͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (079)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-07-02 6:02:40 | ȸ : 490

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (079)

== (09) i (061~080) ==


(09) i ==


061. inn/in/[]

[] , μ


062. in.ner/ín.ər/[ ́.()]


[] , , , ߽

there is a fountain in the ~/ín.ər/[ ́.()] court.

/ ȸ翡 м ִ.


063. in.ning /ín.i/[ ́.]

[] (߱ũ ) ̴, () ĥ () ( pl.) () (Ѣ),

the top of the fifth ~/ín.i/[ ́.]

/ 5ȸ .


064. in.no.cent/ín.ə.sənt/[ ́..Ʈ]

[] , û, , ()

she is ~/ín.ə.sənt/[ ́..Ʈ] in the ways of the world.

/ ׳ 𸥴.


065. in.no.vate/ín.ə.vèit/[ ́.. ̀]

[] ϴ, ϴ(in; on); () ο ôϴ

we must con.stant.ly/kάn.stən.tli:/ a.dapt/ǝ.dǽpt/

and ~/ín.ə.vèit/[ ́.. ̀] to ensure success

in a growing market.

/ 츮 忡 ؾ Ѵ.


*in.no.va.tion/ìn.ə.véi.ʃən/ [] (), Ͻ,


066. in.quire/in.kwáiər/[.ũ() ́]

[] , ϴ, ϴ

i ~/in.kwáiərd/[.ũ() ́] (of him) when he would come.

/ ׿ .


067. in.sect/ín.sekt/[ ́.Ʈ]


there are a lot of ~s/ín.sekts/[ ́.Ʈ] in the garden.

/ ִ.


068. in.sert/in.sə́:rt/[.()Ʈ ́]

[] ִ, , ϴ, []ִ

i~/in.sə́:rt/[.()Ʈ ́] a coin into the slot.

/ (ڵǸű ) ۿ ־.


@ 069. in.side/ín.sàid/[ ́. ̀]

[] (), () *[] out.side(áut.sàid)

[] ,

i want to know the ~/ín.sàid/[ ́. ̀] story.

/ ˰ ʹ.

[] ο[], ʿ[], [], (indoors),

i know inside/ín.sàid/[ ́. ̀] that he is lying.

/ װ ϰ ִٴ δ ˰ ִ.

[] ʿ, ο, ̳.

find it ~/ín.sàid/[ ́. ̀] the tent.

/ װ Ʈ ʿ ãƺ.


070. in.sist/in.síst/[.ýƮ ́]

[] , ܾϴ, ϴ

he ~.ed/in.sís.tid/[.ý.́] on going.

/ ״ ٰ .


071. in.spect/in.spékt/[.́]

[] () (, )ϴ, ϴ

he ~.ed/in.spék.tid/[.s ́.] the car for defects.

/ ״ ° ϰ ڵ ڼ ߴ.


*in.spec.tion/in.spék.ʃən/ [] ˻, , , , ()

*in.spec.tor/in.spék.tər/ [] (fem. -.tress[-tris]) ˻[], [],


072. in.spi.ra.tion/ìn.spə.réi.ʃən/[ ̀..() ́.]

[] νǷ̼, ()


073. in.spire/in.spáiər/[.() ́]

[] ()[ݷ]ϴ, ߺнŰ, (ƹ) ִ.

his brav.er.y/bréiv.ər.i:/ ~d/in.spáiərd/[.() ́] us.

/ 밨 츮 ߴ.


074. in.stall/in.stɔ́:l/[.^ ́]

[] ġ()ϴ, ġϴ, () ӽŰ

we ~.ed/in.stɔ́:ld/[.^ ́] a heating system in our house.

/ 츮 漳 ġϿ.


*in.stall.ment,-.stal.- /in.stɔ́:l.mənt/ [] Һ(ݷ) 1 ȸ)


075. in.stance/ín.stəns/[ ́.Ͻ]

[] Ƿ, , ,


076. in.stant/ín.stənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] ,

she took an ~/ín.stənt/[ ́.Ʈ] dislike to me.

/ ׳ ٷ Ⱦϰ Ǿ.

[] , () , (moment). νƮ ǰ[], (Ư) νƮ Ŀ.

light.ning/láit.ni/ struck/strʌk/ a tree,

and it fell in an ~/ín.stənt/[ ́.Ʈ].

/ ¾Ƽ İ .

*in.stant.ly /ín.stənt.li:/ [] , , (immediately)


077. in.stead/in.stéd/[. ́]

[] ſ, ٵ

give me this ~/in.stéd/[. ́].

/ ſ ̰ ֽÿ.


078. in.sti.tute/ín.stə.tjù:t/[ ́..ƼW ̀]

[] (м̼ ) ȸ(), ȸ, ȸ,

[] () , ġ()ϴ, ( ) ϴ

they ~d/ín.stə.tjù:t.id/[ ́..ƼW ̀.] a new course.

/ ׵ ¸ Ͽ.


*in.sti.tu.tion/ìn.stə.tjú:.ʃən/ [] (мȸ) ȸ, ()ȸ, () ü(),


079. in.struct/in.strʌ́kt/[.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] ġ, [, ]ϴ

he ~.ed/in.strʌ́k.tid/[.Ʈ()^ ́.] them to start at once.

/ ״ ׵鿡 ϵ ߴ.


*in.struc.tion/in.strʌ́k.ʃən/ [] Ʒ, (),

*in.struc.tive/in.strʌ́k.tiv/ [] [], , Ǵ

*in.struc.tor/in.strʌ́k.tər/ [] (fem. -c.tress[-k.tris]) , , ,


080(1). in.sult/ín.sʌlt/[ ́.^Ʈ]

[] , ,

stop all these ~s/ín.sʌlts/[ ́.^Ʈ].

/ ϴ Ÿ ׸ֶ!


080(2). in.sult/in.sʌ́lt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, âǸ ִ

i have never been so ~.ed/in.sʌ́l.tid/[.^ ́.] in my life!

/ ׷ !



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!