͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (143)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-08 12:34:06 | ȸ : 199

å 5õ (143)

== s (321) ~ (340) ==


(18) s ==


@ 321. string/stri/[Ʈ()]

[] , , , *cord ð thread *[] thread(ɵred)


322. strip/strip/[Ʈ()]

[] (p., pp. ped[stript], () t; ping) (Ѳ ) , , , ߱,

he ~.ped/stript/[Ʈ()Ʈ] the carpet from the floor.

/ ״ ٴڿ ī Ⱦ ´.


323. stripe/straip/[Ʈ()]

[] ٹ, , ٹ ִ õ

the american flag has 50 stars and 13 ~s/straips/[Ʈ()ٽ]

which represents the 13 first and 50 current states.

/ ̱ ⿣ 50 13 ִµ

13 ó() (state),

50 ָ Ÿ.

[] ̴, ٹ̷ ϴ, ϴ

her body was ~.ed/straipt/[Ʈ()Ʈ] with band of sunlight.

/ ׳ ޺ ׾ ־.


*striped/straipt/[Ʈ()Ʈ] źл


324. stroll/stroul/[Ʈ()ο]

[]  Ŵұ, å, (̱Ӿ)

[] åϴ, ϴ, ϴ, ( ) ȸ ϴ

he ~.ed/strould/[Ʈ()ο] along the beach.

/ ״ ؾ åϿ.


*strol.ler/stróu.lər/ [] åϴ , ̱ɻ


@ 325. strong/strɔ:/[Ʈ()^]

[] , , () ưư

he is a ~/strɔ:/ young man. / ״ ǰ ̾.


326. struc.ture/strʌ́k.tʃər/[Ʈ()^ ́.ó()]

[] , ,ȭȭ . , . ǻ.

at the same time the family ~/strʌ́k.tʃər/ is changing.

/ ÿ ϰ ֽϴ.

the economic ~/strʌ́k.tʃər/ of korea / ѱ .


in learning the principles of classification, therefore, well be learning about the structure that lies at the core of our language. (2022 ) (42)

з 鼭 츮 ٽɿ ִ Դϴ.


# strug.gle /strʌ́g.əl/[/^ ́.]

vi. Ÿ, ־ ư, ׷ س

~ to escape ġ Ÿ.

~ with many problems ο


327. stub.born/stʌ́b.ərn/[^ ́.()]

a. ϰ, ұ ٷ , , ( ) ġ *s~/stʌ́b.ərn/[^ ́.()] problems /

he was too ~/stʌ́b.ərn/ to admit that he was wrong.

/ ״ ʹ ϰؼ ڱ ߸ ʾҴ.


@ 328. stu.dent/stjú:.dənt/[Ƽ ́.Ʈ]

[] л(̱ л ̻,


@ 329. stud.y/stʌ́d.i:/[^ ́.]

[] , [] ϴ, ϴ

s~/stʌ́d.i:/ hard! / !


@ 330. stu.pid/stjú:.pid/[Ƽ ́.]

[] û, ٺ

it was ~/stjú:.pid/ of me to behave like that.

/ ׷ ൿϴٴ ٺ.


*stu.pid.i.ty/stju:.píd.ə.ti:/ [] , , .


331. style/stáil/[Ÿ]

[] ü, ü, , , ǥ, ( ) ,


332. sub.di.vi.sion/sʌ̀b.di.víʒ.ən/[^ ̀.. ́.]

[] (), ߰ , ; ̱ () (), ȹ


333(1). sub.ject/səb.dʒékt/[.́]

[] []Ű, ( ) ϰ ϴ

hed ~.ed/səb.dʒék.tid/ her to a terrifying ordeal.

/ ״ ׳ฦ ô޸ ߴ.


*sub.jec.tive/səb.dʒék.tiv/ []öְ, [opp.] objective.ְ

the ~ complement /ְݺ



333(2). sub.ject/sʌ́b.dʒikt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

[] , , , , , ȭ(), а,־

[] 踦 ޴, ϴ, ϴ(to), ޱ , () Ա[ɸ] (to)

we are ~/sʌ́b.dʒikt/ to our countrys laws.

/ 츮 ؾ Ѵ.


334. sub.junc.tive/səb.dʒʌ́k.tiv/[.^ũ ́.M]

[] (), ()(), ӹ(); . [cf.] indicative,


335. sub.ma.rine/sʌ́b.mə.rì:n/[^ ́..() ̀]

[] Կ Ÿ(ϴ)

[] (sub), [] []

[] ٴ , , ٴ ӿ ; ٴ ӿ .

s~/sʌ́b.mə.rì:n/ war.fare/wɔ́:r.fὲǝr/[^() ́.()]

/ .


336. sub.mit/səb.mít/[. ́]

vt. (-tt-) ~ oneselfŰ, ϴto

~ oneself to a persons direction / ƹ ÿ .

ϴ, ( ޱ Ͽ) ϴ, ñ, ӽŰ

~ a report / ϴ

+thɑt[] Ʒڴ, ǰμ ϴ

i ~ thɑt you are mistaken.

/ Ƿ ߸ ϰ ִٰ 帮 ͽϴ.

vi. ϴ; ϴ, ׺ϴ; ϴto; ( ) ޴to

~ to authority / ϴ.

n.ǻó ǷǻͿ ́]


337. sub.scribe/səb.skráib/[.ũ() ́]

[] ϴ, ( ) (٣) ³ϴ, û[]ϴ

president ~d/səb.skráibd/[.ũ()Ե ́] his name to the document.

/ Ͽ.


*sub.scri.ber/səb.skrái.bər/ [] (to). , , û;

*sub.scrip.tion/səb.skríp.ʃən/ [] û, , Ա, ()


# sub.se.quent /sʌ́b.si.kwǝnt/[^ ́..ũƮ]

ɑ. , ; , ؼ Ͼ, ̾to; μҾ Ͼ(consequent) upon; ()õ Ǵ.

n. ؼ̾ Ͼ , ļ ;

~ness n.


# sub.si.dize(d) /sʌ́b.si.dàiz(d)/[^ ́..() ̀]

vt. ִ; ȸ()ϴ; żϴ(bribe).

sùbsidizátion n.


sub.si.dy /sʌ́b.si.di:/[^ ́..]

n. ( ΰ ) , ; α, α; ( ) ;


# sub.se.quent /sʌ́b.si.kwǝnt/[^ ́..ũƮ]

ɑ. , ; , ؼ Ͼ, ̾to; μҾ Ͼ(consequent) upon; ()õ Ǵ.

n. ؼ̾ Ͼ , ļ ;

~ness n.


338. sub.stance/sʌ́b.stəns/[^ ́.Ͻ]

[] (material), ü. , , , (the ~) , , ,

the ~/sʌ́b.stəns/ of his lecture /


339. sub.tle/sʌ́t.l/[^ .́]

[] (subtler; -tlest) ̹, . , Ȱ, ؾ ִ,

a ~/sʌ́t.l/ intelligence /

her ~/sʌ́t.l/ brain / ׳ γ


* : no b sound


@ 340. sub.way/sʌ́b.wèi/[^ ́. ̀]




[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!