ٸ б( 26(02) )
2025-02-22 12:58:23 | ȸ : 18
ٸ б( 26(02) )
21. dove :
(1) dove/dʌv/[^]
[] ѱ(ȭ¼ ¡). [cf.] pigeon. [, Ϳ]
my dove/dʌv/ ! / ϴ ״뿩(my darling)(Ī) !
(2) dove/douv/[Y]
[] ==̱ dive .
he ~/douv/ into the water. / ״ پ .
22. duplicate :
(1) du.pli.cate/djú:.plə.kit/[ ́..g]
[] (Ϲ) 2 ϳ, ( )
this is a ~/djú:.plə.kit/. / ̰ 纻̾.
[] , ߺ, , ,
a ~/djú:.plə.kit/ license is issued to replace
a valid license which has been lost.
/ ȿ ̼ üϱ ߺ ̼ ˴ϴ.
(2) du.pli.cate/djú:.plə.kèit/[ ́..ij ̀]
[] ϴ, ϴ, (ѷ) , ( ) ,
纻ϴ, ϴ
dont ~/djú:.plə.kèit/ the key! / ⸦ 縦 .
23. envelop :
(1) en.vel.op/en.vél.ǝp/[. ́.]
[] (p., pp. ~ed; ~ing) δ, ϴ; ( )in
it was ~.ed/en.vél.ǝpt/ in mystery. / װ .
(2) en.ve.lope/én.və.lòup/[ ́..()ΟX ̀]
[] . ΰ. , [Ĺ](), (༱ⱸ ) (Ѩҥ)
seal the ~/én.və.lòup/ ! / к϶!
24. essay :
(1) es.say/és.ei/[ֽ ́.]
[] , () ҷ(), ÷(), (at; in)
your ~/és.ei/ needs (a) structure. / ڳ ̿ ü谡 ʿ.
(2) es.say/e.séi/[. ́]
[] õ()ϴ; غ; [syn.] ⇨ try.
i ~.ed/e.séid/[-.- ́] to speak. / õߴ.
25. excuse :
(1) ex.cuse/ik.skjú:s/[. Ű콺 ́]
[] , ظ, , ,
no ~/ik.skjú:s/ ! / !
(2) ex.cuse/ik.skjú:z/[. Ű ́]
[] 뼭ϴ, ϴ *[] ac.cuse(ə.kjú:z)
e~/ik.skjú:z/ me! / Ƿմϴ! (*ڰ .).
e~/ik.skjú:z/ me? / ? (*ڰ ö.)
26. export :
(1) ex.port/ik.spɔ́rt/[.^()Ʈ ́]
[] ϴ *[] im.port(im.pɔ́rt)
the islands ~/ik.spɔ́rt/ sugar and fruit.
/ Ѵ.
(2) ex.port/éks.pɔrt/[뽺 ́.^()Ʈ]
[] , ǰ; (pl.) , (),〖ǻ〗
an ~/éks.pɔrt/ of korea / ѱ ǰ.
27. graduate :
(1) grad.u.ate/gŕʤ.ju:.èit/[()^ ́.̿.֟ ̀]
[] ϴ,̱ ┅ ִ, ┅ ű
he was ~d/gŕʤ.ju:.èit.id/[-.֟ ̀.] from harvard.
/ ״ harvard ߴ.
(2) grad.u.ate/grǽdʒ.ju:.it/[()^ ́.̿.]
[] () ; ̱ п л(~ student).
a ~/grǽdʒ.ju:.it/ in economics. / к
28. house :
(1) house/haus/[Ͽ콺]
[] (pl. hous.es[háu.ziz]) , , , , (the h-) ȸ[̱]
my ~/haus/ is across the stream. / dzʿ ִ.
(2) house/hauz/[Ͽ]
[] (p., pp. housed; hóusing) ó ִ; Ƶ̴;
, ִ, ϴ. ; ٶ ִ.
he ~s/háu.ziz/[-.] his books in an attic.
/ ״ å ٶ ־ д.
29. implement :
(1) im.ple.ment/ím.plǝ.mǝnt/[ ́..Ʈ]
[] , ⱸ(tool); (pl.) (Ǻ ) ǰ, 屸, , (means).
agricultural ~s/ím.plǝ.mǝnts/ == ⱸ
kitchen ~s/ím.plǝ.mǝnts/ == ξ
(2) im.ple.ment/ím.plǝ.mènt/[ ́..Ʈ ̀]
[] ִ. ʿ ִ, ȿ ִ.
( ) ϴ
i say we ~/ím.plǝ.mènt/ it immediately.
/ 츰 װ ڰ ϰ ͳ.
30. import :
(1) im.port/im.pɔ́rt/[.^()Ʈ ́]
[] ϴ(from). *[] ex.port(iks.pɔ́:rt) ; ( ) ԽŰ.
┅ ϴ, (mean), Ÿ (express), ߿ϴ (matter)
we ~/im.pɔ́rt/ coffee from brazil.
/ 츮 ĿǸ Ѵ.
(2) im.port/ím.pɔrt/[ ́.^()Ʈ]
[] , *[] ex.port(íks.pɔrt) ( pl.)ǰ, (),(). ǹ, ߿伺[]
we received an ~/ím.pɔrt/ letter of credit.
/ 츰 ſ Ҵ.
31. increase :
(1) in.crease/in.krí:s/[.ũ()̽ ́]
[] ( ) ø, Ҹ *[] de.crease(di.krí:s)
his family ~d/in.krí:st/. / þ.
(2) in.crease/ín.kri:s/[ ́.ũ()̽]
[] ,
you will get a wage ~/ín.kri:s/ of 50 cents an hour from next month.
/ 1ð 50Ʈ ӱ ̴.
32. insult :
(1) in.sult /in.sʌ́lt/[. ^Ʈ ́]
[] ϴ, ϴ; ġ
i have never been so in.sult.ed/in.sʌ́l.tid/[-. ^ .́ ] in my life!
/ !
(2) in.sult /ín.sʌlt/[ ́.^Ʈ]
[] , to; , 〖〗 ջ, ( );
stop all these ~s/ín.sʌlts/. / ϴ Ÿ ֶ.
33. lead :
(1) lead/li:d/[()]
[] (p., pp. led [led]) 弭, ȳϴ, ϴ.
he ~s/li:ds/ us to the his house. / ״ 츮 ȳѴ.
he led/led/[()A] us to the his house.
/ ״ 츮 ȳߴ.
[] (the ) (), ; ּ; , , , ().
he is our ~.er/lí:d.ər/[() ́.()]. / ״ 츮 ڴ.
[] ϴ. (Ź) ֿ, 鴺
follow the ~/li:d/ car. / .
(2) lead/led/[()A]
[] , (ݼ ; ȣ pb; ȣ 82);
i need some ~s/leds/. / ʽ ʿϴ.
34. live :
(1) live/liv/[()]
[] , ִ, ϴ
where do you ~/liv/ ? / °?
(2) live/laiv/[()]
[] ִ([opp.] dead); (콺) ¥, (ä).)
the concert will show ~/laiv/ tomorrow evening.
/ ܼƮ ῡ ۵ȴ.
35. minute :
(1) min.ute/mín.it/[ ́.]
[] (ð) , , ,
wait a ~/mín.it/ ! / ٷ!
(2) mi.nute/mai.njú;t/[ ϿW ́]
[] (-nuter; -est) ڵ , ̼; ,
it was ~/mai.njú;t/ difference. / ټ ̿.
36. moderate :
(1) mod.er.ate/mάd.ǝ.rèit/[ ́..() ̀]
[] ˸µ ϴ, ȭ(氨)ϴ, ϴ; 〖〗 (ڸ) ϴ
he ~s/mάd.ǝ.rèits/ the sharpness of his words.
/ ״ ε巴 ϴ.
(2) mod.er.ate/mάd.ə.rǝt/[ ́..()]
[] ﰡ, ϴ(temperate), ִ, °
he is ~/mάd.ə.rǝt/ in drinking. / ״ ô.
37. object :
(1) ob.ject/ɑ́b.dʒikt/[ ́.Ʈ]
[] , ( ) ,
o~s/ɑ́b.dʒikts/ in mirror are closer than they appear.
/ ſ ü װ͵ .
(2) ob.ject/əb.dʒékt/[.HƮ ́]
[] ݴϴ, Ǹ ϴ, ϴ, ǰ
if you dont ~/əb.dʒékt/... / ┅ () ٸ┅
38. overthrow :
(1) o.ver.throw/òu.vǝr.róu/[.̀().()ο ́]
[] (-threw [-rú]; -thrown [-róun]) , , ( ) Ű,〖߱〗 (̽) ()ϴ.
they were plotting to ~/òu.vǝr.róu/ the government.
/ ϰ ־.
(2) o.ver.throw/óu.vǝr.ròu/[.́().()ο ̀]
[] Ÿ, (upset). ; .〖߱〗, ̴, .
the ~/óu.vǝr.ròu/ of the military regime was followed
by a period of anarchy.
/ ǰ ̾ ѵ ° ̾.
39. perfect :
(1) per.fect/pə́r.fikt/[() ́.Ʈ]
[]〖〗 Ϸ *the tenses Ϸ .
[] , ̻ *[] com.plete(kəm.plí:t)
your answer was ~/pə́r.fikt/. / ߴ.
(2). per.fect/pər.fékt/[().sƮ ́]
[] ϼϴ. ϴ, ϴ, []ϴ, Ű
hes busy ~.ing/pər.fék.ti/[-.s ́.] his bowling technique.
/ ״ ϼŰ ٻڴ.
40. permit :
(1) per.mit/pər.mít/[(). ́]
[] (-tt-) ϴ, 㰡ϴ, ΰϴ
smoking is no ~.ted/pər.mít.id/[-. ́.] in the room.
/ 濡 ݿ̴.
(2) per.mit/pə́r.mit/[() ́.]
[] [㰡],
i have a parking ~/pə́r.mit/. / 㰡 ־.