͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (089)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-07-19 3:23:54 | ȸ : 571

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (089)

== (11) l (041~060) ==


(11) l ==


041. lei.sure/lí:.ʒər, léʒ.-/[() ́.()] or [()J ́.()]

[] ƴ, , , ,

[] , ִ

i have no ~/lí:.ʒər/[() ́.()] time for reading.

/ ŭ Ѱ ð .


*lei.sure.ly/lí:.ʒər.li:/ [] , , ִ

[] õõ, , ѰӰ


* : ־ 簡 ִ д Ģ̴.



042. lend/lend/[()]

[] ִ *[] bor.row(bɑ́:r.ou) ( ) ִ, ϴ; (Ƹٿ ) ϴ

l~/lend/[()] me five dollars.

/ 5޷ ֽʽÿ.


* : å ̵ Ͻ = borrow

ȭ ̵ Ұ ϴ = use

ڵ = rent

ִ = lend

ָ鼭 ڸ = loan


* : ̱ apt ִ.

lease => Ⱓ Ѵ. Ⱓ ȿ ǰ ٽ Ѵ.

ؼ apt 1 ؼ ϰ Ѵ.

Ⱓ ܿⰣ δ .

3 5 Ⱓ Ѵ.

lent => .

̳ ô Ⱓ 뺸 ؾ Ѵ.


== ( 4) ==

she lent him the money.

/ ׳ ׿ ־.

־(she) + (lent) + (him) + (the money)


043. length/leɵ/[()]

[] (ൿ ) ѵ,


* : (ʺ) width, β thickness, depth

*length.en/lék.ɵən/ [] ϴ, ̴, , þ. [syn.] extend.


044. lens/lenz/[()]

[] (pl. es [lénziz]) ; ; غ() ü.


045. less/les/[()]

[]little 񱳱 , (() Ǵ ) *[] more(mɔ:r)

eat ~/les/[()] meat but more vegetable.

/ ⸦ ̰ äҸ ʽÿ.

[] little 񱳱縦 Ͽ [] , Ͽ. ()

he was ~/les/[()] a fool than i had expected.

/ ״ ߴ ͸ŭ  ʾҴ.


046. les.sen/lés.ən/[() ́.]

[] ۰ ϴ, ̴, ϴ(diminish).ٴ.

you must not ~/lés.ən/[() ́.] his services to us.

/ ׺ 츮鿡 ȴ.


@ 047. les.son/lés.ən/[() ́.]

[] а,

read from ~/lés.ən/[() ́.] 2 to 5.

/ 2 5 о.


@ 048. let/let/[()M]

[] (p., pp. ; letting[lét.i]) Ű, ϰ ϴ, ϴ

please ~/let/[()M] me know what to do.

/ ؾ ֽÿ.


*lets/lets/ == let us (ϴ ).


*̱ ü : let it be! !

let me see ,

let me think about it. , ѹ .

lets give him a big hand. ū ڼ ô.

lets call it a day. ̰ɷ ġ.; .

lets eat out. , ܽսô.

lets get down to business. , ô.

lets get together sometime. ѹ Բ .

lets go over it one more time. , ѹ .

lets see. , ѹ .

lets split the bill.  ô.

lets try. ѹ غ.

lets wrap it up. ̸ ġ.; ( ) .


@ 049. let.ter/lét.ər/[()M ́.()]

[] , , μȰ( ü), ü

send me a ~/lét.ər/[()M ́.()] !

/ !


*let.ters/lét.ərs/[()M ́.()]


050. let.tuce/lét.əs/[()M ́.]

[]Ĺ, (̱Ӿ) , , ޷

051. lev.el/lév.əl/[()O ́.]

[] , , [], , (ǰ ) ǥ,

[] , ź, [, ], ( ) ħ

he gave his answer to me in a ~/lév.əl/[()O ́.] tone.

/ ״ ħ Ͽ.

[] ϰ ϴ, ϰ ϴ, () ״ ϴ

let me ~/lév.əl/[()O ́.] with you.

/ [Ǵ] Ұ.


* : e Ϲ

/i:/ /e/

/i/ /ə/ ȴ.


@ 052. li.ar/lái.ər/[() ́.()]

[] .


@ 053. lib.er.ty/líb.ər.ti:/[() ́.().Ƽ]

[] , ڸ, ع

you are at ~/líb.ər.ti:/[() ́.().Ƽ] to use it.

/ װ ᵵ .


054. li.brar.y/lái.brə.ri:/[() ́.().()]

[] , . ( ) ;

pub.lic/pʌ́b.lik/[^ ́.()] l~/lái.brə.ri:/[() ́.().()]



055. li.cense .cence /lái.səns/[() ́.]

[/] ( ִ), ΰ( ִ)

the office ~d/lái.sənst/[() ́.Ʈ] me to sell tobacco.

/ û ǸŸ 㰡ߴ.


056. lick/lik/[()]

[] ӱ, ӱ, Ӵ , ҷ, ۱[]

[] Ӵ(off; up; from), () ġ, (ұ) θŸ.

the dog ~.ed/likt/[()Ʈ] up the spilt milk.

/ ӾƸԾ.


057. lid/lid/[()]

[] (-dd-) Ѳ ,

[] Ѳ, (Ӿ) , Ǯ(eyelid), (å) ǥ

my ~s/ái.lìdz/[ ́.() ̀] got heavier and heavier.

/ Ǯ ſ


@ 058. lie/lai/[()]

[] () , , ̴ , ,

[] ġ, , (). , , [], ڸ

[] (p., pp. lied [laid]; lying [láii]) ϴ, ̴, ȤŰ

he ~ied/laid/[()] to me yesterday.

/ ״ ߴ.

[] (lay [lei]; lain [lein]; lying [láii]) ( ) ,

he ~/lei/[()] down on the grass.

/ ״ ܵ .




== ( 1) ==

he was lying on the bed.

/ ״ ħ뿡 ־.

־(he) + (was lying) + ľ(on the bed)


059. life/laif/[()]

[] (pl. lives[laivz]) , ,


060. lift/lift/[()Ʈ]

[] ()ø, ; ø [],° ((̱) elevator)

[] ø, Ű, (ٸ̵õ ) ġ

this lid wont/wount/[Ʈ] ~/lift/[()Ʈ].

/ Ѳ ʴ´.

he can lift this.

/ ״ ̰ ø ִ.

==> he cant lift this. ״ ̰ ø .

*lift.ing /líf.ti/[() ́.]



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!