͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 6õ (046)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-09-08 12:41:16 | ȸ : 76

å 6õ (046)

== e (041) ~ (060) ==


(05) e ==


@ 041. emp.ty/émp.ti:/[ ́.Ƽ] [ ́.Ƽ](ok)

[] (-tier; -tiest) , *[] va.cant(véi.kənt)

let me get a ~/émp.ti:/ plate! / ϳ ּ.


* : empty ù (m) a .

Ȱ a one . * an empty --.(x)

a an ù ڰ Ǵ° ƴѰ ̴.

ڰ , ΰ ̰ ƴϰ Ǵ Ѵ.


042. en.a.ble/in.éi.bl/[. ́.]

[] [ɷ] ִ, [ڰ] ִ, []ϰ ϴ

a new programme to en.able/in.éi.bl/

older people to study at college.

/ ̵ 鿡 θ ְ ִ α׷


043. en.close/in.klóuz, in.-/[.ũ ́]

[] ѷδ, δ, ϴ, ( ) ϴ

e~d/in.klóuzd/[.ũ ́] a check with a letter.

/ Բ ǥ .


*en.clo.sure/in.klóu.ʒər/ [] ѷġ . (), . ,


044. en.cour.age/in.kə́:r.idʒ/[.Ŀ ́.()]

vt. , ݷϴ, ϴ

your success ~d me very much. / ڳ ũ ׳.

~ a person to write essays / ƹ ϴ

ϴ, ϴ, ϴ. opp.discourɑge.

~ ag.ri.cul.ture/ǽg.ri.kʌ̀l.tʃǝr/ ϴ.

we were ~d/in.kə́:r.idʒd/[-.()]

by the success of this ven.ture/vén.tʃǝr/.

/ (ó) Ǿ.


*en.cour.age.ment/in.kə́:r.idʒ.mənt/ [] , ݷ, ,

*en.cour.aged/in.kə́:r.idʒd/ [] .

*en.cour.ag.ing/in.kə́:r.idʒ.i/ [] []ϴ; . ϵִ


@ 045. end/end/[ص]

[] , (̾߱ ) , , ,

and/nd/[^ȵ] there is the ~/end/. / װ ̴.

[] ,

this is ~/end/. / ̰ ̾.

[] , ġ, κ ̷, Ű

the story ~.ed/én.did/[ ́.]. / .


*end.less/énd.lis/ [] , , Ӿ, δ


046. en.dorse, in.dorse /in.dɔ́:rs/[.^() ́]

[] ( ) ()ϴ, ( ޸鿡) ޸ ϴ

please ~/in.dɔ́:rs/ your check. / ǥ ̼ ּ.

*en.dorse.ment/in.dɔ́:rs.mənt/ [] , , Ե


# en.dure/in.djúǝr/[.() ́]v. () ߵ, γϴ; ַ

i cannot ~/in.djúǝr/ the sight. / .


047. en.e.my/én.ə.mi:/[ ́..]

[] , , ,

he has a lot of ~ies/én.ə.mi:s/[ ́..̽] in the company.

/ ״ ȸ .


048. en.er.get.ic/èn.ər.dʒét.ik/[ ̀.().I ́.]

a. , ռ, , ȿ

the heart responds well to ~/èn.ər.dʒét.ik/ exercise.

/ ݷ  Ѵ.


049. en.er.gy/én.ər.dʒi:/[ ́.().]

[] , Ȱ, , ( ) ,.


*̱ ü :

i have no energy. / ǿ .


050. en.gage/in.géidʒ/[. ́]

[] ϴ, (ͼ ) ӹϴ, ϴ, ȥŰ, ϴ

i am ~d/in.géidʒd/[. ́] to nancy.

/ ÿ ȥ ̴.


*en.gage.ment/in.géidʒ.mənt/ [] , ͼ, , ȥ, (pl.) ä


@ 051. en.gine/én.dʒən/[ ́.]

[] , ߵ, , , ҹ(fire )

this ~/én.dʒən/ is driv.en/drív.ən/ by steam.

/ δ.


@ 052. eng.lish/í.gliʃ/[ ́.̾]

[] , ,

it is an e~/í.gliʃ/ book. / װ å̾.


e~/í.gliʃ/ is dif.fi.cult/díf.i.kʌ̀lt/ to study

because it is a for.eign/fɔ́:r.in/ lan.guage/lǽ.gwidʒ/.

/ ܱ̱ нϱⰡ ƴ.


* : eng.lish / íg. liʃ /[ ́. ()](?) or / í.gliʃ /[ ́. ̾] (?)

*̱ : eng.lish/í.gliʃ/[ ́.̾]

google how many syllables

how many syllables in english? 2 syllables [ ]

divide english into syllables: eng-lish [ ]

stressed syllable in english: eng-lish []

how to pronounce english: en-g-lish [ ]


* : 37. ng /.g/[ / /,]


ng ܾ  [o] ħ ̰,

[] տ δ.

*fin.ger/fí.gər/[ ́.()]



ng ܾ  [o] ħ ̰,

տ [] .

*eng.lish/í.gliʃ/[ ́.̾]



ng n . g 쵵 ִ.

*in.gre.di.ant/in.grí:.di:.ənt/[.() ́..Ʈ]


053. en.hance/in.h́ns/[.^Ƚ ́]

v. ϴ, (ġɷŷ ) ̴, ø

this is an op.por.tun.i.ty/ὰ:p.ǝr.tjú:.nǝ.ti:/ to ~/in.h́ns/[.^Ƚ ́]

the rep.u.ta.tion/rèp.jǝ.téi.ʃən/ of the company.

/ ̰ ȸ ȸԴϴ.


*en.hance.ment/in.h́ns.mənt/ n. , ; ; .


054. en.joy/in.dʒɔ́i/[.^ ́]

vt. a) , (̰) , ϴ, ̺

how did you ~ your vacation?

/ ް ſϱ?

b) ~ oneself, ̰

we ~ed ourselves at the party.

/ 츮 Ƽ ̰ ´.

޴, , ( ) (ǰ ) ִ; ( ) ִ

e~/in.dʒɔ́i/ your self! / ڽ ܶ!


*en.joy.ed/in.dʒɔ́id/ źл

*en.joy.ing/in.dʒɔ́i.i/ л

*en.joy.ment/in.dʒɔ́i.mənt/ [] ſ, ; . ; , ().


== ( 3) ==

i enjoy watching tv. / tv .

־(i) + (enjoy) + (watching tv)

*̱ ü : enjoy your meal. ְ 弼.


055. en.large/in.lɑ́:rdʒ/[.()() ́]

[] ũ ϴ, Ȯ[]ϴ, (ǹ )

there are plans

to ~/in.lɑ́:rdʒ/ the rec.re.a.tion/rèk.ri.éi.ʃən/ area.

/ ũ̼ Ȯ ȹ ִ.


*en.large.ment/in.lɑ́:rdʒ.mənt/ [] Ȯ, , ȮȮ


@ 056. e.nough/i.nʌ́f/[.^ ́]

[] , ϱ⿡

it is ~/i.nʌ́f/ ! / װ̸ ؿ.


*̱ ü :

enough is enough. / ϴϱ ׸.

i have had enough. i quit. / . ׸ ѷ.

thats enough about that. / ؿ.

thats enough. ׸ ص. / װŸ ؿ.; ̹ Ծ.


057. en.roll, .rol /in.róul/[.()ο ́]

[] ϴ, ο ϴ, ȸ[]Ű, ø

if you ~/in.róul/ in this course,

you can receive a cer.tif.i.cate/sǝr.tíf.ǝ.kit/.

/ ϸ ִ.


*en.rol.ment/in.róul.mənt/ [] , , Դ,


# en.sure/in.ʃú:ǝr/[.() ́]

vt. å, ϴ, ( ) Ȯϰ ϴ; ( ) Ȯϴ

it will ~ you success. / װ Ȯϴ

i can not ~ thɑt he will keep his word.

/ װ ų .

ϰ ϴ, Űfrom; ɑgɑinst


using checklists to ensure that no crucial steps are missed has proved to be remarkably effective in a range of medical contexts, from preventing live infections to reducing pneumonia. (2023 ) (42)

üũƮ Ͽ ߿ ܰ踦 ġ ʵ ϴ ҿ ̸ پ Ƿ Ȳ ſ ȿ Ǿϴ.


058. en.ter/én.tər/[ ́.()]

[] , (ο Ȱ ) ϴ, ִ, []Ű, ȸ[]Ű, (̸¥ ) []ϴ

knock on the door before you ~/én.tər/.

/ ũ Ͻÿ.


058. en.ter.tain.ment/èn.tər.téin.mənt/[ ̀.(). ́.Ʈ]

[] , ȯ, (Ļ翡) ʴ, ȸ, ֿ, Ƽ, ,


059. en.tire/in.táiər/[.Ÿ() ́]

[] ü,

[] ü[], *[] com.plete(kəm.plí:t)

you have my ~/in.táiər/ con.fi.dence/kɑ́n.fə.dəns/[ĭ ́..].

/ ڳ׸ ŷϰ ֳ.


*en.tire.ly/in.táiər.li:/ [] , ,


# en.ti.tle /in.táit.l/[.Ÿ ́.]

vt. ̴, Ī οϴ

a book ~d gullivers travels ɸ å.

Īϴ, ̸̴

~ oneself a baron ̶ Īϴ.

Ǹڰ ִ

be ~ed to enter the laboratory ǿ  Ǹ ־ ִ.


060. en.trance/én.trəns/[ ́.Ʈ()]

[] Ա, Ա, , ,

use the rear ~/én.trəns/! / Ա ̿ ϶!


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!