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> °¡ÀÔ  > ·Î±×ÀÎ


Joke·Î Àç¹Õ´Â »ýÈ°¿µ¾î!(Step 053)

LV47 alexÇÒ¹è

2024-05-19 ¿ÀÈÄ 11:53:20 | Á¶È¸ : 164

joke·Î Àç¹Õ´Â »ýÈ°¿µ¾î!(step 053)

q :

¿©Çà°´ : ÀÌ °Ô californiaÇà ¹ö½ºÀԴϱî?

traveler : is this bus to california?


¸ÅÇ¥¿ø : ¿¹, california·Î in ten minutes °©´Ï´Ù.

ticket agent : yes, it goes to california in ten minutes.


¿©Çà°´ : ¿Í! ºü¸£´Ù!

traveler : wow! that fast!


[Áß¿ä ´Ü¾î]

@ ¿µ¾î¿¡¼­ "in"Àº ±â°£À» ³ªÅ¸³¾ ¶§´Â ¡°Áö³ª¼­¡± ÀÇ ¶æ ÀÌ´Ù.

¾î¶² ¹°°ÇÀ» ¼ö¸®ÇÏ¿© ´Þ¶ó°í ¸Ã°Ü³õ°í ³ª¿À¸é¼­, ÁÖÀο¡°Ô ¹¯´Â´Ù.

¾ðÁ¦Âë ´Ù µÇ°Ú½À´Ï±î? / when will it be ready(done)?

¼Õ´Ô¿¡°Ô ´äÇÑ´Ù. ±Ù¹«ÇÏ´Â ³¯ 4ÀÏÀÌ Áö³ª¼­¿ä. / in 4 working days.

@ working day¶õ ?

°øÈÞÀÏ, ÁÖ¸» µîÀ» »« ½ÇÁ¦ ±Ù¹«ÀÏÀ» ¸» ÇÑ´Ù.

¸¸ÀÏ¿¡ ±Ý¿äÀÏ¿¡ ¸Ã°åÀ¸¸é Åä, ÀÏÀ» Á¦¿ÜÇÏ°í ¿ù, È­, ¼ö, ¸ñ, À» Áö³ª¼­ ´ÙÀ½ ÁÖ

±Ý¿äÀÏ¿¡ µÈ´Ù´Â ¶æÀÌ´Ù.


[¹®¹ý ¿ä¾à]

== there is a restaurant near the company.

the restaurant serves good food.

/ ȸ»ç ±Ùó¿¡ ½Ä´çÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù.

±× ½Ä´çÀº ÁÁÀº À½½ÄÀ» Á¦°øÇÑ´Ù. ==


there is a restaurant near the company. ºÒƯÁ¤ ½Ä´ç ºÎÁ¤°ü»ç

the restaurant serves good food. ÀÌ¹Ì ¸»ÇÑ ½Ä´ç ƯÁ¤ ½Ä´ç Á¤°ü»ç


== rome was not built in a day.

/ ·Î¸¶´Â ÇÏ·ç¾Æħ¿¡ ¼¼¿öÁöÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù. ==


ÀÌ °æ¿ì´Â ºÎÁ¤°ü»ç°¡ Çϳª(one)ÀÇ Àǹ̸¦ °¡Áö°í ÀÖ´Ù.

µ¿»ç(build)ÀÇ ÁÖü¸¦ ƯÁ¤ÇϱⰡ Èûµë ´ë»ó(rome)À» ÁÖ¾î·Î ¼öµ¿ÅÂ


@ ±×ÀÇ ¸»ÀÌ ¿Ç´Ù.

(±¸¾î) his saying is right.

(¹®¾î) what hes saying is right


<¿À´ÃÀÇ ¸í¾ð>

spare the rod and spoil the child.

¸Å¸¦ ¾Æ³¢¸é ÀÚ½ÄÀ» ¹ö¸°´Ù, ±ÍÇÑ ÀÚ½ÄÀº °í»ýÀ» ½ÃÄѶó.

== unknown ==



¿À»ê½Ã(è¡ß£? è¦ß©?)Àº ¼ö¿ø(â©ê«) ¹Ø¿¡ ÀÖ°í

Âø°¢Àº ½Ã°è¼Ò¸®´Ù.

osan city (è¡ß£? è¦ß©?) is located below suwon (â©ê«).

illusion is the sound of a clock.


[ LV47 alexÇÒ¹è´ÔÀÇ °Ô½Ã±Û ´õ º¸±â (Ŭ¸¯!) ]


·Î±×ÀÎ ÇÏ½Ã°í µ¡±Ûµµ Àо¼¼¿ä.
µ¡±ÛÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. µ¡±ÛÀ» ³²°ÜÁÖ¼¼¿ä!!