< ʿ>(022ȸ)
2025-03-10 12:31:05 | ȸ : 124
< ʿ>(022ȸ)
== (02) B (046 ~ 060) ==
046. be.gin/bi.gín/[. ́]
[] (began [-ǵn]; begun [-gʌ́n]; beginning) (), () Ͼ
Lets ~ again ! / 츮 ٽ !
046. be.gin/bi.gín/[. ́]
Lets ( ) again ! / 츮 ٽ !
046. be.gin/bi.gín/[. ́]
Lets /bi.gín/ /ə.géin/ ! / 츮 ٽ !
047. be.have/bi.héiv/[.؟ ́]
[] (Ư) ٸ ൿϴ
She ~ well towards me. / ׳ ٸ Ͽ.
047. be.have/bi.héiv/[.؟ ́]
She ( ) well towards me. / ׳ ٸ Ͽ.
047. be.have/bi.héiv/[.؟ ́]
She /bi.héivd/ well /tɔ:rds/ me. / ׳ ٸ Ͽ.
048. be.hind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]
[]ڿ. [opp.] before. [̸], , ڿ , Ƽ
Leave all doubt ~ ! / ǽ !
(̱ Gym, 24 fitness پ .)
[] ┅ ڿ, ״ÿ, ʿ(beyond). ┅ Ŀ,ðʾ
I am ~ him in English. / .
[] , () ; (ϰ) .
He fell on his ~. / ״ Ƹ .
048. be.hind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]
Leave all doubt ( ) ! / ǽ !
I am ( ) him in English. / .
He fell on his ( ). / ״ Ƹ .
048. be.hind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]
Leave all doubt /bi.háind/ ! / ǽ !
I am /bi.háind/ him in English. / .
He fell on his /bi.háind/. / ״ Ƹ .
049. be.lief/bi.líf/[.() ́]
[] Ȯ, ų, ҽ
I have no great ~ in doctors. / ǻ縦 ״ ʴ´.
049. be.lief/bi.líf/[.() ́]
I have no great ( ) in doctors. / ǻ縦 ״ ʴ´.
049. be.lief/bi.líf/[.() ́]
I have no great /bi.líf/ in doctors. / ǻ縦 ״ ʴ´.
050. be.lieve/bi.lí:v/[.() ́]
[] ϴ, ┅ ϴ,
She has, I ~, no children.
/ ׳, Ͼ, ְ .(׳ Ȯ ְ .)
They ~d that it was fair. / ̰ ϴٰ Ͼ.
050. be.lieve/bi.lí:v/[.() ́]
She has, I ( ), no children.
/ ׳, Ͼ, ְ .(׳ Ȯ ְ .)
They ( )d that it was fair. / ̰ ϴٰ Ͼ.
050. be.lieve/bi.lí:v/[.() ́]
She has, I /bi.lí:v/, no children.
/ ׳, Ͼ, ְ .(׳ Ȯ ְ .)
They /bi.lí:vd/ that it was fair. / ̰ ϴٰ Ͼ.
051. bell/bel/[]
[] , , , ,
Were all so hungry by the time the lunch ~ rings.
/ 츮 ɽð ︱ ʹ 谡 Ŵϴ.
051. bell/bel/[]
Were all so hungry by the time the lunch ( ) rings.
/ 츮 ɽð ︱ ʹ 谡 Ŵϴ.
051. bell/bel/[]
/wiər/ all so /hʌ́.gri:/ by the time the lunch /bel/ rings.
/ 츮 ɽð ︱ ʹ 谡 Ŵϴ.
052. be.long/bi.lɔ́/[.()^ ́]
[] (┅) ϴ, (┅) ̴
That ~s to me. / װ ̴.
052. be.long/bi.lɔ́/[.()^ ́]
That ( )s to me. / װ ̴.
052. be.long/bi.lɔ́/[.()^ ́]
That /bi.lɔ́s/ to me. / װ ̴.
053. be.low/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́]
[] Ʒ[, ] -, ġ[] *[] a.bove(ə.bʌ́v)
Do not come in ~ 20. / 20 ̸(19 ) .
below, under 20 : 19 Ʒ
over 20 : 21
053. be.low/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́]
Do not come in ( ) 20. / 20 ̸(19 ) .
053. be.low/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́]
Do not come in /bi.lóu/ 20. / 20 ̸(19 ) .
054. belt/belt/[Ʈ]
[] , Ʈ, , , ,
Fasten your seat ~/! / ¼ Ʈ (ž)!
[] ┅ 츦 Ŵ(on); 〖〗 ┅ Ǵ븦 , ƸŴ, () ġ, (Ӿ) ϰ ϴ, (ָ)
I entered into the garden ~.ed with trees.
/ ѷ .
054. belt/belt/[Ʈ]
Fasten/ your seat ( )! / ¼ Ʈ (ž)!
I entered into the ga.den ( )ed with trees.
/ ѷ .
054. belt/belt/[Ʈ]
/f́s.ən/ your t/si:t/ /belt/! / ¼ Ʈ (ž)!
I /én.tərd/ into the garden /bél.tid/ with trees.
/ ѷ .
055. bench/bentʃ/[]
[] ġ, ,〖߱〗ġ
He sat on a park ~. / ״ ġ ɾҴ.
055. bench/bentʃ/[]
He sat on a park ( ). / ״ ġ ɾҴ.
055. bench/bentʃ/[]
He /st/ on a park /bentʃ/. / ״ ġ ɾҴ.
056. bend/bend/[]
[] (p., pp. bent [bent], bénded)
θ; (Ӹ) ̴; () (stoop); (Ȱ) ;
(ö) ; ( ) up; down; into
() , Űto; (Ģ
Every eye was bent on him. / ü () ȴ.
She bent her mind to her new work. / ׳ ο Ͽ Ҵ.
056. bend/bend/[]
Every eye was ( t) on him. / ü () ȴ.
She ( t) her mind to her new work. / ׳ ο Ͽ Ҵ.
056. bend/bend/[]
Every eye was /bent/ on him. / ü () ȴ.
She /bent/ her mind to her new work.
/ ׳ ο Ͽ Ҵ.
057. be.neath/bi.ní:ɵ/[. ́]
[] (ٷ) Ʒ[], Ʒʿ, Ͽ
I live in the town ~. / Ʒ .
[] (ġҰ) ┅ Ʒ[](), (й ) [], ┅ Ƽ *[] be.low(bi.lóu) ┅ , ┅ Ϸ,
┅ ġ
It is ~ him to complain. / Ǫ ϴ ʴ.
057. be.neath/bi.ní:ɵ/[. ́]
I live in the town ( ). / Ʒ .
It is ( ) him to complain. / Ǫ ϴ ʴ.
057. be.neath/bi.ní:ɵ/[. ́]
I live in the town /bi.ní:ɵ/. / Ʒ .
It is /bi.ní:ɵ/ him to /kǝm.pléin/. / Ǫ ϴ ʴ.
059. ben.e.fit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..]
[] ; 〖〗 ̵ ; ڼ , ȸ
(a) public ~ / (). ⟨SYN⟩ ⇨PROFIT.
a ~ concert / ڼ ܼƮ.
[] () Ǵ; ̷Ӵ. by; from
You will ~ by a holiday. / ް ̴.
059. ben.e.fit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..]
(a) public ( ) / (). ⟨SYN⟩ ⇨PROFIT.
a ( ) concert / ڼ ܼƮ.
You will ( ) by a holiday. / ް ̴.
059. ben.e.fit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..]
(a) public /bén.ə.fit/ / (). ⟨SYN⟩ ⇨PROFIT.
a /bén.ə.fit/ /kάn.sǝrt/ / ڼ ܼƮ.
You will /bén.ə.fit/ by a holiday. / ް ̴.
060. ber.ry/bér.i:/[ ́.()]
[] () Ŀ Ұַ ; 〖Ĺ〗 () 丶ٳ . Ŀ ; () ;
What kind of ~ do you like? / ϳ?
060. ber.ry/bér.i:/[ ́.()]
What kind of ( ) do you like? / ϳ?
060. ber.ry/bér.i:/[ ́.()]
What kind of /bér.i:/ do you like? / ϳ?