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Joke·Î Àç¹Õ´Â »ýÈ°¿µ¾î!(Step 028)

LV47 alexÇÒ¹è

2024-04-18 ¿ÀÀü 4:49:30 | Á¶È¸ : 233

joke·Î Àç¹Õ´Â »ýÈ°¿µ¾î!(step 028)

q :

gentleman : i want to get two teeth pulled out ;

how much do you charge?

dentist : sit down and let me see where they are.

gentleman : you cant see them - theyre in my girls neck.


¹® :

½Å»ç : ³»°¡ Ä¡¾Æ µÎ °³¸¦ »Ì°í ½ÍÀºµ¥,

¾ó¸¶³ª µéÁö¿ä?

Ä¡ÀÇ : ¾ÉÀ¸¼¼¿ä, ¾îµð ÀÖ´Â °ÍµéÀÎÁö ³»°¡ Á» º¾½Ã´Ù.

½Å»ç : ¼±»ý´ÔÀº ±×°ÍµéÀ» º¼ ¼ö ¾ø¾î¿ä ---

±×°ÍµéÀº ³ªÀÇ ¿©ÀÚ Ä£±¸ÀÇ ¸ñ±¸¸Û ¾È¿¡ ÀÖ¾î¿ä.


[¹®¹ý ¿ä¾à]

== he is talking with a girl wearing glasses.

/ ±×´Â ¾È°æ ³¤ ¿©ÀÚ¾ÆÀÌ¿Í À̾߱⸦ ³ª´©°í ÀÖ´Ù. ==


ÇöÀçºÐ»ç(wearing)°¡ ¸í»ç(girl)¸¦ ¼ö½Ä ÇÑÁ¤Àû ¿ë¹ý


== he has a glass in his hand.

/ ±×´Â ¼Õ¿¡ À¯¸®ÀÜÀ» µé°í ÀÖ´Ù. ==


a glass: À¯¸®ÀÜ Çϳª


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ÇǾƳë piano /pi.ǽn.ou/[ÇÇ.¾Ö^¾È ́.¿À¿ì] n. (pl. ~s [-z]) ÇǾƳë

Çʸ§ film /film/[¤¾ÇÊÀ½]) n ¾ãÀº ²®Áú¡²¸·¡¤Ãþ¡³»çÁøÇʸ§; (°ÇÆÇÀÇ) °¨±¤¸·



¾ó¸¶³ª ¿­½ÉÈ÷ Çϼ̱⿡ Ä¡¾Æ°¡ »ÌÇô ³ª°£´Ü ¸»Àΰ¡?

¼¼»ó¿¡ °£ »© ¸Ô´Â ¿©ÀÚ°¡ ÀÖ´Ù´õ´Ï..

how hard did you work for your tooth to be pulled out?

she said there are women in the world who eat liver,



[ LV47 alexÇÒ¹è´ÔÀÇ °Ô½Ã±Û ´õ º¸±â (Ŭ¸¯!) ]


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