< ʿ>(033ȸ)
2025-03-20 11:40:12 | ȸ : 75
< ʿ>(033ȸ)
== (03) C (031 ~ 045) ==
031. card/kɑrd/[ī()]
[] ī, ,
I gave him my christmas ~/ last year.
/ ۳ ũ ī带 ־.
031. card/kɑrd/[ī()]
I gave him my christmas ( ) last year.
/ ۳ ũ ī带 ־.
031. card/kɑrd/[ī()]
I gave him my christmas /kɑrd/ last year.
/ ۳ ũ ī带 ־.
032. care/kɛər/[ɾ()]
[] , ٽ, *[] an.xi.e.ty(.zái.ə.ti:)
[] []ϴ, (about ; for), ϴ, ϴ, Ÿ.
Dont ~ about it! / ű ؼ !
032. care/kɛər/[ɾ()]
Dont ( ) about it! / ű ؼ !
032. care/kɛər/[ɾ()]
Dont /kɛər/ about it! / ű ؼ !
033. ca.reer/kǝ.ríǝr/[Ŀ.()() ́]
[] () , ̷, (ϻ) (profession)
⼼, ; ( ) , (development).
[] ( ), ϴ; δ , ϴ
a truck ~ing down the road / θ ϰ ִ Ʈ
[] , , (professional); ;
He started his ~ ɑs a newsboy.
/ ״ Ź̷μ λ ù .
033. ca.reer/kǝ.ríǝr/[Ŀ.()() ́]
a truck ( )ing down the road / θ ϰ ִ Ʈ
He started his ( ) ɑs a newsboy.
/ ״ Ź̷μ λ ù .
033. ca.reer/kǝ.ríǝr/[Ŀ.()() ́]
a truck /kǝ.ríǝr.i/ down the road / θ ϰ ִ Ʈ
He started his /kǝ.ríǝr/ ɑs a newsboy.
/ ״ Ź̷μ λ ù .
034 car.riage/ḱr.idʒ/[ij^ ́.()]
[]Ϲ, Ż , , ,
She has a graceful ~. / ׳ ϴ.
034 car.riage/ḱr.idʒ/[ij^ ́.()]
She has a graceful ( ). / ׳ ϴ.
034 car.riage/ḱr.idʒ/[ij^ ́.()]
She has a graceful /ḱr.idʒ/. / ׳ ϴ.
035. car.ry/ḱr.i:/[ij^ ́.()]
[] (pl. -ries) () (); ( ) ư Ÿ(flight).
; ̱Can. ( θ մ) , .
[] (p., pp. carried; carrying) ϴ, (transport), Ǿ , ((Ѧ)(ި)ð ()) ϴ; ϴ,
(Ҹҹ ) ϴ, ( ) ű
He ~ied the news to everyone.
/ ״ ҽ ư ˷ȴ.
035. car.ry/ḱr.i:/[ij^ ́.()]
He ( )ied the news to everyone.
/ ״ ҽ ư ˷ȴ.
035. car.ry/ḱr.i:/[ij^ ́.()]
He /ḱr.i:d/ the news to everyone.
/ ״ ҽ ư ˷ȴ.
036. car.toon/kɑr.tú:n/[ī(). ́]
[] ȭ, dzȭ
a Walt Disney ~ / Ʈ ȭ ȭ
036. car.toon/kɑr.tú:n/[ī(). ́]
a Walt Disney ( ) / Ʈ ȭ ȭ
036. car.toon/kɑr.tú:n/[ī(). ́]
a /wɔlt/ /díz.ni:/ /kɑr.tú:n/ / Ʈ ȭ ȭ
037. case/keis/[ij̽]
[] , (), , , , , ,
Is it the ~ that you did it? / װ װ ̳?
037. case/keis/[ij̽]
Is it the ( ) that you did it? / װ װ ̳?
037. case/keis/[ij̽]
Is it the /keis/ that you did it? / װ װ ̳?
038. cash/kʃ/[ij^ƾ]
[] , ()
Ill pay in ~. / ϰڴ.
038. cash/kʃ/[ij^ƾ]
Ill pay in ( ). / ϰڴ.
038. cash/kʃ/[ij^ƾ]
Ill pay in /kʃ/. / ϰڴ.
039. cas.sette/k.sét/[ij^. ́]
[] ( ִ) , () ʸ
He slotted a ~ into the VCR.
/ װ ȭ ־.
039. cas.sette/k.sét/[ij^. ́]
He slotted a ( ) into the VCR.
/ װ ȭ ־.
039. cas.sette/k.sét/[ij^. ́]
He slotted /k.sét/ into the VCR.
/ װ ȭ ־.
040. cast/kst/[ij^ƽƮ]
[] (p., pp. cast) , a vote ǥϴ
~ a stone ɑt a person / ƹ
040. cast/kst/[ij^ƽƮ]
( ) a stone ɑt a person / ƹ .
040. cast/kst/[ij^ƽƮ]
/kst/ a stone ɑt a person / ƹ .
041. cas.u.al/ḱʒ.u.əl/[ij^ ́..]
[] 쿬, , , ɰ
It was a ~ meeting. / ̾.
041. cas.u.al/ḱʒ.u.əl/[ij^ ́..]
It was a ( ) meeting. / ̾.
041. cas.u.al/ḱʒ.u.əl/[ij^ ́..]
It was a /ḱʒ.u.əl/ meeting. / ̾.
042. cat/kt/[ij^]
[] , հ
A ~ has nine lives. /Ӵ ̴ ȩ ִ
042. cat/kt/[ij^]
A ( ) has nine lives. /Ӵ ̴ ȩ ִ
042. cat/kt/[ij^]
A /kt/ has nine lives. /Ӵ ̴ ȩ ִ
043. catch/ktʃ/[ij^]
[] (p., pp. cought[kɔt]) (), Ѿư , ȹϴ
He ~es her in her fall. / ׳డ Ѿ ٵ.
043. catch/ktʃ/[ij^]
He ( )es her in her fall. / ׳డ Ѿ ٵ.
043. catch/ktʃ/[ij^]
He /kɔt/ her in her fall. / ׳డ Ѿ ٵ.
044. Cath.o.lic/ḱɵ.ə.lik/[ij^ ́..()]
[] (Ư) (θ)縯, , õֱ(Roman Catholic),
[] (Ư) (θ) 縯, õֱ
He is of the Roman ~ persuasion. / ״ õֱ ̴.
044. Cath.o.lic/ḱɵ.ə.lik/[ij^ ́..()]
He is of the Roman ( ) persuasion. / ״ õֱ ̴.
044. Cath.o.lic/ḱɵ.ə.lik/[ij^ ́..()]
He is of the Roman /ḱɵ.ə.lik/ /pǝr.swéi.ʒən/. / ״ õֱ ̴.
045. cat.tle/ḱt.l/[ij^ ́.]
[], (cows and bulls)
twenty (head of) ~ / 20
045. cat.tle/ḱt.l/[ij^ ́.]
twenty (head of) ( ) / 20
045. cat.tle/ḱt.l/[ij^ ́.]
twenty (head of) /ḱt.l/ / 20