͵Ȧ ΰ

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Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

Ʈ 6õ (097)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-11-09 12:41:15 | ȸ : 93

Ʈ 6õ (097)

== p (101-120) ==


(15) p ==


@ 101. pil.low/píl.ou/[ ́.]

[] (Ư ) Ӹ ħ


@ 102. pin/pin/[]

[] , ٴ, ٴ, ( ޸) (), ġ



[] ; (׾), ;


103. pinch/pintʃ/[]

[] , ( հ) , (̿) , ,

he ~.ed/pintʃt/[Ʈ] the boys cheek.

/ ״ ҳ .


@ 104. pine/pain/[]

[]Ĺ, ҳ(píne trèe)

pine cone / ֹ pine needles /

[] () ĸ[ô], źϸ (away; out). []ϴ(for; after).

he ~s/pains/[ν] to return home.

/ ״ ư⸦ ϰ ִ.


*pine.ap.ple/páin.̀p.l/ []Ĺξ,

*fine/fain/[] [] (fíner; fínest) Ǹ, پ; , ,


@ 105. pink/pik/[ũ]

[] ȫ, ũ() ( p-) () Ϳ

p~/pik/ is a combination of red and white.

/ ũ յ ̴.

[] ȫ, () °, ,

she had a ~/pik/ fit.

/ ״ ξư ; ȲϿ.


*pink.y/pí.ki:/[ ́.Ű]


* : 38. nk /k/[/ũ] :


nk ڿ [] δ.

*pink/pik/[ũ] pink.y/pí.ki:/[ ́.Ű]



nk ڿ ų ܾ ̸ [oũ] Ѵ.

*thank.less/ɵ́k.lis/[^ũ ́.()] think/ɵik/[ũ]


@ 106. pipe/paip/[]

[] , (η), (η), (), ()

water pipe / gas pipe /

[] Ǹ Ҵ. (ٶ) Ҵ, ( ) .

the farmers ~d/paipt/[Ʈ] water from the lake.

/ ε ȣ Դ.


107. pit.y/pít.i:/[ ́.]

[] ҽ , *[] sym.pa.thy(sím.pə.ɵi:)


# piz.za /pí:t.sǝ/[ǟ ́.]

n.it. (=~́ pìe).


#(1). plac.ard /plǽk.ɑ:rd/[^ ́.ƾ()]

[] ÷ī. , , Խ. (poster); ; ǥ, .


#(2). pla.card /plǝ.kά:rd/[.ī() ́]

[] ̴. ˸ϴ.


@ 108. place/pleis/[̽]

[] , , (Ư ) , (ü ) , , ź

i have no ~/pleis/ to go. / .

[] δ, ߽Ű, ġ[]ϴ, () Ź[] ƴ, Ӹϴ

p~/pleis/ the names in alphabetical order.

/ ̸ ĺ 迭 ֽÿ.

*placed /pleist/[̽Ʈ]


109. plaice/pleis/[̽]

[] (pl. ~, pláices) ڹġ.


110. plain/plein/[]

[] и, , ȶ ̴[], , , ˱

you will forgive my ~/plein/ speaking.

/ 帲 뼭Ͻʽÿ.


*plain.ly/pléin.li:/ [] , , ˼ϰ, ϰ

*plane /plein/ [] ź


@ 111. plan/pln/[^]

[] ȹ, ÷, (), , ,

everything went according to ~/pln/.

/ ȹ Ǿ.


* : plan.ned/plnd/ ܾ ̳ .


@ 112. plane/plein/[]

[] , , , ( ) , , ܰ, (airplane)

[] , ź,

surface is ~/plein/. / ǥ ϴ.

[] ϰ[Ų] ϴ, ϴ, ϰ

the worker ~d/pleind/[ε] the road.

/ ۾ڰ Ͽ.


113. plan.et/pĺn.ət/[^ ́.i]



@ 114. plant/plnt/[^Ʈ]

[] ( ) Ĺ, ʸ: flowering [pot, water] plant.

[] ɴ, () Ѹ; (Ĺ) ̽()ϴ, ( ) ϴ ( ) (ۯ׵)ϴ

i ~.ed/pĺn.tid/[^ ́.] seeds in the garden.

/ ѷȴ.


@ 115. plas.tic/pĺs.tik/[^ƽ ́.J]

[] öƽ

[] ִ, ü , ִ, , öƽ

let me get a ~/pĺs.tik/ bag, please. / öƽ ϳ ּ.


116. plate/pleit/[֟]

[] (dish)( ϰ ձ ),

can i get a empty ~/pleit/? / ϳ ֽǷ?


117. plat./pĺt.fɔ̀:rm/[^ ́.^() ̀]

[] (Ӧ), (), , , , () ÷


@ 118. play/plei/[]

[] ̸ ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

we ~.ed/pleid/[֟] a baseball game yesterday.

/ 츮 ߱ ⸦ ߴ.

he can not play the piano. / ״ ǾƳ븦 .


*play.er/pléi.ər/ [] [], ,

*play.ing/pléi.i/ play л


@ 119. please/pli:z/[]

[] ڰ ϴ, Ű(satisfy),

we cant ~ everybody. / ų .

it ־ Ͽ ̴, ϴ ٴ

it ~d him to go with her. / ״ Ⲩ ׳ Ͽ.

as, what ̲ ȿϰ ;ϴ, ϴ

go where you ~. / ÿ.

vi. ڰ ϴ, ȣ ִ

she is anxious to ~. / ׳ ȣ ־ ִ

as, when, if ̲ ϴ, ϰ ;ϴ

act ɑs you ~. / Ͽ

you can come when if you ~. / ų Űŵ .

ɑd. ź⦘ ⦗ ɹε, .

ǹ̷ ̴ ϵ

pleɑse come in. / ʽÿ

you will ~ leave the room. / 濡 ֽÿ.

a) ǹ˼, ƹɷ

would you mind opening the window, ~?

/ ˼ â ֽðڽϱ

b) μ(ε) Ź帳ϴ.

would you like another cup of tea?pleɑse yes, ~.

/ ðڽϱŹ帳ϴ

ϰϰ Ǹ ȯ̾մϴٸ, Ƿմϴٸ

pleɑse, mister, i dont understand.

/ ̾մϴٸ, , ذ µ.

if you ~

ŹϿ, ̾մϴٸ

pass me the salt, if you ~. ̾մϴٸ, ұ ֽðڽϱ.

ŹϿ ִٸ, ˼մϴٸ

i will have another cup of tea, if you ~. ˼մϴٸ, Źմϴ.

, 񲿴 ۽ Դϴ, Ե

now, if you ~, he expects me to pay for it. ׸ Դϴ, ġ Ŷ ϰ ֽϴ.


*pleas.ed/pli:zd/ [] ⻵ϴ, ,


* : pleas.ed/pli:zd/[]  ܾ д°?

1) ea (/i:/ /e/ /ei/) ȴ. Ģ .

2) ܾ ed please d پ.

3) 2) ed (/t/ id /d/) .

4) ⼱ 簡 z ̳ ed /d/ Ǿ.

5) ed Ǵ /d/ Ǿ ϳ ȴ.


*̱ ü :

please enjoy yourself. / , .

please relax. / Ǫ.; . = relax.

please! / !


120. pleas.ure/pléʒ.ər/[ ́.()]

n. , ſ(enjoyment); , (satisfaction).

ſ ,

it is a ~ to talk to her. / ׳ ̾߱ϴ ̴.

, , ſ. () ,

vt. ſ ִ, Ű; Ư 谨 ִ.

vi. ; (ް Ͽ) ϴ,

i ~ in your company. / Բ ְ Ǿ ޴ϴ.


*̱ ü :

its my pleasure. / ص帱 ־ ޴ϴ. ; (ٴ ) õ.

my pleasure. / ص帱 ־ ޴ϴ. ; (ٴ ) õ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ù ΰ Ǿּ! ^^