½ºÅ͵ðȦ¸¯ ·Î°í

> °¡ÀÔ  > ·Î±×ÀÎ


Joke·Î ³¡Àå³»´Â »ýÈ°¿µ¾î!(Step 072)

LV47 alexÇÒ¹è

2023-08-11 ¿ÀÈÄ 11:39:45 | Á¶È¸ : 403

 joke·Î ³¡Àå³»´Â »ýÈ°¿µ¾î!(step 072)

q :

employer : why did you leave your last employment?

applicant : the boss accused me of stealing a five dollar bill.


employer : but why didnt you make him prove it?

applicant : he did.


¹® :

°í¿ëÁÖ : ¿Ö ´ç½ÅÀº Áö³­¹ø Á÷ÀåÀ» ±×¸¸ µÎ¾ú³ª?

±¸Á÷ÀÚ : ³»°¡ 5ºÒÂ¥¸® ÇÑ ÀåÀ» ÈÉÃÆ´Ù°í boss°¡ °í¼Ò¸¦ Çß¾î¿ä.


°í¿ëÁÖ : ±×·±µ¥ ¿Ö ´ç½ÅÀº ±×¿¡°Ô ±×°ÍÀ» Áõ¸íÇÏÁö ¾Ê¾Ò³ª¿ä?

±¸Á÷ÀÚ : ±×°¡ Áõ¸í Çß¾î¿ä.


ap.pli.cant /ǽp.li.kǝnt/

n. ÀÀ¸ðÀÚ, Áö¿øÀÚ, Ãâ¿øÀÚ, Èĺ¸ÀÚ, ½ÅûÀÚ¡¶for¡·

an ~ for a position / ±¸Á÷ÀÚ

an ~ for admission to a school / ÀÔÇÐ Áö¿øÀÚ.

ac.cuse /ə.kjú:z/

v. °í¹ßÇÏ´Ù, °í¼ÒÇÏ´Ù; ¿¡°Ô Á˸¦ ¾º¿ì´Ù

ac.cused /ə.kjú:zd/

a. °í¹ßµÈ.

n. (the ¡­) ¹ý·ü(Çü»ç) ÇÇ°íÀÎ. * ¹Î»ç ÇÇ°íÀÎÀº defendant.

em.ploy.ment /im.plɔ́i.mənt/

n. »ç¿ë, °í¿ë; Á÷¾÷, ÀÏ(work, occupation).


[¹®¹ý ¿ä¾à]

== she said that he arrived in time.

/ ±×³à´Â ±×°¡ Á¦ ½Ã°£¿¡ µµÂøÇß´Ù°í ¸»Çß´Ù. ==


´ë¸í»ç(she) + µ¿»ç(said) + Á¢¼Ó»ç(that) + ´ë¸í»ç(he) + µ¿»ç(arrived)

+ ÀüÄ¡»ç(in) + ¸í»ç(time)

ÁÖ¾î(she) + µ¿»ç(said) + ¸ñÀû¾î(that he arrived in time)

¸ñÀû¾î(that he arrived in time): Àý(clause)

¸ñÀû¾îÀÎ thatÀýÀ» ´Ù½Ã »ìÆ캸¸é ´ÙÀ½°ú °°´Ù.

ÁÖ¾î(he) + µ¿»ç(arrived) + ÀüÄ¡»ç±¸(in time)


== he ate the apple.

/ ±×´Â ±× »ç°ú¸¦ ¸Ô¾ú´Ù. ==


ºÎÁ¤¹®À» ¸¸µé·Á¸é ==>

he did not eat the apple. / ±×´Â ±× »ç°ú¸¦ ¸ÔÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù.


@ ³ªÀÇ ²ÞÀº ÀÇ»ç¾ß.

(±¸¾î) my dream is doctor.

(¹®¾î) my dream is to be a doctor.



µµµÏÀÌ Á¦ ¹ß Àú¸°´Ù.

a guilty conscience needs no accuser.



[ LV47 alexÇÒ¹è´ÔÀÇ °Ô½Ã±Û ´õ º¸±â (Ŭ¸¯!) ]


·Î±×ÀÎ ÇÏ½Ã°í µ¡±Ûµµ Àо¼¼¿ä.
µ¡±ÛÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. µ¡±ÛÀ» ³²°ÜÁÖ¼¼¿ä!!