͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

Joke Ȱ!(Step 055)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-07-12 9:47:38 | ȸ : 476

joke Ȱ!(step 055)

q :

teacher : what did you learn during the summer, henry?

: ( ) ȿ ( ), henry?


henry : i learned that three months is not enough time

to straighten up my room.

henry : ( ) ( )ϴµ

( ) ( )( )ġ ʴٴ ( ).



: ȿ , henry?

teacher : what d___ you l____ ___ing the s____, henry?


henry : ϴµ

3 ġ ʴٴ .

henry : i l____ that three months is n___ _____gh time

to st___ up my r___m.



straight.en /stréit.ən/

v. ȹٸ ϴ, []ϴ, ذϴ(out), ȹٸ Ǵ(out; up).

~ ones tie / Ÿ̸ ȹٸ ϴ


@ ϳ?

rub.bish /rʌ́b.iʃ/ n. , , ⵿.

trash /trʃ/ n. , , η ν, , ⵿

waste /weist/ n. , . , ,

gar.bage /gɑ́:r.bidʒ/ n. (ξ) ,

junk /dʒʌk/ n. () (trash), ⵿, (ڪ)


* Ǵ ? ---- trash

dumpster /dʌ́mp.stər/ n. .

dust bin, trash can, waste basket()


@ ûҴ ̶ ϳ?

cleaning /klí:n.i/ n. û; ( ) , Ź, Ŭ

sweeping /swí:p.i/ n.

dusting /dʌ́s.ti/ n. б

vacuuming /v́k.juəm/ vt. ûұ ûϱ

mopping /mɑ́p.i/ n. ɷ

scrubbing /skrʌb.i/ n. , ɷ

@ Ǵ ? clean up ! .


[ ]

== he can lift this.

/ ״ ̰ ø ִ. ==



he cant lift this. ״ ̰ ø .


@ ׿ Ҹƴ.

() the teacher yelled to him.

() the teacher yelled at him.


< ܷ>

ε rod /rɑd/[()] n. , (ð ) ; ˴

κ ro.bot /róu.bət/[()ο ́.] n. κ, ΰ

κ lob.by /lɑ́b.i:/[() ́.] n. (ȣ) κ, (Ա)


[Ⱦ ]

ģ , ڱ 浵 ġ ʾҴٴ Ⱑ ƴѰ?

ڳ ġִ ڳ ճ ġ ̴.

look at this dude, isnt that what you mean he hasnt even cleaned his room for three summer months?

cleaning your childs room is ruining their future.






[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!