͵Ȧ ΰ

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Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (156)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-24 11:43:02 | ȸ : 61

å 5õ (156)

== u (001) ~ (020) ==


(20) u ==


001. ug.ly/ʌ́g.li:/[^ ́.()]

[] (-lier; -liest) , , , , , ҿ

the sky looks ~/ʌ́g.li:/[^ ́.()]. / ϴ ܶ Ǫ ִ.


* : 05. Ǔ /ʌ/[^]

/ʌ/[^] [] [] Ͽ ϳ Ѵ.

[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̴.

[] [] .

[] Ҹ [-^]Ѵ.

׳ []ϴ Ҹ .


* : [u+] Ǵ [+u+] ̷ .

*up/ʌp/[^] us/ʌs/[^ƽ] of/ʌv/[^]

cup/kʌp/[Ŀ^] hug/hʌg/[^] mug/hʌg/[^]


# ul.ti.mate/ʌ́l.tǝ.mit/[^ ́..]

ɑ. , , ñ

the ~ end of life / λ ñ .

the ~ weapon / ñ ź̻ .

̻ м , ٺ,

n. , ñ; ; , ; ٺ

the ~ in fashion / ÷.

vt. а ϴ, , ϼŰ.

vi. () (result)in.

*ul.ti.mate.ly/ʌ́l.tǝ.mit.li:/ [] ķ, , ħ; ñ.

~ness n.


@ 002. um.brel.la/ʌm.brél.ə/[^.() ́.]

[] , , (sunshade)


* : [^.() ́.](x) [Ϻ귤](x)

[^.() ́.] [^.() ́.].

鸮 д ƴϰ ׷ 鸮 о Ѵ.


003. un.a.ble/ʌ̀n.éi.bl/[^ ̀. ́.]

[]μ , ڰ[ɷ] *[] a.ble(éi.bl)

i am ~/ʌ̀n.éi.bl/ to walk. / .

= i cannot walk.


004. un.ac.cept.a.ble/ʌ̀n.ək.sép.tə.bl/[^ ̀.. ́..]

[] ޾Ƶ̱ , 볳ϱ ,

such behaviour is totally ~/ʌ̀n.ək.sép.tə.bl/ in a civilized society.

/ ׷ ȸ 볳 ʴ´.


* ̾ ξ ?

: ac.cept/ək.sépt/ ܾ able ̾ ٰ

ٽ տ un ̶ ξ پ.

ܾ 鼭 1

ξ ʴ 찡 2 ̴.

1 ʴ´.

ܾ ϳ մܾ 2 ִ.

un 1 ܾ ̰ ξ ƴϴ.

̾ .


005. un.cer.tain/ʌ̀n.sə́:r.tən/[^ ̀.() ́.]

[] (ñ ) ҸȮ, иġ , Ȯ ,

im ~/ʌ̀n.sə́:r.tən/ what to do next.

/ ؾ 𸣰ڴ.


@ 006. un.cle/ʌ́.kl/[^ ́.ũ]

[] , , , ܻ, ()


@ 007. un.der/ʌ́n.dər/[^ ́.()]

[]ġ (ٷ) Ʒ, [,,],- ؿ

he sat ~/ʌ́n.dər/ a tree. / ״  Ʒ ɾҴ.

[] ؿ[], Ʒ[], ӿ, ̸, (ź) []

children of 18 years old or ~/ʌ́n.dər/.

/ 18 Ǵ ̸ ̵(18 ̵)

[] Ʒ[], , , ,() Ǿ

the ~/ʌ́n.dər/ jaw / Ʒ.


* : children under 16 years of age, / 16 ̸ ̵.

children under the age of 16, / 16 ̸ ̵.


*un.der.go/ʌ̀n.dər.góu/ [] (-went [-wént]; -gone [-gɔ́n/ -gɔ́n])

(ȭó˻ ) ޴, Դ, (÷ ) ϴ, ϴ, ߵ

*under un ξ ƴ.


008. un.der.grad.u.ate/ʌ̀n.dər.gŕdʒ.u.it/[^ ̀.().()^ ́..]

[] к л, л(п ؼ),


009. un.der.ground/ʌ́n.dər.gràund/[^ ́.().() ̀]

[] , Ͽ ִ, Ͽ, , , ,

i put the old ~/ʌ́n.dər.gràund/ shop up for sale.

/ ȷ Ҿ.

[] , ϵ(Գ) (the )ö( ) ((̱) subway)ġ, Ͽ, ü

[] Ͽ(), ,

the insects live ~/ʌ́n.dər.gràund/ . / Ͽ .


010 un.der.pass/ʌ́n.dər.p̀s/[^ ́.().^ƽ ̀]

[] ϵ(undercrossing)Ư ö ü ϴ.


* : un.der.pass un.der pass ܾ.

ܾ 1 , ܾ 2 ´.

1 ַ ϰ 2 ϸ 1 ٴ

ϴ ٸ ƴϴ.

׷ Ʊ 1, 2 ص ϴ.


@ 011. un.der.stand/ʌ̀n.dər.st́nd/[^ ̀.().^ȵ ́]

[] (-stood [-stúd]; -stood, () -standed) ( ) ϴ, (й ) ϴ, ˾Ƶ

i ~/ʌ̀n.dər.st́nd/ completely what you said.

/ մϴ.


# un.der.stand.ing/ʌ̀n.dǝr.stǽn.di/[^ ̀.().^ ́.]

n. (or an ~) ; , ; , ĺ; ط, (), ; , к; ö(); () , ؼ

he has some a good ~ of finance.

/ ״ ˰ ִ.

he has an excellent ~. / ״ ط Źϴ.

ǻ , (ǰ ) ġ, ȭ.

, , ; , ; () ȥ

we have an ~ thɑt it will be held in strict confidence.

/ 츮 װ غ ̱ ߴ.


@ 012. un.der.wear/ʌ́n.dər.wɛ̀ər/[^ ́.().() ̀]

[] , ӿ


013. un.do/ʌ̀n.dú:/[^ ̀.ο ́]

[] (-did [-díd]; -done [-dʌ́n]) (ϴ ع ) · , ϴ

(ƹ) ĸŰ, (ƹ) Ĺ; ij; Ҿ () Ѵ; (ƹ) Ȳϰ ϴ, (ŵ ) Ǯ, ߴ . <>( ) Ǯ.

[]ǻٷ ϴ ; ,

whats done/dʌn/[^] cannot be un.done/ʌ̀n.dʌ́n/[^ ̀.^ ́].

/Ӵ ٽ ֿ

he has un.done/ʌ̀n.dʌ́n/[^ ̀.^ ́] the good work

of his pred.e.ces.sor/préd.i.sès.ǝr/.

/ ״ ڰ س (ijҴ)ߴ.

[] Ǯ, , , . ĸ; (); Ȥ

i am un.done/ʌ̀n.dʌ́n/[^ ̀.^ ́] ! / Ʋȴ(߾)

*un.done/ʌ̀n.dʌ́n/ undo źл.


014. un.for.tu.nate/ʌ̀n.fɔ́:r.tʃə.nit/[^ ̀.^() ́.ó..]

[] ҿ,

what an ~/ʌ̀n.fɔ́:r.tʃə.nit/ situation! / ΰ.


*un.for.tu.nate.ly/ʌ̀n.fɔ́:r.tʃə.nit.li:/ [] ҿϰ, ϰ


015. un.hap.py/ʌ̀n.h́p.i:/[^ ̀.^ ́.]

[] (-happier; -piest) , ҿ, ο, ġ , ( ).

he is not ~/ʌ̀n.h́p.i:/. / ״ ʴ.


# un.i.corn/jú:.nə.kɔ̀:rn/[̿ ́..^() ̀]

[] ϰ() ϸ ̸ ϳ ִ .ܻ


@ 016. un.i./jú:.nə.fɔ̀:rm/[̿ ́..^() ̀]

[] (ȣ ) , , ; () , (ȸ), (a school ~ )


* : /jú:.nə.fɔ̀:rm/[̿ ́..^() ̀] /nə/ /ə/

Ϻ /i/[] д 찡 . [̿ ́..^() ̀]

ϳ .

i Ǹ ϳ ȴ.


017. u.nion/jú:.njən/[̿ ́.Ͼ]

[] , յ


# u.nique/ju:.ní:k/[̿.ϟ ́]

ɑ. (), ϳۿ (sole). syn⟩ ⇨only, single.

(׾) , Ư. ; .

everyones fingerprints are unique.

/ Ϲϴ.

n. , .

~ly ɑd.

~ness n.


018. u.nit/jú:.nit/[̿ ́.]

[] ,


019. u.nite/ju:.náit/[̿. ́]

[] ϴ, ϳ , պ()ϴ [syn.] join ( ) ƿ﷯ ߴ, ϴ, ϳ[ü] Ǵ, üϴ, ϴ, ȥϴ(with)

they wanted to ~/ju:.náit/ not divide.

/ ׵ и ƴ϶ ߴ.


*u.nit.ed/ju:.náit.id/ [] ϳ , յ, ξ


020. united na.tions/néi.ʃəns/[ ́.]

(the ) ܼ (: un, u.n.).



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ù ΰ Ǿּ! ^^