͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (105)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-08-19 3:52:43 | ȸ : 557

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (105)

== (14) o (021~040) ==


(14) o ==


021. of/ɔ:v/[^j]

[] κ, [»], , , (),

a cup ~/ɔ:v/[^j] milk.



* : of v ,

off f ϸ ȴ.


022 off/ɔ:f, ɑf / ɔf/[^j]

[] (ð) , , ָ, տ, ,

stand ~/ɔ:f/[^j]!

/ ־.


* : ȣ (̱, ̱ / ) ص .

̱ (popular)̶ .


023. of.fend/ə.fénd/[.ҵ ́]

[] ϴ; ǰ ġɑt; by; with() ϴ

has he done anything to ~/ə.fénd/[.ҵ ́] you?

/ װ ſ ̶ ߽ϱ?


the noise ~s/ə.fénds/[.ҵ彺 ́] the ear.

/ Ҹ Ϳ Ž.


*of.fend.ed/ə.fén.did/ offend źл


024. of.fer/ɔ́:f.ər, ɑ́f.-/[^j ́.()]

[] , û, ,

[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ,

i ~.ed/ɔ́:f.ərd/[^j ́.()] to accompany her.

/ ׳ Բ ڴٰ ߴ.


*of.fer.ed /ɔ́:f.ərd/[^j ́.()]

*off.spring /ɔ́:f.sprì/[^j ́.() ̀]


== ( 4) ==

internships can offer students work experience.

/ Ͻ л鿡 ִ.

־(internships ) + (can offer) + (students) + (work experience)


@ 025. of.fice/ɔ́:f.is, ɑ́f.-/[^j ́.̽]

[] ӹ, , []

see you tomorrow in my ~/ɔ́:f.is/[^j ́.̽].

/ 繫ǿ .


* : /ɑ́f.is/[ ́.̽] .

*of.fi.cer/ɔ́:f.i.sər/ [] , ,


026. of.fic.ial/ə.fíʃ.əl/[ . Ǿ ́. ]

[] ,

an ~ announcement ǥ ~ documents

[] , , , ӿ, (ü )


* : official / ǝ. fí. ʃəl /[ . ́. ] (x)


̱ : of.fic.ial/ə.fíʃ.əl/[ . Ǿ ́. ]

official google how many syllables

how many syllables in official? 3 syllables [ ]

divide official into syllables: of-fi-cial [ ]

stressed syllable in official: of-fi-cial []

how to pronounce official: uh-fish-ul [ ]


027. off.spring /ɔ́:f.sprì/[^j ́.() ̀]

[] (pl. ~(s)) ڽ, ڳ; ڼ, Ŀ. () . ܳ , һ(fruit), (result)


@ 028. of.ten/ɔ́:f.ən, -.tən/[^j ́.]

[] (er, more ; est, most ) , , ; տ

he comes ~/ɔ́:f.ən/[^j ́.] here. / ״ ⿡ ´.


* : of.ten/-, ɔ́:f.tən/[^j ́.] ϴ 쵵 ִ.

׷ t ־ ϰ 鸱 ̴. ̱Ȱ t .


@ 029. oil/ɔil/[^]

[] , , ø, ( pl.) ȭ ( pl.) () ,

o~/ɔil/[^] and water/wɔ́:t.ər/[^i ́.()] do not mix/miks/[H]!

/ ⸧ ʴ´!


* : 13. ɔi/[^]

/ɔ/ Լ и鼭 []Ѵ.

[ oi, oy ] ´.

* oil/ɔil/[^] boy/bɔi/[^] toy/tɔi/[^]


030. oint.ment/ɔ́int.mənt/[^Ʈ ́.Ʈ]


* : [^ ́.Ʈ] ok! ̱ cream .


@ 031. ok, o.k. /òu.kéi/[ ̀.ij ́]̀

[/] ź(all right), ˾Ҿ(agreed), ƾ(yes)

thats ~/òu.kéi/[ ̀.ij ́]̀ !

/ ƿ.

* : [](x)

*̱ ü : okay. ׷. ˾Ҿ.

okeydokey. ƿ. (okay ģϰ ϴ )


@ 032. old/ould/[]

[] (older; oldest; () , Ư elder; eldest) , *[] young(jʌ) , () [],

how ~/ould/[] are you?

/ Դϱ?


* : [õ](x)

bold cold fold gold hold mold sold told

[] տ ٲٸ ȴ.


*old.er/óul.dər/[ ́.()]

*old.est/óul.dist/[ ́.Ʈ]


033. ol.ive/ɑ́l.iv/[ ́.]

[]Ĺø() ( ϼ) ø


034. o.lym.pic/ə.lím.pik, ou.-/[.() ́.] Ǵ [.() ́.]

[] øǾ ; ø , øǾ(), ø

[] ø


@ 035. on/ɑn, ɔ:n/ ɔn/[] or [^]

[] - (ǥ鿡 )

one book was ~/ɑn/[] his desk.

/ å å ־.


*on.com.ing/ɑ́n.kʌ̀m.i/ [] ϴ, ٰ, Ÿ,


*on.go.ing/ɑ́n.gòu.i/ [] () (pl.) (Ⱬ Ǵ ) ൿ, , ó

[] ϴ, ϴ


*̱ ü : its on me. (Ĵ ) ̰ Կ.

its on the house. ̰ Ĵ翡 ϴ ̴ϴ.

i am on duty. ٹ Դϴ.

on the contrary. ݴ


@ 036. once/wʌns/[^Ƚ]

[] , ( ϴ), ϴ (ϸ), , , Ѷ,

i go to the gym ~/wʌns/[^Ƚ] a day.

/ Ϸ翡 ü .


*̱ ü : once in a blue moon. .


037. one/wʌn/[^]

[] , ϳ, (single).

* one a, an .

one or two days

/ Ϸ糪 Ʋ, ª .

[] 1, ϳ, , , 1. 1 [ȣ]. (); .

one of the beauties of running is

that you can run whenever you want.

/ ޸ ϳ ִٴ ̴.

beauty(, , ) (a/an),

of + ߻ =

*1 (one and a half)?

*/wʌn/ /nd/ /ə/ /hf/ [^] [^] [] [^]

* / one fourth or one quarter


*̱ ü : this one? ̰ ̿?


038. one.self/wʌ́n.sèlf/[^ ́. ̀] or /wʌn.sélf/[^. ́]

[] [-́-] /wʌ́n.sèlf/[^ ́. ̀]Ϳڱ ڽ[].

one is apt to forget ~/wʌ́n.sèlf/[^ ́. ̀].

/ м ر .

[--́] /wʌn.sélf/[^. ́]ڽ, .

one should do such things ~/wʌn.sélf/[^. ́].

/ ׷ ڱⰡ ؾ Ѵ.


@ 039. on.i.on/ʌ́n.jən/[^ ́.̾]

[] ,Ϲ, (Ӿ) Ӹ, ,


040. on.ly/óun.li:/[ ́.()]

[] (the ) , [], (best), ֻ

he is an ~/óun.li:/[ ́.()] son.

/ ״ ܾƵ̴( ).


he is the ~/óun.li:/[ ́.()] son.

/ ״ ( ) ϳ Ƶ.


he is an ~/óun.li:/[ ́.()] child.

/ ״ ϳ ̴.

[] , ܿ, ; [].

he is ~/óun.li:/[ ́.()] a child.

/ ״ ֿ ʴ´.


i will tell it ~/óun.li:/[ ́.()] to you.

/ ̰ ſԸ մϴ.


* : ()̶ ִ° ǹ̰ ޶.

i only asked him.

 д ǵ Ȯ ִ .

i only asked him.

/ ׿ û ̴.( i asked ش. )

i only asked hím.

/ ׿ ûߴ.( i him ش. )



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!