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å 5õ (144)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-09 5:20:35 | ȸ : 200

å 5õ (144)

== s (341) ~ (360) ==


(18) s ==


341. suc.ceed/sək.sí:d/[C.ß ́]

[] ϴ, ⼼ϴ, ϴ

he ~.ed/sək.sí:.did/[C. ́.] in business. / ״ ߴ.


*suc.cess/sək.sés/[] ,

*suc.cess.ful/sək.sés.fəl/ [] , () հ, (ȸ )

*suc.ces.sful.ly/sək.sés.fəl.i:/ ɑd. ; Ǹϰ.

* ~ness n.


342. such/sʌtʃ/[^]

[] ׷, , ϸŭ

s~/sʌtʃ/ is life [the world]! / λ[] ̷ ̴(ü ).

she is not kind, only she seems ~/sʌtʃ/.

/ ׳ ģ ʴ, ٸ ׷ ̴.

[] ׿ []. (Ӿ) ; (߾)

s~/sʌtʃ/ were the results. / ׿ Ҵ.


343. sud.den/sʌ́d.ən/[^ ́.]

[] ۽, , Ȱ

a ~/sʌ́d.ən/ noise aused me to jump to my feet.

/ ۽ ½ پ.


*sud.den.ly/sʌ́d.ən.li:/ [] ڱ, ҽÿ, , ,


344. suf.fer/sʌ́f.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ޴, ϴ, Դ, , ϴ

i cannot ~/sʌ́f.ər/ him. / ڿ ̻ .


345. suf.fi.cient/sə.fíʃ.ənt/[.Ǿ ́.Ʈ]

[] ( )

[] , , () [ڰ] ִ

the child has ~/sə.fíʃ.ənt/ courage for it [to do it].

/ ̴ װ Ⱑ ִ.


#(1). suf.fix/sʌ́f.iks/[^ ́.]

[] ̻.cf.prefix. ߰÷.=subindex.


#(2). suf.fix/sǝ.fíks/[. ́]

[] ̻μ ̴;


@ 346. sug.ar/ʃúg.ər/[ ́.()]

[] , ()

i bought a bag of ~/ʃúg.ər/ yesterday. / .


* : (ʃ) (u) (g) ==> [ ́.()] д .

<== д .

ܾ ѱ  д ƴϰ ĺ θ

ʷ д´. ѱ 츰 װ ״ ϱ .

̷ ص ۸ ǰ ׷

н ǻ ̷ Ѵ.


347. sug.gest/səg.dʒést/[.罺Ʈ ́]

vt. Ͻϴ, ߴ, ûϴ, ϴ

i didnt tell him to leave. i only ~ed it.

/ ׿ ߴ. Ͻø ־ ̴.

ϴ, âϴ, , ϴ ~ a swim ϴ

i ~ed another plan to the committee.

/ ȸ ٸ Ͽ.

Ű, ϴ soldiers ~ ants.

what does the shape ~ to you?

/ ڳ׿ ϰ ϴ°.


suggest Ӹӿ Ű, ûϴ.

ϴ propose ϰ ǥ :

the name doesnt suggest anything to me. ̸  .


imply ǥ ص 縮 Ǵ ʿ Ǵ,

Ͼϸ ϴ:

speech implies a speaker. ̶ ʿ Ͻϰ ̴.


hint ˰ ߴ, Ͻϴ:

he hinted that he would like a present. ״ ٶ ġ .


intimate hint,

˾ä ϰ Ͽ ൿ  ִ:

he intimɑted that there would be danger if we went on. ״ 츮 ״ ϸ ϸ Ͼϸ .


insinuate ǥ  ϰ Ϸ ϴ. ߻ :

he insinuɑted that they were dangerous people. ״ ι̶ ϰ Ϸ ߴ


* : g a,o,u /g/ e,i,y /dʒ/ Ģ.


*sug.ges.tion/səg.dʒés.tʃən/ [] Ͻ, , (,)


* : [.罺Ʈ ́] ==> [.罺Ʈ ́] . ϰ .


348. suit/su:t/[W]

[] Ҽ, û, ź, () , Ͻ, ȥ

[] ϰ ϴ, , , Ư Դ

blue ~s/su:ts/[W] you very well.

/ Ǫ װԴ ︰.


*̱ ü :

suit yourself! / ϼ.


*suit.case/sú:t.kèis/ [] , Ʈ̽

*suit.a.ble/sú:t.ə.bl/ [] , , ˸(to; for) [syn.] fit


@ () ?

[] a suit.a.ble/sú:t.ǝ.bl/ house [job]

 mod.e.rate/mάd.ə.rǝt/ exercise

̵鿡 å a prop.er/prάp.ǝr/ book for children

з an ad.e.quate/ǽd.i.kwǝt/ amount ˸

at a rea.son.a.ble/rí:.zən.ǝ.bl/ price



349. suite/swi:t/[̟]

[] ( ) ; (), (), ȣ


350. sum/sʌm/[^]

[] Ѱ, Ѿ, հ, , , .

the ~/sʌm/ of 2 and 3 is 5.

/ 2 +3=5. = 2 3 5 ̴.

[] (-mm-) Ѱϴ, հϴ. ϴ 뼼 Ǵϴ, [Ǵ]ϴ. []ϴ, հ Ǵ(to; into).

i ~.med/sʌmd/[^ϵ] up the girl in a moment.

/ 绡 ҳ ǰ ˾ë.


* : ~.med/sʌmd/[^ϵ] up[^] ==> [^] [] ok!


351. sum.ma.rize/sʌ́m.ə.ràiz/[^ ́..() ̀]

[] Ͽ ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

the results of the research

are ~d/sʌ́m.ə.ràizd/[^ ́..() ̀]

at the end of the chapter.

/ Ǿ ִ.


@ 352. sum.mer/sʌ́m.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] , *̱(6~8), (5~7), õδ ߺб


@ 353. sun/sʌn/[^]

[] (Ϲ the ) ¾, , ޺, ϱ, ޺


*sun.ny/sʌ́n.i:/[] (-nier; -niest) ٸ, ġ, ,

*sun.rise/sʌ́n.ràiz/ [] ص, , ضߴ ð(sunup); Ʋ; ħ.

*sun.set/sʌ́n.sèt/ [] س, , , , () , ; .

*sun.shine/sʌ́n.ʃàin/ [] ޺, ϱ, ,


@ 354. sun. = sun.day/sʌ́n.dei/[^ ́.]

[] Ͽ, (⵶ȸ) Ƚ ,


@ 355. su.per/sú:.pər/[ ́.()]

[] () ܿ(Ӯ), Ʈ(), , Ư[Ư]ǰ

[] () ְ(), ػ, Ư, ǥƯǰ

julie was a ~/sú:.pər/ girl. / julie ҳ .


*su.per.mar.ket/sú:.pər.mɑ̀:r.kit/ [] ۸


356. sup.per/sʌ́p.ər/[^ ́()]

[] ( dinner Ծ ) , Ļ(Ư dinner Ļ)

s~/sʌ́p.ər/ is ready! / Ļ簡 غǾ!


357. su.per.vi.sion/sù:.pər.víʒ.ən/[ ̀.(). ́.]

[] , , , .

the work is under the ~/sù:.pər.víʒ.ən/ of him.

/ () Ͽ ִ.


358. sup.ply/sə.plái/[. ́]

[] *[] demand(di.ḿnd), ,

[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ, (ڸ ) ϴ

our school ~ies/sə.pláis/[.̽ ́] the children with food.

/ 츮 б Ƶ ޽Ѵ.


359. sup.port/sə.pɔ́:rt/[.^()Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, Ƽ, (å ) ϴ, ϴ,

his wife ~.ed/sə.pɔ́:r.tid/[.^() ́.] him throughout the ordeal.

/ ״ ÷ ޴ Ƴ ʵǾ Դ.


*through.out/ru:.áut/ []ð Ͽ,

[] ó , ٰ, , , ı, öö

*ordeal/ɔ:r.dí:l/ [] ȣ ÷, ü.


360. sup.pose/sə.póuz/[. ́]

[] ϴ, Ƹ, ϴ

i ~/sə.póuz/ she doesnt know. / ׳

= i dont ~/sə.póuz/[. ́] she know.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!