͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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< (02) ȸ>

LV47 alexҹ

2023-08-11 2:16:44 | ȸ : 697

< (02) ȸ>




1ȸ 16 û ְɷ 뺻(2) 2023. 4. 6. ()


== 9 ڴ.

== 2023 1ȸ 2 ==

== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htGSK1KENN4 ==


9 ȭ , James Brawn ÿ.

M: Is that James Brawn in the picture?

W: Yeah. Hes my favorite singer. Hes from Australia.

M: I heard he is having a concert in Korea next month.

W: Thats right. May 5th. Im so excited.

M: I like his popular song, Blue Diamond.

W: Me, too. I have all six albums he has ever made.

M: Wow, you must really love him.

W: Yeah. I want to be a great singer just like him.


ܾ ڴ.

Ʒ ܾ ȣ ѱ並 а ٽ .

ܾ ̷ 밭  ̰ ִ...


di.a.mond /dái.ə.mǝnd/[ ́..յ] ==>[ ́.յ](ok)

(* ϳ̸ ϴ 찡 .)

fa.vor.ite /féi.və.rit/[ ́.()]

(* f p ޶ Ѵ.)]

sing.er /sí.ǝr/[ ́.()] [̰](x)

(* ܾ ng. Ǹ //[] ǰ ڿ ޶ ִ.

fin.ger/fí.gǝr/[ ́.()] * η(2) No 36, 37 . )

Aus.tral.ia /ɔ:s.tréil.jǝ/[^.Ʈ() ́.̾] n. ȣ

: Aus.tria /ɔ́:s.triǝ/[^ ́.Ʈ()] n. Ʈ

con.cert /kάn.sǝ:rt/[ĭ ́.()Ʈ] n.

/kǝ.nsə́:rt/[.()Ʈ ́.] vt.

(*̷ ܾ öǾ Ѵ. 2ο .)


Ϸ翡 ð ⸸

ϻ ʱ ذ ̴.

׷ ܾ д ƴ϶

Ģ Ǵ ܾ ٸ ְ Ǿ

ܾ ǰ ̷  ̵ ٰ ȴ.

̷ ؼ ܾ ϳϳ ܾ !

Ÿ ܾ

о нȿ ū ̰ .



밡 ˾ƺ (word) ƴϸ ׸(picture)̶ Ѵ.


밡 ˾Ƶ (language) ƴϸ Ҹ(sound) Ѵ.

ؼ OK! ʹ No! ´.

̴ ۰δ ϰ δ ʾҴ.

۰ !


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!