͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (030)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-01-08 12:48:02 | ȸ : 348

̽ å 5õ (030)

== c (161) ~ (180) ==


(03) c ==


161(1). com.plex/kəm.pléks/[.́]

[] , () . *[] sim.ple(sím.pl), (ü),Ҽ

the human body is like a ~/kəm.pléks/ machine.

/ ΰ

[] ϰ ϴ; ռϴ

"the dna was ~.ed/kəm.plékst/[.뽺Ʈ ́] with the nuclear extract.

/ dna ⹰ յǾִ.


161(2). com.plex/kɑ́m.pleks/[į ́.]

[] (ϰ õ κȰ ) []ü, ռ( whole)(of); ; ( ִ ) []ü. () , (Ӿ) ̻ɸ.

most/moust/[콺Ʈ] women

seem to have a ~/kɑ́m.pleks/ about being short.

/ κ Ű ǽ ִ .


# com.plex.i.ty/kǝm.plék.sǝ.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

n. , ; 󰆴 .

rather, it means that the complexity of the animals behavior

is not purely a product of its internal complexity. (2021 ) (41)

̴ ൿ ⼺

⼺ 깰 ƴ϶ ǹմϴ.


162. com.pli.cate/kɑ́m.pli.kèit/[į ́..ij ̀]

[] ϰ ϴ, () ȭϴ

i dont wish to ~/kɑ́m.pli.kèit/ the task

more than is necessary.

/ ʿ ̻ ϰ ʴ.

[] , .

the recent tax law changes really ~/kɑ́m.pli.kit/ things.

/ ֱ ϰ ٲݾƿ.

*com.pli.cat.ed/kɑ́m.pli.kèit.id/[į ́..ij ̀.] [] , ٷο, ŷο


163. com.pli.ment/kɑ́m.plə.mənt/[į ́..Ʈ]

[] , Ī, ÷, (pl.) ġ,

your presence is a great ~/kɑ́m.plə.mənt/.

/ ո ּż ū Դϴ.

[] 縦 ϴ, Īϴ, 縦 ϴ, ϴ(with)

i would like to ~/kɑ́m.plə.mənt/ them with a book.

/ ׵鿡 å ϰ ʹ.


*com.pli.men.ta.ry/kɑ̀m.plə.mén.tə.ri:/ [] Ī, , ÷ ϴ,


164. com.ply/kəm.plái/[. ́]

[] , ϴ, ³ϴ,

they asked him to leave and he ~ied/kəm.pláid/[.̵ ́].

/ ׵ ׿ ؼ ״ ߴ.


165. com.pose/kəm.póuz/[. ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

facts alone dont ~/kəm.póuz/ a book.

/ Ǹ å Ǵ ƴϴ.


166. com.po.si.tion/kɑ̀m.pə.zíʃ.ən/[į ̀.. ́.]

[] , , (Ÿ) , ,̼, ġ(),վ


* : com.po.si.tion / kɑ̀m. pə. zí. ʃən / (x)


167. com.pound/kəm.páund/[.Ŀ ́]

[] (ϳ)ռϴ, () ȥϴ(mix).(), []ȭϴ

the new plastic has been ~.ed/kəm.páun.did/[.Ŀ ́.]

of un.known/ʌn.nóun/ ma.te.ri.als/mǝ.tíər.i:.ǝls/.

/ ο öƽ Ḧ ȥϿ ̴.

[] ռ[ȥ]; ȭչ; վ( word). [opp.] simple.

[] ռ, ȥ ([opp.] simple); , .()߹()

a compound/kəm.páund/[.Ŀ ́] noun / .


168. com.pre.hend/kɑ̀m.pri:.hénd/[į ̀.().ڵ ́]

[] () ϴ, []ϴ. ݴ *[] un.der.stand(ʌ̀n.dər.st́nd)

science ~s/kɑ̀m.pri:.héndz/[į ̀.().ڵ ́]

many dis.ci.plines/dís.ǝ.plins/.

/ п о߰ ԵǾ ִ.


*com.pre.hen.sion/kɑ̀m.pri:.hén.ʃən/ [] ; ط, ; .

*com.pre.hen.sive/kɑ̀m.pri:.hén.siv/ [] , ط ִ,


@ 169. com.put.er/kəm.pjú:t.ər/[.ǿW ́.()]

[] , Ʋ, ǻ

almost all computer~/kəm.pjú:t.ər/ users know google.

/ ǻ ڰ google ˰ ִ.

־(almost all computer users) + (know) + (google)

־(almost all computer users) 4 ܾ ϳ 籸 ̷ ִ.

籸 ȿ 簡 ִ.


*com.pute/kəm.pjú:t/ [] (ǻͷ) ϴ, ϴ; ; (̶) ϴ


170. con.ceal/kən.sí:l/[. ́]

[] , з ϴ *[] hide(haid)

the tree ~.ed/kən.sí:ld/[.ϵ ́] her from view.

/ ׳ ʾҴ.


*con.ceal.ed /kən.sí:ld/ , źл


171. con.ceive/kən.sí:v/[.ß ́]

[] (ǰ ) ǰ, (ȹ ) ϴ, (̸) ӽϴ

i cant ~/kən.sí:v/ that it would be of any use.

/ װ ҿ ȴٰ ʴ´.


# con.cen.trate/kάn.sən.trèit/[ĭ ́..Ʈ() ̀]

vt. ( ) ϴ; on, upon

~ ones attention efforts on upon

/ Ǹ ϴ.

(δ ) Űɑt

~ troops ɑt one place / 븦 Ű.

ϴ; ϴ. ()ϴ.

vi. ϴ; ̴

population tends to ~ in large cities.

/ α 뵵ÿ ϴ ִ.


# con.cen.tra.tion /kὰn.sən.tréi.ʃən/[ĭ ̀..Ʈ() ́. ̀]

n. ( ) , , .

his area of ~ is nuclear physics.

/ оߴ ٹ̴.


173. con.cept/kɑ́n.sept/[ĭ ́.Ʈ]



174. con.cep.tion/kən.sép.ʃən/[. ́.]

[] , ǻ(), ,


# con.cern/kən.sə́:rn/[.() ́]

vt. (), ־ ߿ϴ

the problem does not ~ us. / 츮鿡

Ǵ ~ oneself()ϴ, ϴin; with; ɑbout.


i ɑm not ~ed with that matter. =i do not ~ myself with that matter.

/ ϰ .

Ǵ ~ oneself , ϴɑbout; for; over

i ɑm ~ed ɑbout his health. / ǰ ̴.

n. ()with;ذin

have no ~ with / ƹ 赵 .

ߴ , ߿伺

a matter of the utmost / ~ ſ ߴ .


show deep ~ at the news / Ÿ

be ~ed to do

Ͽ ̴

i ɑm (much) ~ed to hear that ....

/ (ſ) մϴ.

ϰ ʹ, ϱ⸦ ϴϴ

we ɑre not particularly ~ed to trace their history.

/ 츮 ׵ 縦 Ư ϴ ƴϴ.


*con.cern.ed/kən.sə́:rnd/ [] ϴ, ϴ,

*con.cern.ing/kən.sə́:r.ni/ [] Ͽ, Ͽ

[] ġ,


176. con.cert/kɑ́n.sərt/[ĭ ́.()Ʈ]

[] ȸ, ܼƮ


177. con.crete/kɑ́n.kri:t/[ĭ ́.ũ()]

[] ü, , ũƮ, ũƮ

[] , ü[()], ϴ *[] ab.stract(b.stŕkt)

our proj.ect/prάdʒ.ekt/ is not yet ~/kɑ́:n.kri:t/.

/ 츮 ȹ üȭ ʾҴ.


178. con.dense/kən.déns/[. ́]

[] ϴ, پ, [()]ϴ, ()

it was ~d/kən.dénst/ into thick soup.

/ (Ƽ) Ǿ.


# con.di.tion/kən.díʃ.ən/[. ́.]

n. ; (pl.) (),

the ~ of all success / ʼ

~s of acceptance / ³

( pl.) Ȳ,

under favorable difficult ~s / () ó ־.

; Ư ǰ , () .syn⟩ ⇨state.

vt. () ʿ Ǵ, ¿ϴ; ʿϴ

ability and effort ~ success. / ɷ° ̴.

the gift is ~ed on your success. / ڳװ ϸ ְڴ.

Ǻη ³ϴ; ϴ; (̶) ϴ

he ~s his going on upon the weather.

/ ٰ Ѵ

ϴfor; (ڱ ) ϴ; (ǰ) ż ϴ; (dz µ) ϴ(air-~)

her studies ~ed her for her job.

/ ΰ ׳ Ͽ ƴ.


# con.done/kǝn.dóun/[.ٿ ́]

v. ( Ư ) 뼭ϴ, ʱ׷ ִ, ( ˸) .


180(1). con.duct/kɑ́n.dʌkt/[ĭ ́.^Ʈ]

[] , ǰ, , , ( ) ٰŸ , ,

he got a prize for good ~/kɑ́n.dʌkt/.

/ ״ ޾Ҵ.


180(2). con.duct/kən.dʌ́kt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] εϴ, ϴ, ( ) ϴ,Ϳൿϴ, ŵϴ

he ~s/kən.dʌ́kts/[.^Ʈ ́] an or.ches.tra/ɔ́:r.kis.trə/.

/ װ Ǵ Ѵ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!