͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (009)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-09-06 11:57:13 | ȸ : 463

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (009)

== a (01) (161~180) ==


(01) a ==


161. ap.pen.dix/ə.pén.diks/[. ́.I]

[] (pl. es, -dices [-dəsìz]) μӹ, η, ΰ غ()


162. ap.pe.tite/́p.ə.tàit/[^ ́..Ÿ ̀]

[] Ŀ, , ȣ

a good ~/́p.ə.tàit/ is a good sauce/sɔ:s/.

/ (Ӵ) (Ŀ) ̴.


*̱ ü : i have no appetite. Ŀ .


163. ap.plaud/ə.plɔ́:d/[.^ ́]

[] ڼäϴ, ϴ, , ڼäϴ, Īϴ, ϴ

we ~.ed/ə.plɔ́:d.id/ him for his hon.es.ty/άn.is.ti:/.

/ 츮 Īߴ.


*ap.plause/ə.plɔ́:z/ [] ڼ, ä, Ī


@ 164. ap.ple/́p.əl/[^ ́.]

[] , (),

i like/like/ ~s/́p.lz/.

/ Ѵ.


those apples are par.tic.u.lar.ly/pǝr.tík.jǝ.lǝr.li:/ great this year.

/ Ư Ǹϴ.

those: (apples) ϴ ()


* : (1) ġ (p) .

(2) -.le ==>ܾ e ==>/-.l/.

(3) ap ܾ[+] a // ´.

(4) a // [] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̴.

[]ϰ Ͽ []Ͽ /e/[] /a/[]

ϳ ̶ 濡 ^ ȣ .


*̱ : ap.ple/́p.əl/[^ ́.]

<apple> google how many syllables

how many syllables in apple? 2 syllables ( )

divide apple into syllables: ap-ple ( )

stressed syllable in apple: ap-ple ( )

how to pronounce apple: ap-uhl ( )


165. ap.pli.ance/ǝ.plái.ǝns/[. ́.]

[] (), (). , ġ, (繫ǿ) ; ҹ

household (electrical) ~s ǰ office ~s 繫ǰ


# ap.pli.cant/́p.li.kənt/[^ ́.().Ʈ]

n. , , ,

an ~/́p.li.kənt/ for a po.si.tion/pǝ.zíʃ.ən/. / .


*ap.pli.ca.tion/̀p.li.kéi.ʃən/ n. , , û, ()

*ap.ply/ə.plái/ v. ϴ, ûϴ, (ǥ鿡) , ̴,


167. ap.point/ə.pɔ́int/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] Ӹϴ, ϴ

he ~.ed/ə.pɔ́in.tid/ the place for the meet.ing/mí:t.i/.

/ ״ ȸ Ҹ ߴ.


*ap.point.ment/ə.pɔ́int.mənt/ [] Ӹ, (ȸ)


168. ap.po.si.tion/̀p.ǝ.zíʃ.ən/[^ ̀.. ́.]

[] ġ(ܽ), . ΰ, , ÷.(̫) ()

a noun in ~ . þapposite


# ap.pre.ci.ate/ə.prí:.ʃi.èit/[.() ́..֟ ̀]

vt. ϴ, ϴ; ˴.

( ) ϴ

ϴ, Ƹ; syn⟩ ⇨understand.

~ the dangers of a situation ° ˾ä

(ȣǸ) , i ~ your kindness. ģ մϴ.


vi. ü

real estate has rapidly ~d. ε() ü ޵ߴ.


þap.pre.ci.a.tion/ǝ.prì:.ʃi.éi.ʃən/ n. (ùٸ) , ,


170. ap.pren.tice/ə.prén.tis/[.() ́.Ƽ]

[] () (), ; ߽(); ʽ; ̼ ().

[] , Ǵ.

he was ~d/ə.prén.tist/ to a printer.

/ ״ μ .


171. ap.proach/ə.próutʃ/[.()ο ́]

[] , , ( ) ٷ , ٹ, ذ

[] , ϴ

a storm is ~.ing/ə.próu.tʃi/.

/ dz ϰ ִ.


172. ap.pro.val/ə.prú:.vəl/[.() ́.]

[] , , , ΰ

house ~/ə.prú:.vəl/ is expected this week.

/ ȸ ֿ ̴.

*ap.prove/ə.prú:v/ [] ()ϴ, [ΰ]ϴ.()

   ̴ ϴ

*ap.prov.ed/ə.prú:vd/ [] [ΰ]; , ִ


*ap.prov.ing/ə.prú:.vi/ [] , .

*ap.prov.ing.ly/ə.prú:.vi.li:/ [] ϸ鼭


173. ap.prox.i.mate/ə.prɑ́k.sə.mèit/[.() ́..ş ̀]

[] (ġ ) , []ϴ

the number ~s/ə.prɑ́k.sə.mèits/ three thousand.

/ 3,000 .

[] ٻ, ü[].a~/ə.prɑ́k.sə.mèit/ val.ue/vǽl.ju:/./ ;ٻ.

*ap.prox.i.ma.tion/ə.prɑ̀k.sə.méi.ʃən/ [] , ٻ. [],    ()

*ap.prox.i.mate.ly/ə.prɑ́k.sə.mit.li:/ [] , , .


@ 174. a.pril/éi.prəl/[ ́.()]

[] 4(: ap.; apr.)

today/tə.déi/] is ~/éi.prəl/ fifth/fifɵ/.

/ 4 5 ̴.


175. a.pron/éi.prən/[ ́.()]

[] , ġ, ġ


176. apt/pt/[^Ʈ]

[] ϱ , ϴ ִ, ϰ , , ִ

he is ~/pt/ to for.get/fǝr.gét/.

/ ؾ.


177. arc/ɑ:rk/[()ũ

[] ȣ(), ȣ(); (); ũ, ȣ()

[] ȣ, ũ. []ȣȣ() ̷.


@ 178(1). are/ɑ:r/[()]

[] be 2Ī ܼ(you) 3Ī (they) . .

-()̴, ()ִ, ()ϴ

* ö Դϴ(are). ⿡ ִ(are). ູմϴ(are).

you are tom. / tom ̴.

a~/ɑ:r/ you tom/tam/? / tom Դϱ?


you are here. / ⿡ ִ.

are you here? / ⿡ ִ°?


you are happy. / ູϴ.

are you happy? / ູѰ?


they are my friends. / ׵ ģ̴.

are they your friends? / ׵ ģΰ?


they/ei/[] ~/ɑ:r/ here/hi:ər/[()].

/ ׵ ⿡ ִ.

a~/ɑ:r/ you hap.py/h́p.i:/[^ ́.]?

/ ູմϱ?


*̱ ü : are you in line? ٿ ?

are you kidding?  ƴ?

are you serious? װ ̿?


@ 178(2). are/ɛər/[()]

[]f.Ƹ(100, 30.25; : a.))


* : are /ɑ:r/ /ǝr/ д´.

ܾ տ  ٰų

ܾ ڿ  ڸ ͼ ܾ Ǹ /-ǝr-/ д´.


179. ar.e.a/ɛ́ər.i:.ə/[ ́.().]

[] (,), , , u,c , , .

this is the res.i.den.tial/rèz.i.dén.ʃəl/ ~s/ɛ́ər.i:.əs/[ ́.().].

/ ñ(ְ)̴.


180. arent/ɑ:rnt/[()Ʈ]

are not .

they ~/ɑ:rnt/ bad friends.

/ ׵ ģ ƴϾ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!