͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

Joke մ Ȱ!(Step 033)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-04-26 11:34:34 | ȸ : 212

joke մ Ȱ!(step 033)

q :

foreman : why have you got a sausage stuck behind your ear?

worker : for my lunch !


: ҽ ڿ Ȱ ֽϱ?

뵿 : ɿ!


stuck /stʌk/[^]

stick źл

stick /stik/[J]

n. , , (ӭ), ([cf.] cane)

a of chalk. ũ ( ), a of soap ( ).

v. ( ) , ̴, ڴ, ȴ, ϴ, ٹڴ


@  ݵ ˾Ƶξ ̴ܾ.

"at, be, come, do, down, get, give, go, have, if, in, let, make, need, off,

on, out, , put, take, up, want,

5 w(who, when, where, what, why)+1 h(how)" + Ī + ô.


߼() : 32. v /v/[/] :

[]ϴ Ը翡 Ʒ Լ Լ ؿ ¦ ְ 鼭 ٶҸ

ణ ϸ鼭 []Ѵ. *b/b/[] ǰ [] δ.



1) ڿ տ δ.

*van/vn/[^] vi.o.lin/vài.ə.lín/[ ̀..() ́]

va.can.cy/véi.kən.si:/[ ́..]

2) տ ħ δ.

*cav.i.ty/ḱv.ə.ti:/[ij^ ́..Ƽ] five/failv/[ğ]


տ [-] д´.

*valve/vlv/[^] twelve/twelv/[Ʈ]

* : base/beis/[̽] vase/veis/[̽] ǰ .


[ ]

== i like fishing and hunting.

/ ÿ Ѵ. ==


־(i) + (like) + (fishing and hunting)



< ܷ>

tough /tʌf/[^]

a. , ִ, ; ٷ ,

׸ theme /ɵi:m/[]

n. , ; ( ) , ׸.

ũϼ technician /tek.níʃ.ən/[..]

n. ; ; ( )


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!