͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (159)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-28 11:44:50 | ȸ : 46

å 5õ (159)

== v (001) ~ (020) ==


(20) v ==


@ 001. va.can.cy/véi.kən.si:/[ ́..]

[] , , , ƴ, , , , , ,

no v~ies/véi.kən.si:s/! / (ȣ ǥ).


* : base/beis/[̽] vase/veis/[̽] ǰ .


002. va.cant/véi.kənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] , , ( ) ִ,

have you a room ~/véi.kənt/? / (ȣ ) ֽϱ.


* : empty / ִ Ѵ. ü

/ empty bottle, empty plate

empty room

vacant / ϼ , ȣ ,  ڸ

־ .


*va.can.cy/véi.kən.si:/[ ́..]

n. , , ƴ, , ; ڸ ־ ڰ . , , , ,


@ 003. va.ca.tion/və.kéi.ʃən/[.ij ́.]

[] ް(б⸻̳ ȸ ), () *[] hol.i.day(hɑ́:l.ə.dèi)

we are on summer ~/və.kéi.ʃən/. / 츰 ̾.


004. vac.u.um/v́k.ju.əm/[^ ́.̿.]

[] (pl. s, va.cu.a[v́k.ju.ə]) , (), ,

his death left a ~/v́k.ju.əm/ in the po.lit.i.cal/pǝ.lít.i.kǝl/ world.

/ 迡 Ⱑ .


clean with a ~/v́k.ju.əm/ cleaner. / ûұ ûҸ ϶.

[] ûұ ûϴ

the room needs to be ~.ed/v́k.ju.əmd/[^ ́.̿.].

/ ûҰ Ǿ մϴ.


005. vain/vein/[]

[] , , , , , ڸϴ

it is ~/vein/ to try. / ҿ.


006. val.et/v́l.it/[^ ́.]

[] , ٽ()(ߵ ), () (ȣ )

no man is a hero to his ~/v́l.it/.

/ (Ӵ) ڱ ̴ .


007. val.id/v́l.id/[^ ́.]

[] ٰŰ Ȯ, Ȯ, , ȿȿ *[] void(vɔid)

your driver license is still ~/v́l.id/. / ȿմϴ.


008. val.ley/v́l.i:/[^ ́.]

[] , ¥, (ū ) *[] dale(deil)


009. val.ue/v́l.ju:/[^ ́.̿]

[] ġ, , , *[] worth(wərɵ)

[] ϴ, ġ, ϴ

they ~d/v́l.ju:d/[^ ́.̿] the jewel at five thousand dollars.

/ ׵ 5õ ޷ ߴ.


*val.u.ate/vǽl.ju.èit/ [] , ()ϴ.

*val.u.a.ble/v́l.ju.ə.bl/ [] ( pl.) ǰ(ͱݼ )

[] , , ġ ִ


010. valve/vlv/[^]

[](), , ( ) , Ǹ(د)


011. van/vn/[^]

[] (޿) ȭ ڵ, ȭ ڵ, ȭ ¿


* : 32. v /v/[/] :

[]ϴ Ը翡 Ʒ Լ Լ ؿ ¦ ְ 鼭 ٶҸ

ణ ϸ鼭 []Ѵ. *b/b/[] ǰ [] δ.



1). ڿ տ δ.

*van/vn/[^] vi.o.lin/vài.ə.lín/[ ̀..() ́]

va.can.cy/véi.kən.si:/[ ́..]

2). տ ħ δ.

*cav.i.ty/ḱv.ə.ti:/[ij^ ́..Ƽ] five/failv/[ğ]



տ [-] д´.

*valve/vlv/[^] twelve/twelv/[Ʈ]


@ 012. va.nil.la/və.níl.ə/[. ́.]

[]ĹٴҶ (̱Ӿ) ٰ ̾߱,


013. van.ish/v́n.iʃ/[^ ́.̾]

[] , 븦 ߴ, ,

with a bow he ~.ed/v́n.iʃt/[^ ́.̾Ʈ] into his room.

/ ״ ٹ ϰ .


014. var.i.a.ble/vɛ́ər.i.ə.bl/[ ́.()..]

[] ȭϴ , ϱ ,ǻ(ܨ)

[] ϱ , ġ , , ȭ(ʦܨ)

prices are ~/vɛ́ər.i.ə.bl/ according to the exchanges.

/ ȯü () Ѵ.


*var.i.a.tion/vɛ̀ər.i.éi.ʃən/ [] ȭ, , (ܨ), ȭ [],


# va.ri.e.ty/və.rái.ə.ti:/[.() ́..Ƽ]

n. ȭ, پ()

a life full of ~ / ȭ Ȱ

󰇆 , ġ

the ~ of tastes / ( ).

, , ֿ , ⵿; 󰇆 =variety show

this book covers a wide ~ of topics.

/ å θ ȭ ٷ ִ.


* : [.() ́.. ] !


we had to collect our prizes at the local variety store and, while waiting in line, a little notebook in the stationery department caught my eye. (2012 ) (46)

츮 ȭ ǰ ؾ ߰, ٸ 汸 忡 ִ ø Խϴ.


016. var.i.ous/vɛ́ər.i.əs/[ ́.().]

[] , پ

these days there are ~/vɛ́ər.i.əs/ websites

that can be used for learning purposes.

/ 򿡴 н ִ پ Ʈ ִ.


017. var.y/vɛ́ər.i:/[ ́.()]

[] پϰϴ, ȭ ִ[ϴ], ϴ

the temperature ~ies[ ́.()̽] hour by hour.

/ ýð Ѵ.


@ 018. vase/veis/[̽]

[] ɺ, ׾Ƹ, , (Ŀ)


@ 019. veg.e.ta.ble/védʒ.ə.tə.bl/[k ́...]

[] ä, Ǫ. Ĺ. ȰⰡ .

[] ä; Ĺ(); Ĺ , Ĺ ο, ߰;


@ 020. ve.hi.cle/ví:.ə.kl/[ ́..ũ]

[] () , Ż(ڵװּ ) Ű



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ù ΰ Ǿּ! ^^