縦 ̱ Ͽ.


004. a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

[] ɷ, ؾ, ( pl.)

it is my ~. / װ ɷ̴.


004. a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

it is my ( ). / װ ɷ̴.


004. a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

it is my /ə.bíl.ə.ti:/. / װ ɷ̴.


005. a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.]

[] ɷ ִ, ִ, Ǹ, ִ, ڰ

i am not ~ to go. / .


005. a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.]

i am not ( ) to go. / .


005. a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.]

[] ɷ ִ, ִ, Ǹ, ִ, ڰ

i am not /éi.bl/ to go. / .


006. -.a.ble/ə.bl/[-..]

<̾> Ÿ翡 پ ִ ϱ⿡


. : countable

翡 ٿ ϴ ִ

. : peaceable

make yourself peace~! / ϰ !


006. -.a.ble/ə.bl/[-..]

make yourself ( )able ! / ϰ !


006. -.a.ble/ə.bl/[-..]

make yourself /pí:.sǝ.bl/! / ϰ !


007. ab.o.li.tion/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/[^ .̀.() ́.]

[] ( ) , ö, of

he proposed the ~ caning in school.

/ ״ б ü ߴ.


007. ab.o.li.tion/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/[^ .̀.() ́.]

he proposed the ( ) caning in school.

/ ״ б ü ߴ.


007. ab.o.li.tion/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/[^ .̀.() ́.]

he /prǝ.póuzd/ the /̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/ /kéi.ni/ in school.

/ ״ б ü ߴ.


008. a.bout/ə.báut/[.ٟW ́]

[] []Ͽ, () ó[α]; (ǹ ) 𿣰

a~ what? / ΰ.

[] , ü 뷫, ó[α]. ; η ־, պ

he is ~ my size. / ״ ü [Ű, ]̴.

[] (ħ󿡼) Ͼ, ٴϴ; Ȱϴ. (ҹ ) ,

how ~ you? /  ϴ?


008. a.bout/ə.báut/[.ٟW ́]

a( ) what? / ΰ.

he is ( ) my s( ). / ״ ü [Ű, ]̴.

how ( ) you? /  ϴ?


008. a.bout/ə.báut/[.ٟW ́]

/ə.báut/ what? / ΰ.

he is /ə.báut/ my size. / ״ ü [Ű, ]̴.

how /ə.báut/ you? /  ϴ?


009. a.bove/ə.bʌ́v/[.^ ́]

[] ʿ[], , () ̻. (å ) տ

my bedroom is just ~. / ħ ٷ ִ.

[] (), ָ; , ̻

health is ~ wealth. / ǰ κ ϴ.


009. a.bove/ə.bʌ́v/[.^ ́]

my bed( ) is just ( ). / ħ ٷ ִ.

health is ( ) wealth. / ǰ κ ϴ.


009. a.bove/ə.bʌ́v/[.^ ́]

my /béd.rù:m/ is just /ə.bʌ́v/. / ħ ٷ ִ.

health is /ə.bʌ́v/ /wel/. ǰ κ ϴ.


010. a.broad/ə.brɔ́d/[.()^ ́]

[] ܱ, ؿܷ

θ, ȹ; (ҹ )

the rumor is abroad that .... / ҹ Ĵϴ

he lives ~. / ״ ؿܿ .


010. a.broad/ə.brɔ́d/[.()^ ́]

the rumor is ( ) that .... / ҹ Ĵϴ

he lives ( ). / ״ ؿܿ .


010. a.broad/ə.brɔ́d/[.()^ ́]

the rumor is /ə.brɔ́d/ that .... / ҹ Ĵϴ

he lives /ə.brɔ́d/. / ״ ؿܿ .


011. ab.sence/́b.səns/[^ ́.]

[] , , , *[] pres.ence(préz.əns)

the teacher was worried by toms frequent ~s from class.

/ Ž Ἦ Ͽ.


011. ab.sence/́b.səns/[^ ́.]

the teacher was wo( )d by toms fr( ) ( )s from class.

/ Ž Ἦ Ͽ.


011. ab.sence/́b.səns/[^ ́.]

the teacher was /wə́r.id/ by toms /frí:.kwǝnt/ /́b.sən.siz/ from class.

/ Ž Ἦ Ͽ.


012. ab.sent/́b.sənt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

[] ; ; .opp.present.

he is ~ in america on a tour. / ״ ̱

, (lacking)

revenge is ~ from his mind. / .


012. ab.sent/́b.sənt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

he is ( ) in a( )on a tour. / ״ ̱

re( ) is ( ) from his mind. / .


012. ab.sent/́b.sənt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

he is /́b.sənt/ in america on a tour

/ ״ ̱

/ri.véndʒ/ is /́b.sənt/ from his mind.

 / .


013. ab.so.lute/́b.sə.lù:t/[^ ́..()W ̀]

[] , , Ȯ, , , ʴ,

he is an ~ fool. / ״ ٺ.


013. ab.so.lute/́b.sə.lù:t/[^ ́..()W ̀]

he is an ( ) fool. / ״ ٺ.


013. ab.so.lute/́b.sə.lù:t/[^ ́..()W ̀]

he is an /́b.sə.lù:t/ /fu:l/. / ״ ٺ.


014(1). ab.stract/b.stŕkt/[^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] ߻, , [opp.] concrete. ̷, ɿ,

his knowledge is too ~.

/ ʹ ߻̴.

[] ( ) ߻ϴ, []ϴ, (ϰ)


he ~.ed a purse from jacks pocket.

/ ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ.


014(2). ab.stract/́b.strkt/[^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

[] ߻,߻ , ߻

̼߻ ǰ. .

she has no idea of poverty but in the ~.

/ ׳ ۿ 𸥴.


014(1). ab.stract/b.stŕkt/[^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

his knowledge is too ( ). / ʹ ߻̴.

he ( )ed a purse from jacks pocket.

/ ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ.


014(2). ab.stract/́b.strkt/[^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

she has no idea of poverty but in the ( ).

/ ׳ ۿ 𸥴.


014(1). ab.stract/b.stŕkt/[^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

his /nάl.idʒ/ is too /b.stŕkt/. / ʹ ߻̴.

he /b.stŕk.tid/ a purse from jacks /pάk.it/.

/ ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ.


014(2). ab.stract/́b.strkt/[^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

she has no idea of /pάv.ǝr.ti:/ but in the /́b.strkt/.

/ ׳ ۿ 𸥴.


015. ab.surd/əb.sə́rd/[.() ́]

[] ո, , ͸, 콺ν *[] fool.ish(fú:l.iʃ)

dont be ~. / Ҹ[] .


015. ab.surd/əb.sə́rd/[.() ́]

dont be ( ). / Ҹ[] .


015. ab.surd/əb.sə́rd/[.() ́]

dont be /əb.sə́rd/. / Ҹ[] .


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
LV47 alexҹ
ϼ! *******************************************************************************************
2025-02-17 12:42:31