͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

4 ü 01

LV47 alexҹ

2024-04-27 12:43:44 | ȸ : 365

== 4 ü ( 01 ) ==

 <step 1-1 > : be

Ȱ  ⺻ .

ó ܾ ̰ Ѵ

ܿ  ϴ ϴ.


Ǯٺ ˰ ȴ.

box ù а ( )ȿ ĺ(alphabets) ְ

ü ѱ .

Ʋ ׷ ߴ .

ڿ ⺻ ִ.


ex 1 ̰[]this what Դϱis?

(what) (is) (this)?


q 1 װ[]it Դϱ?

(wha-) (i-) (-t)? ==> what is it?


q 2 []that Դϱ?

(-hat) (-s) (tha-)?


ex 2 ̰͵[]these Դϱare?

(what) (are) (these)?


q 3 װ͵[]they Դϱ?

(wha-) (ar-) (the-)?


q 4 ͵[]those Դϱ?

(-ha-) (-re) (tho-e)?


ex 3 ̰ ϳ a pen ̴ is.

(this) (is) (a) (pen).


q 5 װ ϳ ̴ is.

(i-) (i-) (a) (pe-).


q 6 ϳ å a desk ̴ is.

(-hat) (-s) (a) (-esk).


ex 4 ̰ ϳ å Դϱ is?

(is) (this) (a) (desk)?


q 7 װ ϳ å Դϱ?

(i-) (i-) (a) (des-)?


q 8 ϳ å Դϱ?

(-s) (-hat) (a) (-es-)?


ex 5 , ׷ϴ.

(yes,) (it) (is).


ƴϿ, ׷ ʽϴ.

(no,) (it) (isnt).


ex 6 ̰ ϳ å ƴϴ is not.

(this) (is) (not) (a) (desk).


q 9 װ ϳ å ƴϴ is not.

(i-) (i-) (no-) (a) (-sk)


q 10 ͵ å[] desks ƴϴ are not.

(-ose) (-re) (-ot) ( -sks).


ex 7 your ̸[] name what Դϱ is?

(what) (is) (your) (name)?


q 11 ׳ her ̸ Դϱ is?

(-hat) (-s) (-er) (-ame)?


q 12 his ̸ Դϱ is?

(wh-) (-s) (-is) (nam-)?


ex 8 ̰ ׳ hers ̴ is.

(this) (is) (hers).


q 13 ͵ mine ̴ are.

(th-) (ar-) (-ine).


q 14 װ [] yours ƴϴ is not.

(i-) (-s) (n-t) (-ours).


<01 ȣ ѱ > : а å Ű .

1) a /ə/[] 2) are /ɑ:r/[ƾ()] 3) desk /desk/[뽺ũ]

4) desk(s) /desks/[뽺ũ()] 5) her /hə:r/[()]

6) hers /hə:rz/[()] 7) his /his/[] 8) is /iz/[]

9) is.nt /íz.ənt/[ ́.Ʈ] 10) it /it/[] 11) mine /main/[]

12) name /neim/[] 13) no /nou/[] 14) not /nat/[]

15) pen /pen/[] 16) that /t/[^] 17) these /i:z/[]

18) they /ei/[] 19) this /is/[] 20) those /ouz/[]

21) what /hwɑ:t/[ƾ] 22) yes /jes/[ֽ̾]

23) your /ju:ər/[̿()] 24) yours /ju:ərz/[̿()]


<ܾ д > :

(.) ѱ () ũ ְ,

ٿ θ д´.

() () 縸 Ҹ ְ Ҹ ʴ´.

Ҹ .


<ѱ > :

ѱ ʴ´. ϳ ȣ .

 ۷ ű 鸮 ϰ Ϸ

н ǻ ,

鸮 Ҹ ؾ ǰ Ǿ ̴.

ܾ а Ǹ ѱ ϰ ȣ .


<߼()> : 01. Ǎ //[^] :

//[^] []ϰ Ͽ []Ͽ

/e/[] /a/[] ϳ .


[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̴.

[] [] .


*н ǻ ٿ ϳ 濡 ^ ȣ .


* : [a+] Ǵ [+a+] ̷ .

*am/m/[^] at/t/[^] and/nd/[^ȵ]

*gap/gp/[^] black/blk/[^] bag/bg/[^]

* ־ .


/z/[] [-] [-] ƴ , []տ [] .

// [] []տ [] . //[], /f/[] .

//[] /ɵ/[]) Ű ؼ.


< > : (verb) :

: ̳ 繰 , ¸ Ÿ

~ ؼѴ.

ex) , Ҹġ, ϴ, ϴ...

be Ϲ 簡 ִ.

: be , Ϲ , ȴ.


(1) be : am, is. was, are, were

~(), (־), ϴ(Ͽ) ؼ

be ־(Ī) ° Ѵ.

ũ Ϲ ִ.


ǹ̰ ִ ƴϰ .

¸ ̴.


Ī : 1Ī(i), 2Ī(you), 3Ī(she he it that they)

: i(am) you(are) she/he/it/(is) they(are)

: i(was) you(were) she/he/it/(was) they(were)

*ڼ ܾ ش ܾ .


<Ī be ϶ǥ?




1Ī ( i )




will be

2Ī (you)




will be

2Ī (you, we) ()




will be

3Ī (she he it)׳, . װ




will be

3Ī (they) ׵, װ͵




will be


== *Ҹ ִ 忡 (intonation) Ű. ==


: lesson 1 (step 1-1) * ū Ҹ !


ex 1 ̰ Դϱ? what is this?

q 1 װ Դϱ? what is it?

q 2 Դϱ? what is that?


ex 2 ̰͵ Դϱ? what are these?

q 3 װ͵ Դϱ? what are they?

q 4 ͵ Դϱ? what are those?


ex 3 ̰ ϳ ̴. this is a pen.

q 5 װ ϳ ̴. it is a pen.

q 6 ϳ å̴. that is a desk.


ex 4 ̰ ϳ åԴϱ? is this a desk?

q 7 װ ϳ åԴϱ? is it a desk?

q 8 ϳ åԴϱ? is that a desk?


ex 5 , ׷ϴ. yes, it is.

ƴϿ, ׷ ʽϴ. no, it isnt.


ex 6 ̰ ϳ å ƴϴ. this is not a desk.

q 9 װ ϳ å ƴϴ. it is not a desk.

q 10 ͵ å ƴϴ. those are not desks.

ex 7 ̸ Դϱ? what is your name?

q 11 ׳ ̸ Դϱ? what is her name?

q 12 ̸ Դϱ? what is his name?


ex 8 ̰ ׳ ̴. this is hers.

q 13 ͵ ̴. those are mine.

q 14 װ ƴϴ. it is not yours.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
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2024-04-27 12:50:39