͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (147)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-13 6:55:38 | ȸ : 232

å 5õ (147)

== t (021) ~ (040) ==


(19) t ==


@ 021. tax.i/t́k.si:/[^ ́.]

[] (pl. taxi(e)s) ý(taxicab); ýó ϴ [].


@ 022. tea/ti:/[Ƽ]

[] (ȫ), ٻ


@ 023. teach/ti:tʃ/[Ƽ]

[] (p., pp. taught [tɔt]) ġ, ϴ, ϴ

i ~/ti:tʃ/ my son english. / Ƶ鿡  ģ.


*teach.er/tí:.tʃər/[Ƽ ́.ó()] [] ,


*̱ ü :

i taught myself. / ȥ () .


@ 024. team/ti:m/[Ƽ]

[], , ۾ ,


025(1). tear/tiər/[Ƽ()]

n. ( pl.) (pl.) , ź. , .

teɑrs stood in her eyes. / ׳ 

vi. ӱݴ


*tear.ful/tíər.fəl/ [] ; ھƳ,


025(2). tear /tǝr/[׾()]

vt. (tore [tɔr]; torn [tɔrn]) ,cf.cut), ° ǰ ϴ;

ive torn his letter. / (Ǽ) ȴ.

ä; , ȴ ä Ѵ; ̴

t~/tɛər/ a page out of a book. / å .

n. ° ƴ, ,

a big ~ in ones coat / ũ ڸ.

he has a big ~/tɛər/ in his coat.

/ ״ ũ ڸ ִ.


026. tease/ti:z/[Ƽ]

[] []Ÿ, Ÿ ϴ, , Ÿ ϴ, ϴ

the child was ~ing/tí:.zi/[Ƽ.́¡] the cat by pulling its tail.

/ ̴ ƴ ̸ .

[] [, ] , аŸ, ,

hes a terrible ~/ti:z/.

/ ״ ϰ ̴.


*̱ ü :

you are teasing me. / ô .


027. tech.ni.cian/tek.níʃ.ən/[.Ͼ ́.]

[] ; ; ( ) ; ̱() ϻ



028. tech.nique/tek.ní:k/[.ϟ ́]

[] () (йп ), () , , , ũ


*tech.nol.o.gy/tek.nɑ́l.ə.dʒi:/ [] [] , (), ,


successful integration of an educational technology is marked by that technology being regarded by users as an unobtrusive facilitator of learning, instruction, or perance. (2021 ) (34)

ڰ ش н, Ǵ ʴ Ѵٴ Ÿϴ.


029. teen.ag.er/tí:n.èi.dʒər/[Ƽ ́. ̀.()]

[] 10(13-19) ҳ[]

we are ~s/tí:n.èi.dʒərs/[Ƽ ́. ̀.()] now

and not babies anymore.

/ 츮 ʴ ̻ ְ ƴϾ.


* : ƾ ?

ܾ teen ٴ ʴ ûҳ Ѵ.

13(thirteen) ~ 19(nineteen)


@ 030. teeth/ti:ɵ/[Ƽ]

[] tooth ġƵ


@ 031. tel.e.phone/tél.ə.fòun/[ ́.. ̀]

[] ȭ; ȭ; (the ) ȭ () .

[] ȭ ɴ, ȭ ҷ[ϴ]

i ~d/tél.ə.fòund/[ ́.. ̀] my friend in america by long distance.

/ ̱ ִ ģ Ÿ ȭ ɾ.


@ 032. tel.e.vis.ion/tél.ə.vìʒ.ən/[ ́.. ̀.]

[] ڷ(: tv); ڷ . ڷ (=́ sèt)


@ 033. tell/tel/[]

[] (p., pp. told [tould]) (ƹ) ִ, ϴ, ̾߱ϴ, ϴ

t~ me what you want to get! / !


* : l ܾ [] 鼭 õ忡 ƾ Ѵ.

tell/[] [] ȴ.


*̱ ü :

i can tell. / ׷ ̴µ.; ׷ .

i was told that. / ׷ .

tell me about it. / װž.; ƴϷ.

youre telling me. / !


034. tem.per.a.ture/tém.pər.ə.tʃər/[ ́..().ó()]

[] µ, , ü


* : ȭ:

fahr.en.heit/f́r.ən.hàit/[^ ́.().ϟ ̀] ( f., fahr)

* Ư ƹ ǥð µ f..

32f. = thirty-two degrees fahrenheit / ȭ 32.



cen.ti.grade/sén.tə.grèid/[ ́..() ̀] ( c., cels)

32c. = thirty-two degrees centigrade / 32.

* cen.ti.grade/sén.tə.grèid/[ ́..() ̀](ok)

-10c. = below ten degrees centigrade / 10.


@ 035. tem.ple/tém.pl/[ ́.]

[] , [témp-əl]

[]غڳ; Ȱٸ( ). (Ʋ) ¹.


036. tem.po.rar.y/tém.pə.rèr.i:/[ ́..() ̀.()]

[] ӽú , ӽ

[] Ͻ, , *[] last.ing(ĺs.ti), per.ma.nent(pə́:r.mə.nənt)

more than half the staff are ~/tém.pə.rèr.i:/.

/ ̻ ӽ[]̴.


037. tempt/tempt/[Ʈ]

[] , Ȥϴ, ߱, ϴ, Ҵ

his friends ~.ed/témp.tid/[ ́.] him to steal the money.

/ ģ ׿ ġ ߰.


*temp.ta.tion/temp.téi.ʃən/ [] Ȥ, Ȥ[], Ȥ,


@ 038. ten/ten/[]

[/] 10 (), 10 []()


*tenth/tenɵ/ == [/] 10°(), 10 1(). 10() () 10()


039. ten.ant/tén.ənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] (ʫ), () *[] landlord(ĺnd.lɔ̀:rd)

they had evicted their ~s/tén.ənts/[ ́.]

for non-payment of rent.

/ ׵ ڵ Ž״.

[] () , Ͽ () ϴ,

he bought the building ~.ed/tén.ən.tid/[ ́..] by railway workers.

/ ״ ö ִ ǹ ߴ.


* : ten.ants/tén.ənts/[ ́.] (o) ́.Ʈ](x)

t .


040. tend/tend/[ĵ]

[] ~ϴ ִ, () ϴ, , ϴ

old men ~/tend/ toward

con.serv.a.tism/kən.sə́:r.və.tìzm/[.() ́..Ƽ]

/ ε ִ.

the road tends to the south here. / ⼭ ִ.

[] , ȣϴ; ( ) Ű; (Ĺ ) , ϴ; ( ) ϴ; ( ) ()ϴ; (ڼ) ( Ű ʰ), ( ޱ ) ϴ.

a nurse ~s/tends/[ĵ彺] the sick. / ȣ ȯڸ ȣѴ.


*tend.ed/tén.did/[ ́.] tend źл

*ten.den.cy/tén.dən.si:/ [] , dz, ߼, , ,


# ten.der/tén.dǝr/[ ́.()]

ɑ. a) ( ) ε巯, ñ .opp.tough.syn⟩ ⇨soft.

~ meat / .

b) (ä ) ε巯,

a ~ shoot / ְ.

a) , ̼,

~ buds /

a) , ˰ ; 忡 ΰ, óޱ ; ΰ

my bruise is still ~. / Ÿ ó .

b) ( ) ̹, ٷ ٷο; () ߿

a ~ question / .

a) , ģ, ; , ; , ϴ

a ~ heart /

b) , ϴ, ()Ϸ ʴof

he is ~ of his honor. / ״ ջɱ .

vt. ε巴 ϴ.

ɑd. ϰ

love me ~. / ּ.

*~ly ɑd. ~ness n.




[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!