͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (101)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-08-10 6:03:36 | ȸ : 548

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (101)

== (13) n (001~020) ==


(13) n ==


001. nag/ng/[^]

[] (-gg-) ܼҸϿ , ð ܼҸϴ, ٰ ܴ

stop nagging/ńg.i/[^ ́.]!

ill do it as soon as i can.

/ ܼҸ ׸ !

װ ְ Ǹ ٷ ž.


* : 27. n /n/[/]


1). ù ڷ ڿ տ δ.

*nag/ng/[^] noon/nu:n/[] night/nait/[]

2). տ ħ δ.

*noon/nu:n/[] man/mn/[^]


տ [] д´.

*morn/mɔ:rn/[^()] warn/wɔ:rn/[^()]


/n/ ȴ.

*knock/nɑk/[E] knot/nat/[] knee/ni:/[]


@ 002. nail/neil/[]

[] () , , () *[] claw(klɔ)


* : ail bail fail hail jail mail pail quail rail sail tail trail wail

/-eil/[-] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


@ 003. name/neim/[]

[] ̸, ; () Ī. , (٣); . () , .

what is your ~/neim/[] ?

/ ̸ ?

[] , Ϸ, (̱) ̸[] [پ] ִ; Ī ǥÿ

he is a ~/neim/[] writer.

/ ״ Ϸ ۰.

[] [̶] ̸ ̴[], ϴ. ϴ, Ӹϴ.

my grandson was ~ed/neimd/[ӵ] mason/méi.sən/.

/ ڴ mason̶ ̸ .


*̱ ü : you name it. ϼ.


@ 004. nap/np/[^]

[] , ̼(ڰ), ,

[] , ڴ *[] sleep(sli:p) ϴ, û ִ

i ~.ped/npt/[^Ʈ] the afternoon away.

/ ׳ Ĵ ´.


* : bap cap dap gap hap lap map pap rap sap tap

/-p/[-^] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

*nap.kin/ńp.kin/ [] (Ź) Ų(table ),


005. nar.ra.tive/ńr.ə.tiv/[^ ́.().M]

[] ̾߱, ȭ

the novel fails to achieve ~/ńr.ə.tiv/[^ ́.().M] continuity.

/ Ҽ ̾߱ Ӽ ϰ ִ.

[] ̾߱.syn⟩ ⇨story. ̾߱ü; ȭ . ȭ(), ȭ.

the novel contains too much dialogue

and not enough ~ńr.ə.tiv/[^ ́.().M].

/ Ҽ ȭ ʹ ʴ.


~ly []


006. nar.row/ńr.ou/[^ ́.()ο]

[] , ¥,

[] (er; est) *[] wide(waid) (Ұ) Ƽ , ,

do not in.ter.pret/in.tə́:r.prit/[.() ́.()]

in a ~/ńr.ou/[^ ́.()ο] sense.

/ ؼ .

[] ϴ,

we have ~.ed/ńr.oud/[^ ́.()ΟL] down

the list to four candidates.

/ 츮 ĺ ٿ.


*narrow-minded/mɑ́in.did/ ,


@ 007. na.tion/néi.ʃən/[ ́.]


the united states, as a ~/néi.ʃən/[ ́.], is not yet 250 years old.

/ ̱ 250⵵ ä ʾҴ.


*na.tion.al/ńʃ.ən.əl/ [] , ( ); ().

[] (), Ư, [opp.] international.

*na.tion.al.ism/ńʃ.ə.nəl.ìzm/ [] ; ;

*na.tion.al.i.ty/ǹʃ.ə.ńl.ə.ti:/[^ƾ ̀..^ ́..Ƽ]

[] ; . , ; .

*na.tion.wide/néi.ʃən.wàid/ [/] ().


* : na.tion.al / nǽ. ʃǝn. əl /[ ^ ́. . ] (x)

̱ : na.tion.al / nǽʃ. ǝ. nəl /[ ^ƾ ́. . ] (o)


: na.tion.al.ism / nǽ. ʃən. ǝl. ìzm /[ ^ ́. . . ̀ ] (x)

̱ : na.tion.al.ism / ńʃ. ə. nəl. ìzəm /[ ^ƾ ́. . . ̀ ] (o)


: na.tion.al.i.ty / n.̀ ʃən. ǽl. ǝ. ti: /[ ^ ̀. . ^ ́ .. Ƽ ] (x)

̱ : na.tion.al.i.ty / ǹʃ. ə. nǽl. ǝ. ti: /[ ^ƾ ̀. . ^ ́. . Ƽ ] (o)


008. na.tive/néit.iv/[ ́.]

[] , ,

tobacco is ~/néit.iv/[ ́.] to america.

/ ̱ ()̴.

[] ֹ, » , [Ĺ], ڻ()

are you a ~/néit.iv/[ ́.] of korea?

/ ѱ »Դϱ?


009. nat.ur.al/ńtʃ.ər.əl/[^ ́..()]

[] () Ÿ [](for), () [], ˸ (for), ڿ , (õ) ġ

[] ڿ, *[] art.i.fi.cial(ɑ̀r.tə.fíʃ.əl), fac.ti.tious(fk.tíʃ.əs)

it is ~/ńtʃ.ər.əl/[^ ́..()]

that he should be in.dig.nant/in.díg.nənt/.

/ װ аϴ ͵ 翬ϴ.

*nat.u.ral.ism/ńtʃ.ər.əl.ìzm/ []ڿ, ().

*nat.u.ral.ly /ńtʃ.ər.əl.i:/ [] ڿ, ڿ , ¾鼭, ִ ״

*nat.u.ral.ize,-.ral.ise /ńtʃ.ər.əl.àiz/

[] ȭŰ, (ܱܱ )


010. na.ture/néi.tʃǝr/[ ́.ó()]

[] ڿ, õ, ڿ(), ̰ , õ, ΰ,


011. na.val/néi.vəl/[ ́.]

[] ر; ; ر ִ


012. na.vel /néi.vəl/[ ́.]

[] ; ߾, ߽


013. near/niər/[Ͼ()]

[] (er; est) (ð) , Ͽ

the station is quite ~/niər/[Ͼ()].

/ ٷ ٹ濡 ִ.

[] ̿, (Ȳ  )

i want to stay ~/niər/[Ͼ()] here.

/ ٹ濡 ӹ ʹ.

[] , , (ð)

ill give you a call on a ~/niər/[Ͼ()] day.

/ [ٰ] ȭҰ.


*near.ly/níər.li:/ [] , , ϰ, ϰ, ܿ,


014. neat/ni:t/[ϟ]

[] , [, , ], (ǥ ) , ؾ

i went into a ~/ni:t/[ϟ] little restaurant with her.

/ ׳ Բ ׸ϰ ƴ Ĵ翡 .


015. nec.es.sar.y/nés.ə.sèr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()]

[] (pl. -ries) ( pl.) ʿ ,(pl.) Ȱʼǰ(ķǰǷ ).

daily ~ies/nés.ə.sèr.i:s/[ ́.. ̀.()̽] / Ͽǰ

[] ʿ, (for; to). ʿ, ʼ; ,

exercise is ~/nés.ə.sèr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()] to health.

/  ǰ ʿϴ.


*nec.es.sar.i.ly/nès.ə.sér.ə.li:/ [] ʿ, ,

[] (pl. -r.ies) ( pl.) ǰ(ķǰǷ )


* : /nés.ə.sèr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()](o) [ ́. ̀.()](ok)


@ 016. neck/nek/[V]

[] , (Ǻ) ʱ, κ


@ 017. need/ni:d/[ϟ]

[] ʿ, ҿ, ʿ , ,

she earns enough to satisfy her ~s/ni:ds/[ϟ޽].

/ ׳ ڽ ʿ 츸 ִ.

[] ʿ ϴ, ʿϴ, ϴ

i ~/ni:d/[ϟ] something to read.

/ ʿϴ.

to read ľ


*need.nt/ní:d.nt/ == () need not (*ʿġ ʴ).

*nee.dle/ní:.dl/ [] ٴ ٴ, ߰ٴ,(ֻܰ ) ٴ

[] ٴ÷ Ŵ[ϴ]. ư(between; through).

*need.y/ní:d.i:/ [] (needier; -iest) , Ȱ

the poor and ~ .


018. neg.a.tive/nég.ə.tiv/[ ́..M]

[] [ź, ݴ] Ÿ ̳ʽ ȣ

[] () ƴ() (no).

[] , *[] af.fir.ma.tive(ə.fə́:r.mə.tiv) ź,

keep the positive thinking rather than the ~/nég.ə.tiv/[ ́..M].

/ ٴ !

[] ϴ, [ź]ϴ, ϴ, ϴ,

the bill was ~d/nég.ə.tivd/[ ́..M] by 130 votes to 129.

/ 130 ǥ ǥ 129 ǥ ̾.


@ 019. neigh.bor/néi.bər/[ ́.()]

[] ̿(), , () ,


*neigh.bor.hood,-.bour.- /néi.bər.hùd/ [] ̿( ), ģ ,

*neighbors/néi.bǝrs/[ ́.()] neigh.bor

*neigh.bor.ing/néi.bǝr.i/ [] ̿, ִ,


020. nei.ther/ní:.ər, nái.-/[ ́.()] Ǵ [ ́.()]

[] ܼ տ( ߿) ~ƴϴ[ʴ](־ ϴ 츦 ϰ (() not ~ either ))

n~/ní:.ər/[ ́.()] book is good.

/  å ʴ



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!