͵Ȧ ΰ

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å 5õ (141)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-04 11:47:59 | ȸ : 211

å 5õ (141)

== s (281) ~ (300) ==


(18) s ==


281. state/steit/[Ÿ]

[] , () (ȥ ) , , , ( the s-) ,

[] ( s-) , ,̱()

we have to make a good plan

for the future of ~/steit/ education.

/ 츮 ̷ ȹ մϴ.

[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

the report ~.ed/stéit.id/[Ÿ ́.] that

more than 51 percent of voters failed to participate.

/ 51 % ̻ ߴٰ .


*state.ment/stéit.mənt/ [] , (ƹ) , ,,

*par.tic.i.pate /pɑ:r.tís.ǝ.pèit/ vi. ϴ, ϴ, ϴ


@ 282. sta.tion/stéi.ʃən/[ ́.]

[] , , (), (), (), (ݻ), ֵ, ٰ, () μ,

the ~/stéi.ʃən/ is 2 blocks away. / ִ.


283. sta.tion.ar.y/stéi.ʃə.nèr.i:/[ ́.. ̀. ()]

[] ʴ, ,

[] ʴ ; (pl.)

i remained ~/stéi.ʃə.nèr.i:/. / ʾҴ.


284. sta.tion.er/stéi.ʃə.nər/[ ́..()]

[] , ; () , Ǿ.


*sta.tion.er.y /stéi.ʃə.nèr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()] []


* : sta.tion.er.y /stéi.ʃən. èr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()] (x)

* : sta.tion.er / stéi. ʃən. ər /[ ́. . () ] (x)


285. stat.ue/st́tʃ.u:/[^ ́.]

n. (), ()

statue of liberty (the ~) / Ż new york liberty island.


@ 286. stay/stei/[]

[] (ġ ) ӹ, üϴ

how long will you ~/stei/ here! / 󸶳 ӹ ΰ?


*̱ ü :

stay cool. / ؿ.

stay longer. / .

stay out of trouble. / !

stay out of it. / .


287. stead.y/stéd.i:/[ ́.]

[] , , Һ

the castle receives a ~/stéd.i:/ stream of visitors.

/ 湮 ̾ ִ.

[] ߰[߽]ϰ ϴ, ħϰ ϴ, 鸮 ʰ ϴ

he will ~/stéd.i:/ down when he gets older.

/ ׵ ̰ ħ.


288. steak/steik/[Ÿ]

[] ũ, Ư ũ(beef ~); ̱ (ũ) ;


@ 289. steal/sti:l/[Ƽ]

[] (stole [stoul]; stolen [stóulən]) ġ,߱ϴ

i had my bike sto.len/stóu.lən/[ ́.()].

/ ̸ ϸ¾Ҵ.


*steel/sti:l/ [] ö, (˼), ƿ


*̱ ü :

thats a steal. / ٸ.; ϰ .


@ 290. steam/sti:m/[Ƽ]

[] , , , , , Ȱ

[] , ⸦ ߻ϴ, ư

this boiler ~s/sti:ms/[Ƽӽ] well.

/ Ϸ Ⱑ ´.


# steel/sti:l/[Ƽ]

n. ö, (˼), ƿ

a. ö(); (ö) ܴ; Ȥ

v. ö ; ޴, ߰ϰ ϴ, () ܴ ϴ

he steeled/sti:ld/[Ƽϵ] his heart ɑgɑinst the poor.

/ 鿡 ϰ ߴ


291. steep/sti:p/[Ƽ]

[] Ǯ, , , , ״ ü, ״

[] ĸ, , ް, () ͹Ͼ, ( )

my house is on a ~/sti:p/ hill.

/ Ż (, ) ִ.

[] ״, ô, ϴ (Ȱ ) ڵ,

this tea ~s/sti:ps/[Ƽٽ] well. / .


292. steer.ing/stíər.i/[Ƽ ́.()]

[] Ÿ(), , Ƽ


*steer.ing/stíər.i/ wheel(hwi:l) == (ڵ)


@ 293. step/step/[]

[] ; (pl.) , ڱ,

[] (-pp-) ȴ(Ư ª Ÿ) () θ, ư

s~s/steps/[] away from the line. / ¦ .

he stepped/stept/[Ʈ] on the girls foot on purpose.

/ ״ ҳ Ҵ.

on purpose = purposely(Ƿ)


@ 294. stick/stik/[J]

[] , , ߶ (ӭ),

[] (p., pp. stuck[stʌk]) ( ) , () ϴ

he ~s/stiks/[J] his finger with a pin.

/ ״ հ .


*̱ ü :

stick around. / þ.; Ѻ.

stick with it. / ( ) .


295. stiff/stif/[M]

[] (Ӿ) , , μ, , ü

[] , , ( ) , ( ) , ,

the windows were ~/stif/ and she couldnt get them open.

/ â ؼ ׳ .

[] ϰ, ܴϰ, ͷ, () ſ, ũ

the wet shirt was frozen ~/stif/.

/ ϰ .


296. still/stil/[ƿ]

[] (), ʴ, *[] qui.et(kwái.ət)

the sea is ~/stil/ today. / ٴٰ ϴ.

[] (), , , ׷, ,

* ӻó but, however Ÿ.

he is ~/stil/ poor. / ״ ϴ.

*̱ ü :

i still love you. / .


297. stink/stik/[ũ]

[] (stank [stk], stunk [stʌk]; stunk) ; ڸ 

ſ ڴ, ϴ, .

this ham ~s/stiks/[ũ] . / 밡 ϴ


298. stir/stə:r/[;()]

[] (-r.r-) (, ) ̴, , ڼ, й߽Ű, Ű

he did not ~/stə:r/ a finger. / ״ հ ϳ ߴ.

[] , , (ٶ) Ÿ,

can i get a coffee ~/stə:r/? / Ŀ ϳ ?


299. stitch/stitʃ/[Ƽ] [] ٴ, , , , ٴ߰

a ~/stitʃ/ in time saves nine.

/Ӵ ٴ ȩ ٴ .

he was without a ~/stitʃ/ of clothing. = have not a ~/stitʃ/ on

/ ״ ǿ ϳ ġ ʾҴ.

[] ٴϴ; ž ٹ̴


300. stock/stɑ:k/stɔk/[Ÿ]

[] (Ǯ ) ٱ, ص; ٰ(), ϰ, ϼ(). ֽ̱, , ()( share); (), , , (ʫͧ),

she is of (old) new england ~.

/ ׳ ױ۷ ( (ʫ)) ̴.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!