͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (087)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-07-13 4:14:31 | ȸ : 465

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (087)

== (11) l (001~020) ==


(11) l ==


@ 001. la.bel/léi.bəl/[() ́.]

[] , ׸, , ǥ

[] (-l-, -ll-) ٸ[̴]; ׸[] ̴, Ī ̴, зϴ.

l~/léi.bəl/[() ́.] a trunk for hongkong.

/ Ʈũ ȫ ̴.


*la.bel.ed /léi.bəld/[() ́.]

*re.la.bel /ri:.léi.bəl/ [] (-l-, -ll-) ǥٽ ̴


* : 25. l /l/[()//]


l ܾ() ù :

õ忡 [] ̶

Ҹ Ը ׷ ( ) ־. Ҹ .

*la.bel/léi.bəl/[() ́.] light/lait/[()]

o.lym.pic/ou.lím.pik/[.() ́.]



l ڿ õ ʿ ̸鼭 ϰ д´.

*please/pli:z/[] [] [] õ忡 ƾ Ѵ.

*please/pli:z/[](x) [](x) [ø](x)



l ħ ٿ д´. *bolt/boult/[Ʈ] ==> [] õ忡 ƾ Ѵ.

* õ ϴ° 鸮 [] []

[־]. [] . ׷ ٿ Ѵ.

* l ܾ nail/neil/[] ô

[̾] ϸ . [-] ְ [-]

Ҹ ϰ ϸ鼭 õ忡 Ѵ.


l Ȯ

l õ() ٿ ϰ

õ忡 ¶ ȴ.

õ忡 ¿ ϰ (). ȴ.


002. la.bor,-.bour /léi.bər/[() ́.()]

[] 뵿, ٷ,뵿


*la.bor.er/léi.bər.ər/ [] 뵿(κ)


003. lace/leis/[()̽]

[] (ڸ ) , , ̽

your shoe ~/leis/[()̽] is untied.

/ Ź Ǯȴ.

[] (Ŵ), ¥, ¥ ߴ, ̽[] ϴ, ٹ̸ ޴, (귣 Ŀǿ) ϴ(with), ġ, ϴ

tie your shoes ~/leis/[()̽].

/ β Ŷ.


* : race/reis/[()̽] еǰ .


004. lack/lk/[()^]

[] , , ,

[] ϴ, ڶ

the cause of business failure is ~/lk/[()^] of capital.

/ ں ̴.

005. lad.der/ĺd.ər/[()^ ́.()]

[] ڴٸ ()


@ 006. la.dy/léi.di:/[() ́.]

[] (pl. la.dies[léi.di:s]) ( ) ں,

l~/léi.di:/[() ́.] first!

/ !



lie źл.


[]. (lay [lei]; lain [lein]; lying [láii]) , ִ

he is lain/lein/ down on the grass.

/ ״ ܵ ִ.


@ 007. lake/leik/[()]

[] ȣ, ( ) ,


* : rake/reik/[()] еǰ .


008. lame/leim/[()]

[]̱Ӿ ÷ ο , ü 𸣴 ϰ (square).

[] ұ Ǵ.ҿϰ ϴǴ

[] , ұ, ҿ, ̱Ӿ ƹ ͵ 𸣴, (ô뿡) ; ( ) ̾, , .

hes ~/leim/[()] in one leg.

/ ״ ٸ ִ.


~́ly [] Ÿ; ҿϰ, Ҿϰ, .


009. la.ment/lə.mént/[().Ʈ ́]

[/] ź(ϴ), ֵ(ϴ), ( ϴ)

i ~/lə.mént/[().Ʈ ́] for [over] the death of a friend.

/ ģ ۴.


*lam.ent.ed /lə.mén.tid/ [] ֵ ޴. , ź.


@ 010. lamp/lmp/[()^]

[] , ,


011. land/lnd/[()^ȵ]

[] , *[] sea(si:), wat.er(wá:t.ər), , ,

[] ()Ű

the plane is ~.ing/ĺn.di/[()^ ́.].

/ Ⱑ ϰ ִ.


*lands /lndz/[()^ȵ]


@ 012. lane/lein/[()]

[] (Ÿ ) , ( ) ,


* : line lane

1 2 ϴ line

ٰ lane


@ 013. lan.guage/ĺ.gwidʒ/[()^ ́.׿]

[] ,

what ~/ĺ.gwidʒ/[()^ ́.׿] do you speak ?

/ ?


@ 014. large/lɑ:rdʒ/[()()]

[] (Ը ) ū, ,

l~/lɑ:rdʒ/[()()], me.di.um/mí:.di.əm/[ ́..],


/ , ,


*̱ ü : large or small? ū , ƴϸ ?


@ 015. last/lst/[()^ƽƮ]

[] late ֻ(the ) () , ٷ

today is the ~/lst/[()^ƽƮ] day

of the va.ca.tion/və.kéi.ʃən/[.ij ́.].

/ ް ̴.

[] ķ, , , ֱ(). [opp.] next.

he arrived ~/lst/[()^ƽƮ] at the party.

/ ״ ߿ Ƽ Դ.

[] [], , ,

this is the ~/lst/[()^ƽƮ] i received from him.

/ ̰ ׷κ ҽ̴.

[] [, ]ϴ, . [syn.] continue. [ߵ], (ưưϰ ) ; () , []ϴ.

the storm ~.ed/ĺs.tid/[()^ƽ ́.] three days.

/ dz .


*last.ing/ĺs.ti/ [] ϴ; [ߵ]; , (Һ).

[] . ưư ( ȿ ).


@ 016. late/leit/[()]

[] (later [léitər], latter [ĺtər]; latest [léitist], last [lst, lɑst])

(*[] ear.ly(ə́r.li:), , [] , [ı]

i am ~/leit/[()].

/ ʾ.


i will call you later/léit.ər/.

/ ߿ ȭ Ұ.

(call) տ (will) ִ

==>i will not call you later. ߿ ȭ .

(will) not ߰ϸ


* : later, latest ð, latter, last .

*late.ly/léit.li:/ [] , ֱ

*lat.er/léit.ər/ []late 񱳱 , [] [] ڿ, ߿

*ear.li.er/ə́:r.li:.ər/ [] ̸; . opp.lɑte. ʱ,


@ 017. laugh/lf/[()^]

[] (Ҹ ) , , ϴ

dont make me ~/lf/[()^]!

/ !


*laugh.ed/lft/[()^Ʈ] laugh źл


== ( 1) ==

she never laughs at my jokes. / ׳ 㿡 ʽϴ.

־(she) + ľ(never) + (laughs) + ľ(at my jokes)


018. laun.dry/lɔ́:n.dri:, lɑ́n. -/[()^ ́.()]

[] Ź(), Ź


* : /lɑ́n.dri:/[() ́.()] ok!


@ 019. law/lɔ:/[()^]

[] , ,

my brother is a lawyer/lɔ́:.jər/.

/ ȣ̴.

ǹ Ƿ ٴ ̱

Ư ȣ ؼ ʿ .


*law.yer/lɔ́:.jər/ [] , ȣ


020. lay/lei/[()]

[] , , () , , [] ̾߱ ()

[] (p., pp. laid[leid]) ̴, Ѿ߸, (å) ,

he ~/leid/[()] himself on the ground.

/ ״ ().


*laid/leid/[()] lay źл.




[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!