͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

б ٸ б( 21-5 )

LV47 alexҹ

2024-10-16 11:51:51 | ȸ : 64

                                                                     б ٸ б( 21-5 )

21-05 : Ǿ


081. morning & mourning :


(1) mor.ning/mɔ́:r.ni/

[] ħ, , (þ) (dawn)

good mor.ning/mɔ́:r.ni/ every body? / ȳϼ!


(2) mourn.ing/mɔ́:r.ni/

[] ź(sorrowing), ; ֵ(lamentation). (), Ż (); ().

[] , ֵ; , .

he is in mourn.ing/mɔ́:r.ni/. / ״ ()̴.


082. naval & navel :


(1) na.val/néi.vəl/

[] ر; ; ر ִ

there is a naval/néi.vəl/ base in busan. / λ꿣 ر ִ.


(2) na.vel/néi.vəl/

[] ; ߾, ߽

he had a stomach pain and rubbed his navel/néi.vəl/.

/ ״ 谡 ļ .


083. none & nun :


(1) none/nʌn/

[] ƹ() ʴ[], ݵ ʴ[]

it is none/nʌn/ of your(my) business. / ̰ () ˹ ƴϴ.


(2) nun/nʌn/

[] . cf.monk. ѱ ; .

my friend wants to be a nun/nʌn/. / ģ డ Ƿ Ѵ.


* : 4 letter word Ģ ϸ

none /noun/ Ǿ Ѵ. ׷ /nʌn/̴.


084. one & won :


(1) one/wʌn/

[] 1, ϳ, , , 1. 1 [ȣ]. (); .

[] , ϳ, (single).

can you count up to twenty? / 20 ֳ?

no, sir! but i can count from one/wʌn/ to ten twice.

/ ƴϿ, ! ׷ ϳ ֽϴ.


(2) won/wʌn/

win win/win/

[] (p., pp. won [wʌn]; wínning) ( ) ̱

tom won/wʌn/ $5 from his game. / Ž ӿ 5 .


085. packed & pact :


(1) pack.ed/pkt/

pack л


[] ٷ, [], , ,

[] (ٸ), (δ), (ϴ(Ǵ))

he pack.ed/pkt/ the clothes into the trunk.

/ ״ Ʈũ ì ־.


(2) pact/pkt/

[] , ,

they have made a pact/pkt/[^Ʈ] with each other

not to speak about their differences in public.

/ ׵ ڽŵ ǰ ̿

ʱ ξ.


086. pain & pane :


(1) pain/pein/

[] , , ο, ( pl.)

no pain, no gain! / ̴ ͵ !


(2) pane/pein/

[] ( ) â(windowpane); Ǻ(panel). (׸) ȹ, (ٵ) , (̴) Ʋ. ǥ Ʈ Ǵ ø.

the thief broke the pane/pein/ in order to unlock the door.

/ ڹ踦 â ߷ȴ.


087. pair & pare :


(1) pair/pɛər/

[] (pl. pairs[pɛərs]) , ( )

he wore old jeans and a pair/pɛər/ of sneakers.

/ ״ û ȭ Ű ־.


(2) pare/pǝr/

[] ( ) . () ; ߶off; ɑwɑy

@ ٳ ް ó peel.

pare/pǝr/ ɑwɑy excess fat from a piece of meat

/ 踦 ߶󳻴.


088. peace & piece :


(1) peace/pi:s/

[] ȭ, , ( the ) ġ, ȳ

war & peace/pi:s/ ! / ȭ


(2) piece/pi:s/

[] , ( ) Ϻ, κ, κǰ

can i get a piece/pi:s/ of cake? / ɟ ϳ ?


089. peal & peel :


(1) peal/pi:l/

[] () ; (õ ) ︮ Ҹ

all at once i heard a peal/pi:l/ of thunder./ ڱ .

[] ( )

the bells of the city began to peal out.

/ ÿ Ҹ ߴ


(2) peel/pi:l/

[] () , ()

[] ( ) ; ( ĥ ) ,

they peeled/pi:ld/ off the oranges. / ׵ .


090. pedal & peddle :


(1) ped.al/péd.əl/

[] , (Ʋ ),(ǾƳ )

[] , Ƽ ư[̰] ϴ

he ped.al.ed/péd.əld/ off on his bicycle. / Ÿ Ÿ .


(2) ped.dle/péd.l/

[] ϴ, (ȹ ) Ϸ , () иϴ,

he was arrested after trying to peddle/péd.l/ guns.

/ ״ ȷ üǾϴ.


091. peer & pier :


(1) peer/piǝr/

[] , ȸ, ;

he has no peer/piǝr/ among contemporary writers.

/ ۰μ ׿ .


(2) pier/piǝr/

[] ε, ܱ(), . , ().

people are being led to the pier. / ε԰ ȳǰ ִ.


092. place & plaice :


(1) place/pleis/

[] , , (Ư ) , (ü ) , , ź

[] δ, ߽Ű, ġ[]ϴ, () Ź[] ƴ, Ӹϴ

place/pleis/ the names in alphabetical order.

/ ̸ ĺ 迭 ֽÿ.


(2) plaice/pleis/

[] (pl. ~, pláices) ڹġ.

the prices of cod and plaice/pleis/ are roughly at last years level.

/ , ڹ ⵵ .


093. plain & plane :


(1) plain/plein/

[] и, , ȶ ̴[], , , ˱

it is plain/plein/ thɑt he will fail. / װ ϴ.


(2) plane/plein/

[] , , , ( ) , , ܰ, (airplane)

[] , ź, .

surface is plane/plein/. / ǥ ϴ.

[] ϰ[Ų] ϴ, ϴ, ϰ

the worker ~/pleind/ the road. / ۾ڰ Ͽ.


094. plum & plumb :


(1) plum/plʌm/

[]Ĺ÷, ڵ; () , ´

(Ǫ ) £ , .

have some of my plum/plʌm/ jam ! / ڵ Ծ .


(2) plumb/plʌm/

[] (), ; (), ()(plummet); , ().

[] ; ȹٸ, ; ; Ȯ; ,

plumb/plʌm/ nonsense / ٺ .( Ǵ Ҹ)

[] ; ϰ, Ȯ; ̱ ,

it fell plumb/plʌm/ down. / ιƴ.

[] (߷) ϴ; ǰ ϴup. , ϴ. ˾, ϴ,

plumb a persons thoughts. / Ƹ.


* : m b Ǵ .


095. pole & poll :


(1) pole/poul/

[]õ(п), , ϱؼ. south(north) ~ / ()

[] , , , (Ư) ; ô (5.03m); *a fishing ~ ˴.

[] ġ. () д(off). (߱Ӿ) (Ÿ)

she poled/pould/ down the slope.

/ ׳ Űƽ ̲ .


(2) poll/poul/[]

[] ǥ, ǥ, ǥ, ǥ, () (pl.) ǥ

[] (ǥ) , (ǥ) , ο ϴ, 縦 ϴ

p~/poul/ a vote for him. / ׿ ǥ϶.


096. pore & pour :


(1) pore/pɔ:r/

[] ϴ, ϴover; on, upon ڼ ,

he pored/pɔ:rd/ over the strange events.

/ ״ ̻ Ҵ.


(2) pour/pɔ:r/

[] ; dz[] . () , ȣ.

[] , , ״, (ǹ )

pour/pɔ:r/ yourself another cup of tea.

/ Ŷ.


097. pray & prey :


(1) pray/prei/

[] ⵵ϴ, ϴ, Źϴ

we will pray/prei/ for you. / 츰 ⵵ Դϴ.


(2) prey/prei/

[] . , (̷μ) , ȹ, (). ǰ, Żǰ.

[] ƸԴon, upon ̷ ϴ,

the lions closed in on their prey/prei/.

/ ڵ ̸ ٰ.



ay /ei/ ȴ.

      /ei/ : lay jay hay cay day

       ey /ei/ /i:/ ȴ.

      /ei/ : obey okey grey they

      /i:/ : hey key pokey gooey


098. principal & principle :


(1) prin.ci.pal/prín.sə.pəl/

[] ,

[] ֿ, 1 ߿,

the ~/prín.sə.pəl/ reason for this omission is lack of time.

/ ̰ ϴ ֵ ð ̴.


(2) prin.ci.ple/prín.sə.pl/

[] , Ģ (pl.) ,

he acted out of expediency, not ~/prín.sə.pl/.

/ ״ Ģ ƴ Ǽ ൿ ߴ.


099. profit & prophet :


(1) prof.it/prά:f.it/

[] ( pl.) () , , (), ( pl.) (ں)

[] Ǵ, [] Ǵ, ( , ) Դ

what can it profit him? / װ ׿ Ǵ°.


(2) proph.et/prά:f.it/

[] (fem. ~ess [-is]) ; () ϴ . ( ) , â, . Ӿ () , ; .

no prophet is accepted in his own age[time].

/  ڵ 뿡 Ѵ.


100. rain & reign & rein :


(1) rain/rein/

[] , õ, []

its rain.ing/réin.i/. / ִ.


(2) reign/rein/

[] ġ, , ġ, ; ġ, , , Ǽ

[] ϴ, ϴover; ġ, ϴ

the king reigns/reins/ but he does not rule.

/ ϳ ġ ʴ´.


(3) rein/rein/

[] ( pl.) , ϴ ; (). (pl.) , ֱ.

[] ( ) ߷ ϴ; ߰ ϴ

he reined/reind/ his horse well. / ״ Ͽ.


* : gn g ʴ´.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ù ΰ Ǿּ! ^^