Ȱ (001)
2024-10-26 12:14:27 | ȸ : 185
Ȱ (001)
̷ .
1. .
2. 鼭 Ǯ.
3. ã.
4. ؼ .
5. ¿츦 .
== Ȱ(001) ==
== (01) a == == 002. a.ban.don/ə.b́n.dən/ [.^ ́.] they ~.ed/ə.b́n.dənd/ their country. / ȴ. == 003. ab.bre.vi.ate/ə.brí:.vi.èit/ [.() ́..֟ ̀] i decided to ~/ə.brí:.vi.èit/ my stay in seoul. / £ ü縦 ̱ Ͽ. == 004. a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/ [. ́..Ƽ] it is my ~. / װ ɷ̴. == 005. a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.] i am not ~ to go. / . == 006. -.a.ble/ə.bl/[-..] make yourself com.fort.a.ble/kʌ́m.fər.tə.bl/! / ϰ ! == 007. ab.o.li.tion/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/ [^ .̀.() ́.] he pro.pos.ed/prǝ.póuzd/ the ~ can.ing/kéi.ni/ in school. / ״ б ü ߴ. == 008. a.bout/ə.báut/[.ٟW ́] a~/ə.báut/ what? / ΰ?
he is ~/ə.báut/ my size. / ״ ü [Ű, ]̴.
how ~/ə.báut/ you? / ϴ? == 009. a.bove/ə.bʌ́v/[.^ ́] my bedroom is just ~/ə.bʌ́v/. / ħ ٷ ִ. health is ~/ə.bʌ́v/ wealth. / ǰ κ ϴ. == 010. a.broad/ə.brɔ́d/ [.()^ ́] the rumor is ~ that .... / ҹ Ĵϴ he lives ~. / ״ ؿ . == 011. ab.sence/́b.səns/ [^ ́.] the teacher was worried by toms frequent ~s/-.siz/ from class. / Ž Ἦ Ͽ. == 012. ab.sent/́b.sənt/ [^ ́.Ʈ] he is ~ in america on a tour. / ״ ̱ . revenge is ~ from his mind. / . == 013. ab.so.lute/́b.sə.lù:t/ [^ ́..()W ̀] he is an ~ fool. / ״ ٺ. == 014(1). ab.stract/b.stŕkt/ [^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́] his knowl.edge/nάl.idʒ/ is too ~. / ʹ ̴. he ~.ed/-.tid/ a purse from jacks pocket. / ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ. -- 014(2). ab.stract/́b.strkt/ [^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ] she has no idea of poverty/pάv.ǝr.ti:/ but in the ~. / ׳ ۿ . == 015. ab.surd/əb.sə́rd/ [.() ́] dont be ~. / Ҹ[] . == 016(1). a.buse/ə.bjú:z/ [. ́] he ~d/-zd/ our trust. / ״ 츮 ŷڸ ȴ. 016(2). a.buse/ə.bjú:s/ [.콺 ́] they gave us a term of ~/ə.bjú:s/. / 츮 ߴ.. == 017. a.cad.e.my/ə.ḱd.ə.mi:/ [.ij^ ́..] he graduated/grǽdʒ.u.èit.id/ l.a. police ~. / ״ l.a. б ߴ. == 019. ac.cept/ək.sépt/ [.Ʈ ́] she was ~ed at harvard. / ׳ Ϲٵ() ߴ. i ~ your offer. / Ǹ ƵԴϴ. == 020. ac.cess/́k.ses/ [^ ́.] this way is the only ~ to the house. / ̰ ̴. == 021. ac.ci.dent/́k.si.dənt/ [^ ́..Ʈ]
he got a car ~/́k.si.dənt/ last night. / ״ ڵ ߴ. == | == (01) a == == 002. a.ban.don/ə.b́n.dən/ [.^ ́.] they ~.ed/ə.b́n.dənd/ their country. / ( ) ( ). == 003. ab.bre.vi.ate/ə.brí:.vi.èit/ [.() ́..֟ ̀] i decided to ~/ə.brí:.vi.èit/ my st( ) in seoul. / £ ü縦 ( ) Ͽ. == 004. a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/ [. ́..Ƽ] it is my ~. / װ ( )̴. == 005. a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.] i ( )m not ~ to go. / . == 006. -.a.ble/ə.bl/[-..] make your( ) com.fort.a.ble/kʌ́m.fər.tə.bl/! / ϰ ! == 007. ab.o.li.tion/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/ [^ .̀.() ́.] he pro.pos.ed/prǝ.póuzd/ the ~ can.ing/kéi.ni/ in school. / ״ б ( ) ( )ߴ. == 008. a.bout/ə.báut/[.ٟW ́] a~/ə.báut/ what? / ( )ΰ?
he is ~/ə.báut/ my size. / ״ ü ( )[Ű, ]̴.
how ~/ə.báut/ you? / ( ) ϴ? == 009. a.bove/ə.bʌ́v/[.^ ́] my bedroom is just ~/ə.bʌ́v/. / ħ ( ) ִ. health is ~/ə.bʌ́v/ wealth. / ǰ ( ) ϴ. == 010. a.broad/ə.brɔ́d/ [.()^ ́] the rumor is ~ that .... / ( ) Ĵϴ he lives ( ). / ״ ؿ . == 011. ab.sence/́b.səns/ [^ ́.] the teacher was worried by toms frequent ~s/-.siz/ from class. / Ž ( ) ( )( )Ͽ. == 012. ab.sent/́b.sənt/ [^ ́.Ʈ] he is ~ ( ) americaon a tour. / ״ ̱ . rev( ) is ~ from his mind. / . == 013. ab.so.lute/́b.sə.lù:t/ [^ ́..()W ̀] he is an ~ fool. / ״ ( ) ٺ. == 014(1). ab.stract/b.stŕkt/ [^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́] his knowl.edge/nάl.idʒ/ is too ~. / ʹ ( )̴. he ~.ed/-.tid/ a ( )rse from jacks pocket. / ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ. -- 014(2). ab.stract/́b.strkt/ [^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ] she has ( )o idea of poverty/pάv.ǝr.ti:/ but ( )n the ~. / ׳ ۿ . == 015. ab.surd/əb.sə́rd/ [.() ́] dont be ~. / ( ) Ҹ[] . == 016(1). a.buse/ə.bjú:z/ [. ́] he ~d/-zd/ our trust. / ״ 츮 ŷڸ ( )ȴ. == 016(2). a.buse/ə.bjú:s/ [.콺 ́] they gave us a term of ~/ə.bjú:s/. / 츮 ߴ.. == 017. a.cad.e.my/ə.ḱd.ə.mi:/ [.ij^ ́..] he graduated/grǽdʒ.u.èit.id/ l.a. police ~. / ״ l.a. б ( )ߴ. == 019. ac.cept/ək.sépt/ [.Ʈ ́] she was ~ed at harvard. / ׳ Ϲٵ() ߴ. i ~ your offer. / ( )Ǹ ƵԴϴ. == 020. ac.cess/́k.ses/ [^ ́.] this w( ) is the only ~ to the house. / ̰ ( )̴. == 021. ac.ci.dent/́k.si.dənt/ [^ ́..Ʈ] he ( )t a car ~ last night. / ״ ڵ ߴ. == |
ȣ () ؼ
( english phonetic symbols )
ѻ( ٸ) 25 ܾ 43 ȣ ִ.
2 ó Ͽ 41( 16, 25) ȴ.
= ȣ / / Ǵ ( ) ־ ڿ Ѵ.
21 15 ĺ ȣ
6 5 ٸ, 1 Ϻΰ ٸ.
c c ( /s/ /k/ ), , j j ( /dʒ/ ), q q ( /kju:/ )
y y ( /ai/ /i/ /i:/ /j/ ), x x ( /eks/ /z/ )
g g ( /g/ /dʒ/ )
* Ʒ ؼ ȣ ȣǥ ȣ. *(), ()
01. Ǎ //[^] :
//[^] []ϰ Ͽ []Ͽ
/e/[] /a/[] ϳ .
[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̴.
[] [] 鸰.
* ٿ ϳ 濡 ^ ȣ .
̷ ѱ ѱ н ǻ Ѵ.
* : [a+] Ǵ [+a+] ̷ .
*am/m/[^] at/t/[^] and/nd/[^ȵ]
*gap/gp/[^] black/blk/[^] bag/bg/[^]
* ־ .
* :
) [+](1) & [+](2)
== ܾ ϸ . ̶ .
(1) . ȣǥ 1~5
(2) . ȣǥ 6~10
) [++](1) & [+++e](2)
== ܾ ϸ ̶ .
(1) . ȣǥ 1~5
(2) . ȣǥ 6~10
ݵ e ־ ϰ .
) ̿ ̻ ܾ .
Ǵ 찡 ִ.
* :
go/gou/[](o) [](x)
ѱ ǥ ۸? no[] go[] what/hwat/[](o) [](x)
ѱ ǥ , ױ .. .. 밭 밭!
* :
ϴ ,
ܾ д° ϴ ̴.
ȥؼ Īؼ 쵵 ִ.