͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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å 5õ (135)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-05-24 11:41:09 | ȸ : 143

å 5õ (135)

== s (161) ~ (180) ==


(18) s ==


@ 161. skirt/skə:rt/[Ŀ()Ʈ]

[] ĿƮ, ġ, (Ϲ ) ڶ, () ڸ, ,

[] ѷδ, θ, ϴ, [θ] , ڶ ޴ ()

the highway ~s/skə:rts/[Ŀ()Ʈ] the city.

/ ΰ ֺ ִ.


@ 162. sky/skai/[ī]

[] ϴ, õ, ,

the ~/skai/ is high. / ϴ .


163. slang/sl/[^]

[] Ӿ(ǥ Ǿ ), (ȸ)


@ 164. sleep/sli:p/[]

[] (p., pp. slept [slept]) ڴ, , Ȱ ʴ

s~/sli:p/ well! / !


*sleep.ing/slí:.pi/ [] , , (), Ȱġ

*sleep.y/slí:.pi:/ [] (sleep.i.er/-.i.est) , , ٹٹ


* : ܾ ̾ پ ( shine )



how many syllables in sleeping? 2 syllables

divide sleeping into syllables: sleep-ing

stressed syllable in sleeping: sleep-ing

how to pronounce sleeping: slee-ping

how to say sleeping: sleeping syllables


@ 165. sleeve/sli:v/[̟]

[] Ҹ, Ҹڶ


@ 166. slice/slais/[̽]

[] ( ) , () , κ,

[] [], ̴, [߶], ܾ[] ,

he ~d/slaist/[̽Ʈ] a watermelon in four for us.

/ ״ 츮 ߶.


@ 167. slide/slaid/[Ɵ]

[] ̲, Ȱ, Ż,(ȯ̰) ̵

[] (p., pp. slid[slid]) ̲, Ȱϴ

the years ~/slaid/ away swift.ly/swíft.li:/./ .


*sli.ding/slái.di/ [] ̲, Ȱ, ̵̵߱.


168. slight/slait/[Ɵ]

[] , ; ; ѽ; ô(to; upon).

[] []ϴ, ; ϴ(disregard). [syn.] neglect. ( ) () ϴ(neglect).

[] ټ, ,

i have a ~/slait/ fever today. / ־.


*slight.ly/sláit.li:/ [] , , ϰ, ϰ,


@ 169. slip/slip/[]

[] (p., pp. slipped [-t], () slipt [-t]; slipping) () ̲, ̲ Ѿ, [̲] , (ȸ ) ,

time ~s/slips/[ٽ] by [away]. / ð 帥.


*slip.per/slíp.ər/ [] () dzȭ

*slip.per.y/slíp.ə.ri:/ [] (-per.i.er/ -.i.est) ( ) ̲, ݵݵ


@ 170. slow/slou/[]

[] (ӵ) , *[] quick(kwik) ħü

he is so ~/slou/ at accounts. / ״ ʹ ʴ.


*slow.ly/slóu.li:/ [] , , ϸϰ


171. slump/slʌmp/[^]

[] ǫ[] [], ( ü ) , (α ) *[] boom(bu:m)

[] ǫ , , ڼ ϴ, ((Ѩ)) ħüϴ

sales have ~.ed/slʌmpt/[^Ʈ] this year.

/ ؿ ްߴ.


@ 172. small/smɔ:l/[^]

[] (the ) , (the ) [] κ, (Ư) 㸮 ߷ κ(waist)(of the back), (the ) ź

i like to get a ~/smɔ:l/. / ϳ ʹ.

[] (), , *[] big(big), large(lɑ:rdʒ) Ǵ,

i am not a man with a ~/smɔ:l/ mind.

/ ƴϾ.


@ 173. smart/smɑ:rt/[()Ʈ]

[] ġ ִ, , , ƴ, Ȱ, ʽ ִ, ()

you look very ~/smɑ:rt/ in that suit.

/ ʽð ƿ.


@ 174. smell/smel/[]

[] İ, , ,

[] (p., pp. ed [-d], smelt [smelt]; smelling) ô(, )

i can ~/smel/ something burning. / ΰ Ÿ .


*smelt/smelt/[Ʈ] smell źл


@ 175. smile/smail/[]

[] ̼ , []Ÿ

she ~d/smaild/[ϵ] to see me. / ׳ ̼ .


@ 176. smoke/smouk/[V]

[] , (Ȱ ), ü

[] ,

the stove ~s/smouks/[V] badly.

/ δ ( ) .


*smok.er/smóu.kər/ [] , ǿ

*smok.ing/smóu.ki/ [] , , ߿(ۡ),

*smoke л,

*smok.y, smok.ey/smóu.ki:/ [] (smokier; -iest) , ,


177. smooth/smu:/[Y]

[] Ų[ݹ]ϰ ϴ, , Ÿ

[] Ų, ŲŲ[], Ȱ Ǵ

she spoke ~/smu:/ words. / ׳ ġ Ͽ.

[] Ų[ݵ] ϱ, ݹϰ ϴ, (ָ) , ϰ[ϰ] ϴ

she ~.ed/smu:d/[Y] out the tablecloth.

/ ׳ å ָ .


*smooth.ly/smú:.li:/ [] Ųϰ, ݵ巴, źϰ


178. snack/snk/[^]

n. (Ȳ θ) Ļ, , , ҷ, () ,


179. snail/sneil/[]

[]. ɵհŸ ; ú.() ķ (=́ whèel)


180. snake/sneik/[]

[] , () [Ȥ, Ȱ] ,


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!