͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (113)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-04-27 11:34:38 | ȸ : 194

å 5õ (113)

== p (181) ~ (200) ==




181. pre.mier/pri.míər/[().̾() ́]

[] ( ) (~minister),Ѹ (ijƮϸ)

[] ù°, , , ְ

he became one of the koreas ~/pri.míər/[().̾() ́] chefs.

/ ״ ѱ ְ 丮  Ǿ.


182. prep.a.ra.tion/prèp.ə.réi.ʃən/[()N ̀.. ́.]

[] غ, , ¼, .


183. pre.pare/pri.pɛ́ər/[().() ́]

[] غϴ, äϴ, ̸ ϴ, ̸ ϴ, ϴ

p~/pri.pɛ́ər/[().() ́] to stop! / غ ϼ!


184. prep.o.si.tion/prèp.ə.zíʃ.ən/[()N ̀̀.. ́́.]

[]ġ(: prep.)


185. pre.scrip.tion/pri.skríp.ʃən/[().ũ() ́.]

[] , , ,ó, ó(),ȿ, ȿ


@ 186(1). pres.ent/préz.ənt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[] ( the) , ó,, (pl.),

[] ⼮ϰ ִ, *[] ab.sent(́b.sənt), , ,()

i was ~/préz.ənt/ at the meeting. / ȸ ߴ.

[] .

* present ģ ;

gift [ü] .

this pen is my ~/préz.ənt/ for you.

/ ſ ִ ̾.


*pres.ence/préz.əns/ [] , , , ( ) ֵ

*pres.en.ta.tion/prèz.ən.téi.ʃən/ [] (), , () , Ұ, ==

*pres.ent.ly/préz.ənt.li:/ [] ̳, (soon)


@ 186(2). pre.sent/pri.zént/[().Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ġ; ִ, (,)ϴ, ̴.

i ~/pri.zént/ this pen to you. / ſ Ѵ.


* : ܾ, Ϲ ,

´ٴ ִ.

Ϲ ׷ ̴ ġ ϸ ȴ.

()̶ () ޶ Ȯ Ǵ 찡 .


@ 187. pres.i.dent/préz.i.dənt/[() ́. .Ʈ]

[] ( p-) . (), ȸ, , ; ; () , .


*pres.i.den.tial/prèz.i.dén.ʃəl/ [] president, [, , ]ϴ.


188. press/pres/[()]

[] , , ȴ, , () ¥, []ϴ

the crowd ~.ed/prest/[()Ʈ] him into a corner.

/ ׸ оٿ.

[] , й, ȥ, и, μ(() machine), Ź, ,

(the ) , , , (Ǻ) ٸ

the little boy was lost in the ~/pres/.

/ ̸ (ȥ) ӿ Ҿ.


*pres.sure/préʃ.ər/ [] з, , , й

*press.es /prés.is/[() ́.̽]

*pressed/prest/[()Ʈ] <== ̷ д θ !


189. pre.sump.tion/pri.zʌ́mp.ʃən, pri.-/[().^ ́.]

[] , , , , [ٰ], , , ü


* : ⼭  ( p ) Ѵ.


190. pre.tend/pri.ténd/[().ĵ ́]

[] üϴ, ϴ, ϴ ô ϴ *[] as.sume(ə.sjú:m)

he ~.ed/pri.tén.did/[(). ́.] (that) he was ill.

/ ״ ̿()ٰ ΰ [ߴ].


@ 191. pret.ty/prít.i:/[() ́.]

[] , Ϳ, , Ǹ,

you are still ~/prít.i:/. / .


*̱ ü :

pretty good! / .


192. pre.vent/pri.vént/[().Ʈ ́]

[] , ϴ, Ƽ ϰ ϴ, ( ) ϴ

if nothing ~s/pri.vénts/[().Ʈ ́] you,



*pre.ven.tion/pri.vén.ʃən/ [] , , (against),


# pre.view/prí:.vjù:/[() ́. ̀]

n. ˻, ÿ(), ( ) (). .

ǻ̸ ó Ǯ׸ μ ̸ ȭ鿡 ½

he went to see a ~/prí:.vjù:/ of the movie.

/ ״ ȭ .

v. ÿû縦 ̴.


*pre.vi.ous/prí:.vi.əs/ [] , , ռ, () ʹ θ,

*pre.vi.ous.ly/prí:.vi.əs.li:/ [] (), , , , ̸,


194. prey/prei/[()]

[] . , (̷μ) , ȹ, (). ǰ, Żǰ.

[] ƸԴon, upon ̷ ϴ,

care ~ed/preid/[()] on her mind.

/ ׳ ٽ ʹ.


@ 195. price/prais/[()̽]

[] , , , ü,


*pric.ing /prɑ́i.si/


196. pride/praid/[()]

[] , ڶ,

he is the ~/praid/ of his parents. / ״ θ ڶŸ.


197. priest/pri:st/[()̽Ʈ]

[] (fem. ess[-́is]) , ( ȸ)


198. pri.mar.y/prái.mèr.i:/[() ́. ̀.()] school/sku:l/[]

ʵб( 5-11; ̱ elementary school ϱ 3[4] г Ǹ, ġ ).


* : primary school ?

primary schools admit children from the ages of 5 through to 11.

/ ʵб 5 11 ̸ Ѵ.

some primary schools are split up into infant and junior levels.

/ Ϻ ʵб б ִ.

these are usually separate schools on the same site.

/ ̵ ҿ ִ б̴.

the infant age range (key stage 1) is from age 5 to 7.

/ ɴ (key stage 1) 5 7 .


199. prime/praim/[()]

[] , û (ô), () ַ, ó, Ҽ()

[] ù°, , , Ϸ, Ǹ, ûҼ()

a ~/praim/ number / Ҽ.

my ~/praim/ concern is to protect my property.

/ ֵ ɻ ȣϴ ̴.


200. prim.er/prím.ər/[() ́.()]

[] ù(å), ʺ (), Թ



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!