͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (097)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-08-02 11:23:44 | ȸ : 550

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (097)

== (12) m (101~120) ==


(12) m ==


101(1) mod.er.ate/mάd.ǝ.rèit/[ ́..() ̀]

[] ˸µ ϴ, ȭϴ; 氨ϴ, ϴ; (߼ڸ) ϴ

he ~s/mάd.ǝ.rèits/[ ́..()̀] the sharpness of his words.

/ ״ ε巴 ϴ.


101(2) mod.er.ate/mάd.ə.rǝt/[ ́..()]

[] , ϴ(temperate), ִ, °

he is ~/mάd.ə.rǝt/[ ́..()] in drinking.

/ ״ ô.


103. mod.ern/mɑ́d.ərn/[ ́.()]

[] [ٴ], []

[] , , ٴ *[] new(nju:)

you can see

many ~/mɑ́d.ərn/[ ́.()] ar.chi.tec.ture/ά:r.kǝ.tèk.tʃǝr/

along this street.

/ Ÿ ๰ ֽϴ.


104. mo.ment/móu.mənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] , ܽð, ( Ư) , ȸ, (pl.) ñ, ( the ) , ߿伺


105. mon.day/mʌ́n.dei/[^ ́.]

[] (: mon.)

tomorrow is m~/mʌ́n.dei/[^ ́.].

/ ̴.


@ 106. mon.ey/mʌ́n.i:/[^ ́.]

[] (pl. s, mónies[-z]) , ȭ, ȭ, , , ڻ, (pl.)ݾ

*currency(ȭ), coin(ȭ), bill(), bank note( ȭ)


*̱ ü : money talks. .


107. mo.ni.tion/mə.níʃ.ən/[.Ͼ ́.]

[] , ư; (warning); , ; () ȯ()(summons); ( Ǽ) ().


108. mon.i.tor/mɑ́n.ə.tər/[ ́..()]

[] , , (dz ) , (б) , б , tv ¸ ϴ ġ

[] ( ) []ϴ, ϴ, ( ̴) ϴ

a new equipment was installed

to ~/mɑ́n.ə.tər/[ ́..()] air quality.

/ ()ϴ ġǾ.


@ 109. mon.key/mʌ́.ki:/[^ ́.Ű]

[] (pl. s) ( ִ ), ( )


110. mo.not.o.nous/mə.nɑ́t.ə.nəs/[. ́..ʽ]

[] (ҸҸ) ο. , ݺϴ

doing something ~/mə.nɑ́t.ə.nəs/[. ́..ʽ] is what i hate the most.

/ ο ϴ Ⱦϴ ̴.


~ly [] ~ness []


@ 111. month/mʌnɵ/[^]

[] (), ().

a few ~s/mʌnɵs/[^] later.



* : one month / , two months /


112. mood/mu:d/[L]

[] (Ͻ) , , ( Ϲ) , dz (pl.)


113. mood.y/mú:.di:/[ ́.]

[] (moodier; -iest) , ¨, (sullen),

m~/mú:.di:/[ ́.] people are very difficult to deal with.

/ ȭ ٷⰡ ô .


@ 114. moon/mu:n/[]

[] (õü), () (satellite)

the ~/mu:n/[] is over the roof of my house.

/ ִ.


*moon.light/mú:n.làit/ [] ޺


115. mop/mɑp/[]

[] ɷ, ڷɷ , [] ׸

[] (-pp-) ġ[۴], ûϴ; ( ) ۴

he ~.ped/mɑpt/[Ʈ] his brow.

/ ״ ̸( ) ۾Ҵ.


* : bop chop cop fop hop lop pop shop sop top

/-ɑp/[-()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


116. mor.al/mɔ́:r.əl/[^ ́.()]

[] , Ÿ̸ , , (pl.) (ȸ) ,

[] ,

he prides himself

on being a highly ~/mɔ́:r.əl/[^ ́.()] and eth.i.cal/é.i.kəl/ person.

/ ״ ̸, , ںν ִ.


*mo.ral.i.ty/mə.ŕl.ə.ti:/ [] (), (), , ǰ


117. mor.al.ism/mɔ́:r.ə.lìz.əm/[^ ́. (). () ̀. ]

or /mɔ́:r.ə.lìzm/[^ ́. (). () ̀]


heavy-handed ~/mɔ́:r.ə.lìz.əm/[^ ́.().() ̀.]

does not equal intellect.

/ ģ Ǵ Ѵ.


* : mor.al.ism / mɔ́:r. əl. ìzm / (x)


@ 118. more/mɔ:r/[^()]

[]many Ǵ much 񱳱 ( ) (ū), ̻,

more/mɔ:r/[^()] than ten men.

/ 10

(10 ܵ; , 11 Ǵ ̶̻ ).

[] [, ], ̻ [, ]

i hope to see ~/mɔ:r/[^()] of you.

/ [] ˰ ͽϴ.

[]much 񱳱 , ũ, ,

i miss mother ~/mɔ:r/[^()] than anybody else.

/ ٵ Ӵϰ ׸.


* : bore core fore gore lore pore sore tore wore

/-ɔ:r/[-^()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


@ 119. mor.ning/mɔ́:r.ni/[^() ́.]

[] ħ, , (þ) (dawn)

see you tomorrow ~/mɔ́:r.ni/[^() ́.] !

/ ħ !


@ 120. mos.qui.to/mə.skí:t.ou/[.Ű ́.]

[] []

i was bitten by a ~/mə.skí:t.ou/[.Ű ́.] so im itchy.

/ ⿡ ƴ.


* : mos.qui.to / mǝs. kí:. tou /[ ӽ. Ű ́. ]

*̱ : mos.qui.to / mǝ. skí:t. ou /[ . Ű ́. ]



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!