͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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å 5õ (145)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-10 11:39:57 | ȸ : 221

å 5õ (145)

== s (361) ~ (389) ==


(18) s ==


361. sup.pos.ing/sǝ.póu.zi/[. ́.¡]

[] ̶

s~/sǝ.póu.zi/[. ́.¡] you cant come, who will do the work?

/ װ ?


@ 362. sure/ʃuər/[()]

[] Ʋ, Ȯ, ưư, , ִ

are you ~/ʃuər/? / Ȯ?


*sure.ly/ʃúər.li:/ [] Ȯ, ݵ,, ,

*̱ ü : sure thing. . = sure.


363. sur.face/sə́:r.fis/[(). ́ǽ]

n. ǥ, ܸ, ܺ ܰ, Ѻ, ܾ. ǥȭϴŰ.


the ~ of the earth water / ǥ

rise raise to the ~ / λ(ݩ߾)ϴŰ; ( )

a plane curved ~ /


@ # sur.prise/sər.práiz/[().() ́]

vt. (¦) ϴ nothing ~s him.  ͵ ׸ Ѵ.

they ~d her with a magnificent birthday present.

/ ׵ Ǹ ׳ฦ ¦ ߴ.

· , ƿ ϴɑt; by; to do; thɑt

you will be ~d how kind he is. / ģԿ ¦ Դ.

i ɑm not ~d if he knows. / װ ˰ ִ ص ̻ .

־ ϰ ϴ, (󶳰ῡ) Ű

we ~d him into admitting. / 츮 װ 󶳰ῡ ڹϰ .

n. ,

what a ~! / ̱ ¦̾.


he read the note with ~. / ״ а ¦ .

ҽÿ ġ, .

ɑ. ҽ, , .


surprise غ ڱ ϴ:

surprise the enemy ϴ.


astonish Ұ Ǵ Ͽ ϴ:

he had been such a gentleman that his crime ɑstonished us. Ż簡 ˸ .


amaze astonish ϳ ̰ , . û:

i was ɑmɑzed at his ignorance. Ŀ . astound ϴ, .


*sur.prised/sər.práizd/ == surprise , źл


*̱ ü :

thats a nice surprise! / ̰ ε


364. sur.round/sə.ráund/[.() ́]

[] δ, ѷδ, ϴ

when she came out of the dressing room

she was ~.ed/sə.ráun.did/[.() ́.] by admirers.

/ ׳డ ǿ ׳ ҵ鿡 ѷο.

*sur.round.ing/sə.ráun.di/ [] ( pl.) () ȯ, Ȳ,

[] , ѷ[α]

*sur.round.ed/sə.ráun.did/[.() ́.]


365(1). sur.vey/sǝr.véi/[(). ́]

[] ٺ, ϴ. ϴ, ϴ ϴ, ϴ,

they ~.ed/sǝ:r.véid/[(). ́] the land.

/ ׵ Ͽ.


in fact, 73 percent of canadian voters surveyed denied in the strongest possible terms that their votes had been influenced by physical appearance; only 14 percent even allowed for the possibility of such influence. (2013 ) (44)

翡 ij 73% ڽ ǥ ܸ ޾Ҵٴ ִ ϰ ߽ϴ. 14% ׷ ɼ ߽ϴ.


365(2). sur.vey/sə́:r.vei/[() ́.]

[] ٶ. , . , ; (); (ݻ).


366. sur.vi.val/sər.vái.vəl/[(). ́.]

[] Ƴ, , , , ,

[] (ķǷ ) ޿[ÿ]

we need some ~/sər.vái.vəl/ food. / 츮 ޿ ǰ ʿϴ.


*sur.vive/sər.váiv/ [] ı ϴ[Ƴ], () ,

*sur.vi.vor/sər.vái.vər/ [] , , , ,


367(1). sus.pect/sə.spékt/[.́]

[] ǽϴ, ( ) Dz [˾ä]

i ~/sə.spékt/́] him to be a liar. / ״ ̰ ƴѰ ȴ.


* : sus.pect / səs. pékt /[ . ́] (x)


367(2). sus.pect/sʌ́s.pekt/[^ƽ ́. ]

[] , , ι.

[] ǽɽ, [½]

his theory is ~/sʌ́s.pekt/[^ƽ ́. ]. / ̷ ǽɽ.


368. sus.pend/sə.spénd/[.ҵ ́]

[] ()޴, ɴ, ϴ, Ͻ ϴ, Ѷ ߴ, ϴ

the kid -.ed/sə.spén.did/[. ́.] a ball by a thread.

/ ̴ Ƿ Ŵ޾Ҵ.


369. sus.pense/sə.spéns/[.ҽ ́]

[] ̰, Ŵ޷ ִ , ߰. Ҿ,(Ǹ) .

þsuspend v.

keep a person in ~/sə.spéns/. / ƹ Ҿϰ صδ, ̰ ϴ.


* : sus.pense/səs.péns/[. ҽ ́] (x)

ܾ s 鼭 бⰡ ޶.

̷ ܾ ܾ (24) ٸ б ܾ .


370. sus.pi.cion/sə.spíʃ.ən/[.Ǿ ́.]

[] , ǽ(½) *[] doubt(daut), è (a ) ؼҷ, (of).

he has been arrested on ~/sə.spíʃ.ən/ of murder.

/ ״ Ƿ üǾ


371. sus.pi.cious/sə.spíʃ.əs/[.Ǿ ́.]

[] ǽɽ, ½, ̽, (ŵ) ½,

he is ~/sə.spíʃ.əs/ of memy intentions.

/ ״ ǵ ǽϰ ִ.


372. sus.tain/sǝ.stéin/[. ́]

[] (Ʒ) ġ. ϴ, ξϴ, ( ) ޴, Դ, ߵ

the court ~ed/sǝ.stéind/[.ε ́] his suit.

/ Ҽ ߴ.

= the court ~ed him in his suit.


373. swal.low/swɑ́l.ou/[ ́.]

[] Ŵ, ; ( ). ĵ(Գ), 񱸸. [] .

[] ()

[] Ѵ, Ű, ܲ Ű

swallow/swɑ́l.ou/ it down and have another.

/ װ Ѱ ض.


374. swan/swɑn/[]

[] , () , , Ǹ[Ƹٿ] []


375. swear/swɛər/[()]

[] (swore[swɔ:r]/sworn[swɔ:rn]) ͼϴ, ϴ

do you ~/swɛər/ to tell the truth. / ͼϴ°?


*̱ ü :

i swear to god. / ſ ͼ.


@ 376. sweat/swet/[]

[] , ( pl.) ( ) (ۡ); (a ) .

[] [], .

he ~s/swets/[] pro.fuse.ly/prə.fjú:s.li:/[().ǿ콺 ́.()].

/ ״ 기.


*sweat.er/swét.ər/ [] . (ϰ) ; (). 뵿 .


377. sweep/swi:p/[]

[] (p., pp. swept[swept]) ûϴ(), () ϴ,

he swept/swept/[Ʈ] up the fallen leaves.

/ ״ Ҵ.


@ 378. sweet/swi:t/[̟]

[] , , ִ. [opp] bitter. , ִ. ο, ̷ο

it smells ~/swi:t/. / .


*̱ ü :

sweet dreams. / ڿ.


379. swell/swel/[]

[] (ed; swollen [swóulən] () swoln [swouln], () ed) Ǯ, âϴ, ξ, (, ٴ)ϴ

his face ~.ed/sweld/[ٵ] up.

/ ξö.


380. swerve/swə:rv/[()]

[] , , ˸ , ٸ 濡 from

the bullet ~d/swə:rvd/[()] from the mark.

/ źȯ ǥ .


381. swim/swim/[]

[] (swam [swm], () swum [swʌm]; swum; ming) ġ, ߴ

can you ~/swim/ in the ocean?

/ ٴٿ ĥ ֽϱ?

*swim.ming /swím.i/[ ́.] )


382. swine/swain/[]

[] (pl. ~) ̱ . ̸ Ϲδ pig, hog . .


@ 383. swing/swi/[]

[] ׳

[] (swung [swʌ], () swang [sw]; swung) , ϴ. ׳׸ ٴ, () ޴.

the lamp is ~.ing/swí.i/[ ́.] in the wind.

/ ٶ 鸮 ִ.


@ 384. switch/switʃ/[]

[]ġ, . ( ) , .öö(Ѧ),

ٲ, ȯ, , ȯ

[] ( ) Ѵ, , ٲٴ

the train was ~.ed/switʃt/[Ʈ] into the siding.

/ ٲپ.


385. swoop/swu:p/[X]

[] κ Ͷ ; ޽ϴdown; on, upon; ޽ϴin; on

the army ~.ed/swu:pd/[X] down on the town.

/ 밡 Ͽ.


386. syl.la.ble/síl.ə.bl/[ ́..]

[] , Ƿ, Ÿ [ö], Ѹ, Ͼݱ

a word with two ~s/síl.ə.bls/[ ́..] has an accent.

/ ܾ ִ.

= two syllables word has an accent.


@ 387. sym.bol/sím.bəl/[ ́.]

[] ¡, ǥ, ɹ, ȣ, ȣ

[] ǥϴ, ¡ϴ, ȣ Ÿ


*sym.bol.ic, ical /sim.bɑ́l.ik/ [] ¡ϴ(of); ¡[ǥ]; ()ȣ

*sym.bol.ize/sím.bə.làiz/ [] ¡[ǥ]ȭϴ, ȣ[ȣ] Ÿ


388. sym.pa.thet.ic/sìm.pə.ɵét.ik/[ ̀.. ́.]

ɑ. , ִ, Ÿ

a ~ look smile/ ִ ǥ̼~ tears / .


ȣ, ϴ

he was ~ to our plan. / ״ 츮 ȹ ̾.

n.غ Ű; ɸ(ָ ) ɸ .

-ically /-i.kǝl.i:/ ɑd. , Ͽ; ; Ͽ; Ͽ.


389. sys.tem/sís.təm/[ý ́.]

[] ü, (), , , ()

he has no ~/sís.təm/ in his thinking.

/ ״ ְ ʴ´.


[ Ǯ]


120. he stepped on the girls foot on purpose.

/ ״ ҳ Ҵ.

on purpose = purposely(Ƿ)



121. somebody stole my bike yesterday.

/ ̸ ƴ.(ɵ)

־(somebody): (stole) ü

(my bike): (stole)

´ ־ ϴ .

ɵ  ־ Ǵ .



122. my bike was stolen yesterday.

/ ̰ ߴ.()

־(my bike) : (stole) , ɵ

by + ü(somebody)

ǹ ߿ 쿡



123. a rolling stone gathers no moss.

/ ̳ ʴ´.

л(rolling) (stone)



124. if you study hard, you pass the exam.

/ ϸ 迡 հѴ.

: if you study hard(ܼ)

: you pass the exam(ܼ)

Ϲ ܼ .



125. he struck me on the head.

/ ״ Ӹ ȴ.

ġ + the + ü



126. this(it) is a good time to talk.

/ ȭϱ⿡ ð̴.

ǹ ==>

be (is) + ־(this,it)

is this(it) a good time to talk? ȭϱ⿡ ðΰ?



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!