͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (124)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-05-10 11:37:33 | ȸ : 260

å 5õ (124)

== r (121) ~ (140) ==


(17) r ==


121. re.venge/ri.véndʒ/[(). ́]

[] , (vengeance), Ӱ, Ǯon, upon.

ill have my ~/ri.véndʒ/ on him for this insult.

/ ڿ 忡 Ӱ ϰ ڴ.

[] ~ oneself Ǵ , Ӱϴ


*re.venge.ful/ri.véndʒ.fəl/ [] ɿ Ÿ, ӽ .


122. re.verse/ri.və́:rs/[().() ́]

[] Ųٷ ϴ, ٲپ [ִ], ϴ, ǵư

their positions are now ~d/ri.və́:rst/[().()Ʈ ́].

/ ׵ ٲ.

[] ݴ, Ųٷ, *[] op.po.site(ɑ́p.ə.zit)

put a ~/ri.və́:rs/ gear for backing !

/ ڷ  ־.


*re.vers.es /ri.və́:r.siz/[().() ́.]


123. re.view/ri.vjú:/[(). ́]

[/] (ϴ), (ϴ), (ϴ), (ϴ)

r~/ri.vjú:/ the days happenings every night.

/ Ϸ Ͼ .


124. rev.o.lu.tion/rèv.ə.lú:.ʃən/[()O ̀..() ́.]

[] , , (the r-) ȸ(), 1ȸ,õ(ֱ)


125. re.volve/ri.vɑ́:lv/[().پ ́]

[] ȸϴ, ȸ()ϴ, ( ) ϴ, ϴ

the earth ~s/ri.vɑ́lvz/[(). ́] round [about] the sun.

/ ¾ ȸѴ.


* : ѱ 信 /v/[] /b/[] Ű ѱǥ . Ҹ ϴ Ʒ ΰ ؾ Ѵ.

/v/ [] ƴ [] ϸ нڵ Ϸ ʱ ̴.

/f/[] & /p/[], /ɵ/[] & //[], /z/[] & /s/[] .


126. re.ward/ri.wɔ́:rd/[().^() ́]

[] , , , ʱ


127. rhythm/rí.əm/[() ́.] or [() ́.] ok

[] , , ֱ ݺ[ȯ],


*̱ : rhythm/rí.əm/[() ́.]

<rhythm> goolge how many syllables

how many syllables in rhythm? 1 syllable [ ]

divide rhythm into syllables: rhythm [ ]

syllable stress: rhythm []

how to pronounce rhythm: rith-um [ ]


* : ܾ ܾ Ǿ ȣ ̴ܾ.

̶ Ǵ ڸ ϴµ

(-.m) ̱ δ (rí.əm) ̴.

⸸ ؼ ƹ  ̷ .

[().-] [-] ִ.


128. rib/rib/[()]

[], , ()


@ 129. rib.bon/ríb.ən/[() ́.]

[] , . () ,


@ 130. rice/rais/[()̽]

[] , ,

cooked rice(kukt - rais) / =steamed rice

brown rice / brown sweet rice /


*lice/lais/[()̽] louse . ǰ .

*louse/laus/ [] (pl. lice [lais]) ; (Ĺ ) .


@ 131. rich/ritʃ/[()]

[] ,

he is a ~/ritʃ/ man. / ״ ھ.


132. rid/rid/[()]

[] (p., pp. , ded [ridid]; ding) عϴ, ϰ ϴ, ϴ

im glad to be ~/rid/ of this boring job.

/ ̷ ؼ ڴ.


*rid.den /ríd.ən/[() ́.]


@ 133. rid.dle/ríd.l/[() ́.]

[] , ˾Ƹ, ()

[] ( ), ˾Ƹ( ϴ)

r~/ríd.l/ me, ~/ríd.l/ me what it is !

/ ھھ ϱ( ϴ ).


@ 134. ride/raid/[()]

[] (rode [roud], () rid [rid]; ridden [rídn]) (Ż ) Ÿ( )

do you know how to ~/raid/ a bike?

/  Ÿ ƴ?

*rid.er/rái.dǝr/[() ́.()]

[] Ÿ , ; ̱ ī캸. ߼(), ÷(), ÷ ;


*rides/raidz/[()] ride 簡 ־ 3Ī ܼ ̸ s ٴ´.


135. ri.dic.u.lous/ri.dík.jə.ləs/[().I ́.̾.()]

[] , ,

you look ~/ri.dík.jə.ləs/ in that suit.

/ 纹 ϱ 콺ν δ.


*ri.dic.u.lous.ly/ri.dík.jə.ləs.li:/ [] ,


@ 136. right/rait/[()]

[] , ùٸ, ()

you are ~/rait/ today, but not yesterday.

/ Ǿ, ׷ ƴϾ.


*rights n., ɑ.̱ α()(civil ~) a ~ worker / α ȣ.

*right an.gle/́.gl/[^ ́.] []


*̱ ü :

thats right. / ½ϴ.


137. ring/ri/[()]

[] , , , [, ], (ġ)

it is my wedding ~/ri/. / װ ȥ.

[] ѷδ, δ, , ѱ ٸ )

they were ~ed/rid/[()] about with enemies.

/ ׵ Ǿ.

[] (rang[r], () rung[rʌ]/rung) (ŸDZ )

ring/ri/[()] a bell. / .


138. rink/rik/[()ũ]

[] (, dz) Ʈ, ѷƮ; curling; ̽Ű.

[] (Ʈ忡) Ʈ Ÿ.


139. ri.ot/rái.ət/[() ́.i]

[] ,ҿ, ð , (äҸ )

[] Ű, ø , Ȱ ϴ

dont ~/rái.ət/ away your time.

/ ûŸ ð .


140. ripe/raip/[()]

[] () , , ( ) , , (ȸ) , ޵(of); ɽ .

he is ~/raip/ in the business.

/ ״ Ͽ ſ ޵Ǿ ִ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!