͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (115)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-04-30 11:38:09 | ȸ : 310

å 5õ (115)

== p (221) ~ (240) ==




221. pro.gram/próu.grm/[()ο ́.()^]

[] α׷, ǥ, ȹǥ


222(1). prog.ress/prά:g.rǝs/[() ́.()]

[] , (ô), *[] ret.ro.gress(rét.rə.grès)


222(2). prog.ress/prǝ.grés/[().() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, opp.retrogress.syn⟩ ⇨advance.

he ~.ed/prǝ.grést/[().()Ʈ ́] in knowledge from his schooling.

/ ״ б þ.


*pro.gres.sive/prə.grés.iv/ [] (δ) ϴ, ,


223. pro.hib.it/prǝ.híb.it/[().R ́.]

[] ϴ *[] for.bid(fər.bíd) ( ϴ ) ϴ

smoking is ~.ed/prǝ.híb.it.id/. / .


*pro.hi.bit.ion/pròu.hə.bíʃ.ən/ [] , (), ݷֹ̱


224(1). proj.ect/prɑ́:dʒ.ekt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[] (), ȹ,

im working night and day

to finish the ~/prɑ́:dʒ.ekt/ on time.

/ ð ȿ Ʈ 㳷 ϰ ִ.


224(2). pro.ject/prə.dʒékt/[().́]

[] ȹϴ, Ծϴ, ϴ, ϴ

sea level is ~.ed/prə.dʒék.tid/[().H ́.]

to rise by around 25 cm by 2050.

/ ؼ 205025 ġ ȴ.


225. prom.ise/prɑ́:m.is/[() ́.̽]

[] ϴ, ϴ

i ~/prɑ́:m.is/ (you) (that) i will come. / .

[] , , ( ) , ( ) ¡

there is not much ~/prɑ́:m.is/ of good weather.

/ .


when she received it, cora thanked her and promised,

ill come to practice and work hard every day. (2022 ) (44)

̸ ڶ λ縦 ϸ

ͼ ϰ ϰڴ ߴ.


226. pro.mote/prə.móut/[().W ́]

[] [ô]Ű, []ϴ, Ű *[] de.mote(di.móut)

he was ~d/prə.móut.id/[().W ́.] to be a chief of section.

/ ״ (μ ) Ǿ.


227. prompt/prɑ:mpt/[()Ʈ]

[] ż, *[] quick(kwik) [] ϴú

they were ~/prɑmpt/ to volunteer. / ׵ ߴ.

[]( ŷ) ,  縦 Ϸ, İ

[] ڱϴ, ݷ[]ϴ, ˱ϴ, ϴ縦 Ϸִ

what ~.ed/prɑ́:mp.tid/[() ́.] him to steal it?

/ װ װ ġ ڱ Ͽ.


*prompt.ly/prɑ́:mpt.li:/ [] ż, , , úҷ


228. pro.noun/próu.nàun/[()ο ́. ̀]

[](: pron.)


229. pro.nounce/prə.náuns/[().́]

[] (p., pp. d[-t]) ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

the b in doubt is not ~d/prə.náunst/[().Ʈ ́].

/ doubt b ʴ´.


*pro.nun.ci.a.tion/prə.nʌ̀n.si.éi.ʃən/ [] , ϴ


230. proof/pru:f/[()Y]

[] (pl. s) , ( Ǵ ) (pl.)ż, ˻

stop your big talk until you show us some ~/pru:f/.

/ Ÿ dz ׸ .


231. prop.er/prɑ́:p.ər/[() ́.()]

[] , Ÿ, , ϴ, ùٸ, ǹٸ, , Ư

is this the ~/prɑ́:p.ər/ tool for the job?

/ Ͽ Դϱ?


*prop.er.ly/prɑ́:p.ər.li:/ [] , ȹٷ, Ǹϰ, ϰ, () öϰ


232. proper noun/naun/[]



233. prop.er.ty/prɑ́:p.ər.ti:/[() ́.().Ƽ]

[] , ڻ, ()


234. proph.et/prά:f.it/[() ́.]

[] (fem. ~ess [-is]) ; () ϴ . ( ) , â, . Ӿ () , ; .


235. pro.pose/prə.póuz/[(). ́]

[] ûϴ, ()ϴ, ϴ, õϴ, ûȥϴ

i ~d/prə.póuzd/[(). ́] to her. / ׳࿡ ûȥߴ.

i ~/prə.póuz/ an early start. / Ѵ.

i ~/prə.póuz/ to start early. / Ѵ.

i ~/prə.póuz/ starting early. / Ѵ.


236. pros.e.cute/prɑ́:s.ə.kjù:t/[()ƽ ́..ŰW ̀]

[] س, ϴ, ( ) ϴ,ϴ

i dont know whether i can ~/prɑ́:s.ə.kjù:t/, but i think i can.

/ 𸣰, ִٰ .


*pros.e.cu.tion/prɑ̀:s.ə.kjú:.ʃən/ [] , , , ,

*pros.e.cu.tor/prɑ́:s.ə.kjù:t.ər/ [] ,, , (˻)


237(1). pros.pect/prɑ́:s.pekt/[()ƽ ́.]

[] (), , ġ, ( ) () ,

the church has a western ~/prɑ́:s.pekt/. / ȸ ̴.

he has good ~s/prɑ́:s.pekts/[()ƽ ́.].

/ ״ ϴ.


237(2). pros.pect/prə.spékt/[(). ́́]

[] (ݱ ã) ϴ, ñϴ(for), () ϴ.

the company is

also ~.ing/prə.spék.ti/[().s ́́.] for gold.

/ ȸ ã ִ.


* : pros.pect / prəs. pékt /[ (). ́ ] (x)


238. pro.tect/prə.tékt/[().Ʈ ́]

[] ȣϴ, , Ű

he raised his arm to ~/prə.tékt/ his face from the blow.

/ ״ Ÿκ ÷ȴ.


*pro.tec.tion/prə.ték.ʃən/ [] ȣ, , Ŀ, ȣϴ , ,

*pro.tec.tive(/prə.ték.tiv/ [] ȣϴ, ȣ (å)

*pro.tec.tor/prə.ték.tər/ [] (fem. -tress [-tris]) ȣ, ȣ ġ[(ڪ)]

*pro.tect.ed/prǝ.ték.tid/[(). .́] źл


#(1). pro.test/prə.tést/[().½Ʈ ́]

v. ϴ, Ǹ ϴɑgɑinst; ɑbout; ɑt

what were the students ~.ing/prə.tés.ti/[().½ ́. ] ɑgɑinst?

/ л ϰ ־°?


#(2). pro.test/próu.test/[()ο ́.½Ʈ]

n. , ׺, (û) , . .

the ~ thɑt he had an alibi was rejected.

/ ׿ ˸̰ ִٴ û ⰢǾ.


240. proud/praud/[()L]

[] Ÿ, ڶ , ִ,

i am ~/praud/ of you, son.

/ Ƶ, ׸ ڶ Ѵ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!