͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

<ٸ б ܾ( 21-04 )>

LV47 alexҹ

2023-09-11 11:57:31 | ȸ : 488

<ٸ б ܾ( 21-04 )>


21-04 : Ǿ


061. hour & our :


(1) hour/auər/[ƿ()]

[] ð , , ð

what hour(time)/auər/ do you open your shop?

/ ÿ ϱ?


(2) our/auər/[ƿ()]

[]we ,

our/auər/ goal is to win.

/ 츮 ǥ ̱ ̴.



ȣ ߿ /ər/ /ər/ .

/-r/ /ə-/ /:/ /r/ ǥ /:r/.

our/auər/(x) our/auər/(o) /au:r/(o)

ou /au/, r /ər/ Ǵ /:r/ ؾ .


062. in & inn :


(1) in/in/[]

[]ġ ӿ[], []

i live in/in/ seoul.

/ .


(2) inn/in/[]

[] , μ

she washed her face at the pump in front of the inn/in/.

/ ׳ տ ִ ߴ.



ܾ ó̳ ־ ϳ Ѵ.


063. key & quay :


(1) key/ki:/[Ű]

[] (pl. s) ,

do you have a key/ki:/ to unlock the door?

/ ⸦ ֳ?


(2) quay/ki:/[Ű]

[] â, ε, , Ⱥ().cf.pier, wharf.

a crowd was waiting on the quay/ki:/.

/ εο ٸ ־.


064. knead & need :


(1) knead/ni:d/[ϟ]

[]. ( ) ϴ; ; ֹ, () ȸϴ

(ڱ ) ; ȥϴ. (ΰ) ۴, ϴ.

she learned how to knead/ni:d/ arms and legs.

/ ׳ Ȱ ٸ ֹ .


(2) need/ni:d/[ϟ]

[] ʿ, ҿ, ʿ , ,

[] ʿ ϴ, ʿϴ, ϴ

i need/ni:d/ some food. / ʿմϴ.



kn k . knock/nak/ knight/nait/



065. knew & new :


(1) knew/nju:/[Ͽ]

know .

i knew/nju:/ it already.

/ ̹ ˰ ־.


(2) new/nju:/[Ͽ]

[] ο, Ÿ[], ()߰, Ź߸ *[] old(ould)

that is new/nju:/ to me.

/ װ ó ´(ݽʹ̴).


066. knight & night :


(1) knight/nait/[]

[] (߼) , (ټ ) Ʈ(), , ִ

he was a great knight/nait/ in the middle ages.

/ ״ ߼ ô Ǹ 翴.


(2) night/nait/[]

[] , ߰, ()([opp.] day); Ϲ .

he was coughing all night/nait/[].

/ ״ ħ Ͽ.


067. knot & not :


(1) knot/nɑt/[]

[] ŵ, (Ŀ) Ŵ , [] ŵ, ( ) ŵ, Ҽ

he tied a knot/nɑt/ in the rope.

/ ״ ٿ ŵ ϳ .


(2) not/nɑt/[]

[] ʴ, () ƴϴ, () ʴ[]

i am not/nɑt/ hungry.

/ 谡 ʴ.



kn k ʴ´.


068. know & no :


(1) know/nou/[]

[] (knew [nju]; known[noun]) ˰ ִ, ˴, ~ ϴ[ϰ ִ], ~ ƴ ̴

let me know/nou/ the result.

/ ˷ ֽÿ.


(2) no/nou/[]

[] ϳ[ ] [ʴ, ƴ], ݵ[]

no/nou/ man(one) is without his faults.

/ ƹ


069. lain & lane :


(1) lain/lein/[()]

lie źл.

lie/lai/[()] []. (lay [lei]; lain [lein]; lying [láii]) , ִ

he is lain/lein/ down on the grass.

/ ״ ܵ ִ.


(2) lane/lein/[()]

[] (Ÿ ) , ( ) ,

i was driving on the outside lane/lein/.

/ ٱ ϰ ־.



ai Ϲ /ei/ ȴ. ׷ Ģ ƴϴ.

: line lane

line () ϰ, lane


070. leak & leek :


(1) leak/li:k/[()]

[] , ( ) , , [], ()

[] , , ( ) Ǵ

the roof ~s/li:ks/[()].

/ .


(2) leek/li:k/[()]

[]Ĺũ, wales (); θ ; ȸû , ε巯 Ȳϻ(~́ grèen)

wheres the best place to buy fresh leek/li:k/ around here?

/ ó ̽ ߸ ⿡ 𿡿?


071. lessen & lesson :


(1) les.sen/lés.ən/[() ́.]

[] ۰ ϴ, ̴, ϴ(diminish).ٴ.

warm milk will lessen/lés.ən/ the tension before you sleep.

/ ڱ ȭ ̴.


(2) les.son/lés.ən/[() ́.]

[] а,

what did we do last lesson/lés.ən/ ?

/ 츮 ð ?



les.son/lés.ən/[() ́.] ==> [() ́.](x)

鸮 ϴ ƴϰ ׷ 鸮 ϴ ̴.

Ģ ϸ鼭 鸮 ϶ ġ ִ.


߰ chick.en /tʃík.in/[ ́.]̴. ==>[ġ ́.Ų].

[ġ ́.Ų] ϸ [ġ].

 ؾ ұ, ̷ п Ģ [ġ] ?

Ȯϰ ȣ ִ ״ ȴ. ׵ ׷ д´.


072. loan & lone :


(1) loan/loun/[()ο]

[/] (޴), ( ϴ)

the loan/loun/ is repayable in monthly instalments.

/ ڱ ȯ ִ.


(2) lone/loun/[()ο]

[] ()ȥ, ϴ. [syn.] alone.

there is a loan/loun/ house on the ridge.

/ ̿ ܷο ü ִ.


073. made & maid :


(1) made/meid/[ş]

make źл.

[] ; , ΰ, ΰ

it is a made/meid/ story.

/ װ ٹ .


(2) maid/meid/[ş]

[] ҳ, ư(girl). ϳ, ; ó(ladys ~); . ó.

* a maid/meid/[ş] of all work ();

there is a maid/meid/ to do the housework.

/ ϴ ΰ ִ.


074. mail & male :


(1) mail/meil/[]


[] , ϴ

mail/meil/ it to me tomorrow.

/ װ ְ.


(2) male/meil/[]

[] ,

[] , *[] fe.male(fí:.meil)

i am male/meil/.

/ ھ.


075. main & maine & mane :


(1) main/mein/[]

[] ( ) (η), (ǹ ¿) , ֿ κ

[] ֿ, ֵ *[] chief(tʃi:f)

it is the main/mein/ water pipe.

/ װ ̾.


(2) maine/mein/[]

[] ̱ ϵ ; : me.>

i dont know if i want to go to texas or maine/mein/.

/ ػ罺 ֿ 𸣰ھ.


(3) mane/mein/[]

[] ( ) ; ( ) Ӹ.

this is the horses mane/mein/

/ ̰ (ة) .


076. maize & maze :


(1) maize/meiz/[]

[] ; (̱ indian corn).

̱ij ׳ corn̶ .

the corn( maize/meiz/ ) is in full ear.

/ á.


(2) maze/meiz/[]

[] ̷(ڻ), ̱(ڻ)(labyrinth); ̷ . б, Ȳ, ¿¿

he is in a maze/meiz/.

/ ״ ٸ 𸥴.


077. medal & meddle :


(1) med.al/méd.əl/[ ́.]

[] ޴, , , , , ȭ[]

she is hoping to win the gold medal/méd.əl/[ ́.].

/ ׳ ݸ޴ ⸦ ϰ ִ.


(2) med.dle/méd.l/méd.l/[ ́.]

[] ϴ, ϴwith; in۰Ÿ, ֹ

do not meddle/méd.l/méd.l/[ ́.] to kids.

/ ֵ鿡 ܼҸ .



̷ ٸ д ϸ öڿ Ȯ ´.

׷ 鸮 ص .


078. meat & meet & mete :


(1) meat/mi:t/[̟]

[] (Ŀ ) ̱(ް ) ִ, , ˸

this book is full of meat/mi:t/.

/ å ϴ.


(2) meet/mi:t/[̟]

[] (p., pp. met [met]) , ġ, ¼, ȸϴ

lets meet/mi:t/ tomorrow in my office.

/ 繫ǿ 츮 .


(3) mete/mi:t/[̟]

[] (ǥ).

[] ( ) Ҵϴ, ִ(allot)out. , ϴ

the judge showed his capacity

to mete/mi:t/ out swift punishment.

/ ǻ ż ó ִ ɷ .


079. might & mite :


(1) might/mait/[]

[] , , Ƿ, [syn.] power. .

[] () (might not mightnt[máitnt]/ 2Ī ܼ) may ġ ÷μ ̾ may Ÿ 𸥴, ص

he said that it might/mait/ rain.

/ ״ 𸥴ٰ ߴ.


(2) mite/mait/[]

[] , , , , .

the place looked a mite/mait/ expensive.

/ .


080. miner & minor :


(1) min.er/mái.nǝr/[ ́.()]

[] , ; . . ä, Ư äź.

her husband is a coal miner/mái.nǝr/.

/ ׳ ź δ.


(2) mi.nor/mái.nər/[ ́.()]

[] ̼,,̱()

[] , () , () ߿ġ , * a ~ party Ҽ

i can put up with minor/mái.nər/ inconveniences.

/ ִ.



min.er/mái.nǝr/ ܾ mine r ܾ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!