͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (014)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-09-14 11:42:47 | ȸ : 428


                                                                            < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (014)

                                                                           == (02) b (021~040) ==


(02) b ==


021. bar.gain/bɑ́:r.gən/[() ́.]

[] Ÿ, ŷ, (Ÿ) , (ΰ) , α, ŵ

we are on a ~/bɑ́:r.gən/ sale.

/ () Ư(ΰ Ĵ) ⰣԴϴ.

[] (Ÿ) ϴ, ϴ, (̶) ̴, ϴ, ϴ

we ~.ed/bɑ́:r.gənd/[() ́.ǵ] with him

for the use of the prop.er.ty/prɑ́p.ər.ti:/.

/ 츮 ׿ 뿡 ߴ.


022. bark/bɑ:rk/[()ũ] = barque

[] . [δ].

[] ¢ Ҹ. () ħҸ. , Ѽ.

[] ; (); (Ӿ) Ǻ.

[] ũ( ); ( bark) (þ) (ship).

[] ( ) ¢, () ġ

he ~.ed/bɑ:rkt/ out his orders.

/ ״ Ҹ ֹߴ.


* : dark hark lark mark park

ܾ /-ɑrk/[-()ũ] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


* : r ڿ ų, ܾ() [()] д´.

*girl/gə:rl/[()] *her/hə:r/[()] * car/ka:r/[ī()]


023. bar.ley/bɑ́:r.li:/[() ́.()]

[] , . [cf.] oat, wheat, rye.


* : ̱ ϸ () ́.() () ́.() ȴ.


024. ba.rom.e.ter/bə.rɑ́m.ə.tər/[.() ́..()]

[] а, , ǥ


* : r õ 𿡵 ʰ ϰ ()

ٿ д´.

*right/rait/[()] ko.re.a/kə.rí:.ə, kou.rí:.ə/[Ŀ.() ́.]


025. bar.rel/b́r.əl/[^ ́.()]

[] (߹ θ) ; з, 1(׷Ƿ : 36, 18 Ǵ 9; ̱ 31.5 ; 42 , 35 ). ѿ,

[] 뿡 ä ִ. () رϰ ϴ; (̱) ()

the truck ~.ed/b́r.əld/[^ ́.()] down [along] the highway.

/ Ʈ ӵθ .


* : r 鼭 ڿ ٿ д´.

*fac.tor.y/f́k.tər.i:/[^ ́..()]


@ 026. base/beis/[̽]

[] , ,߱(), ̽

the ~/beis/ of this buil.ding/bíl.di/ is strong/strɔ:/.

/ ǹ ưưϴ.

[] []; ();߱().

they built/bilt/[Ʈ] a ~/beis/ camp/kmp/.

/ ׵ () ̽ ķ ġϿ.

[] õ, [ߺ], () 󽺷. ϵ; ӵ

he did a ~/beis/ ac.tion/́k.ʃən/.

/ ״ ߴ.

[] [ٰ] ϴ, ٰϴ(on, upon). δ(at; on).

its ~d/beist/[̽Ʈ] on a true/tru:/ stor.y/stɔ́:r.i:/.

/ װ ȭ ٰ Ͽ.


* : case chase vase /-eis/[-̽] д´.

տ ̸ ȴ.

*phase/feiz/ phrase/freiz/ rase/reiz/ (-z) ȴ.

*/s/ /z/ ǰ ϱ Ʋ .


*base.ball/béis.bɔ̀:l/ [] ߱, ߱

*ba.sic/béi.sik/ [] ,

*ba.sis/béi.sis/ [] (pl. -ses[-siz]) , ,

*base.ment/béis.mənt/ [] , Ͻ. () Ϻ


@ 027. bas.ket/b́s.kit/[^ƽ ́.g]

[] ٱ, ٱ( з), ٱ

she put gro.cer.ies/gróu.sər.i:s/ into her ~/b́s.kit/.

/ ׳ ķǰ ׳ ٱϿ Ҵ.


*bas.ket.ball/b́s.kit.bɔ̀:l/ []; c 󱸰.

*bas.ket.ful/b́s.kit.fùl/ [] ٱ(), ٱ ; (of).


@ 028. bat/bt/[^]

[] (߱Ź ) Ʈ, Ÿ, ()

i want to get a ~/bt/.

/ (߱) ̸ ʹ.

[] (-tt-) (Ʈ ) ġ

he ~.ted/b́t.id/[^ ́.] home/houm/ run/rʌn/.

/ ״ Ȩ ƴ.


* : cat fat hat mat pat rat sat tat vat

ܾ /-t/[-^()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


000. bate/beit/[]

[] ( ) ׷߸, . ( ) ȭϴ, .

they watched with bated/béit.id/[ ́.] breath.

/ ׵ ׿Ҵ.


bait ai /ei/[] .

bate +a++e Ͽ.

a /ei/, e .

t ڿ ͵ ٿ Ѵ. /béi.tid/(x)


@ 029. bath/bɵ/[^]

[] , Կ

he is tak.ing/téi.ki/ a ~/bɵ/.

/ ״ ϰ ִ.


*bath.room/b́ɵ.rù:m/ [] , ȭ, (ϰ)


030. bat.ter.y/b́t.ər.i:/[^ ́..()]



031. bat.tle/b́t.l/[^ ́.]

[] , ο,


* : l []ٴ [] д .


032. bawl/bɔ:l/[^]

[] ġ, ġ; Ҹ() ȴ; ȣġout

she ~ed/bɔ:ld/[^] him out for his mis.take/mis.téik/.

/ ׳ װ ߸ߴٰ ȣ ƴ.


*bawled/bɔ:ld/[^] bawl źл


@ 033. be/bi:/[]

[] (pp. been [bin / bi:n, bin]) (), () ִ

*am, are, is

it will ~/bi:/ fine tomorrow/tə.mɔ́:r.ou/.

/ ̴.


this novel seems to be interesting.

/ Ҽ .

to be (ְݺ)


* : he me she we /-i:/[ -l ] д´.


* : 07. Ē /i:/[]


i /i/[]ʹ ٸ.

ʰ Ҹ ŵϸ ٸ ʴ´.

* : [+e] Ǵ [+e++e] ̷ .

*be/bi:/[] she/ʃi:/[] the/i:/[]

eve/i:v/[̟] rede/ri:d/[()] steve/sti:v/[Ƽ]


* : e.lect/i:.lékt, i.-/[.()́] or [.()́] (ok)

/i/[] ڿ , ⿡ ū ̰ .

/i/[] ܾ ̸ ϸ , ϴ .


baby ѿ /béi.bi/[ ́.] ǰ

̱ /béi.bi:/[ ́.] ̴.

ܾ 忡 ܾ ֱ ̴.

ܾ忡 y ܾ /i/ /i:/ д´.


* : been/bi:n/[] be źл


*̱ ü : be my guest. .;  ѹ غ.

be patient. ݸ .

be punctual. ð .

be right back with you. 񸸿.; ƿð.

be seated. .


@ 034. beach/bi:tʃ/[]

[] غ, , ٴ尡, ؾ, ȣ

we/wi:/ walk/wɔ:k/ on the ~/bi:tʃ/.

/ 츮 غ ȴ´.


* : beach/bi:tʃ/[] ݵ [-]ϰ

ٽ [-] ؾ Ѵ. ׷ bitch/bitʃ/[].


000. bead /bi:d/[]

[] , ־; (pl.) , λ縮(rosary); (pl.) .

(̽ ) of; ( ) ǰ, () Ƽ

[] մ; ϴ. ǰ ϴ.


000. beak/bi:k/[]

[] (()) θ. θ ; (


000. beam/bi:m/[]

[] (()) θ. θ ; ()


035. bean/bi:n/[]

[] ηjack ~ ۵. ϵη pea. ( )


036. bear/bɛər/[()]

[] ,

[] (bore[bɔr]/born[bɔrn]) , [] *[] car.ry(ḱr.i:) (ǥ ) ϴ, ((ڣ) ) ϴ, (Ը) ϴ,

(ǹå) , ô, (with). ̸ , Ÿ δ.

he is ~.ing/bɛ́ər.i/[ ́.()] a heavy load/loud/.

/ ״ ſ ִ.


*bear.a.ble/bɛ́ər.ə.bl/ [] ߵ ִ; (ұ) ִ



are /ɑ:r/ /ǝr/ . ⼱ ڴ. Ģ .

: care, dare, fare

ear /iǝr/ /ɛər/ . ⼱ ڴ. Ģ .

/iǝr/ : dear hear tear

/ǝr/ : pear tear wear


037. beat/bi:t/[]

[] ؼ ġ, ( ) ġ Ҹ, (ð) Ҹ, () ,

[] (beat/beat.en[bí:t.n]) ()ġ, ()ٴ, ̱,(ڸ)ߴ.

you cant ~/bi:t/ me at chess.

/ ü ̱ .


*beat.en /bí:t.ən/[ ́.]

/t/ ٸ ܾ ̾

̾ ̸ ٿ Ѵ.


*̱ ü : beat it. ( ڸ) .


@ 038. beaut.i.ful/bjú:t.ə.fəl/[W ́..]

[] Ƹٿ, , Ǹ,

a ~/bjú:t.ə.fəl/ wom.an/wúm.ən/ came to see you.

/  Ƹٿ Ծ.


her beauty and intelligence have cap.ti.va.ted/kǽp.tǝ.vèit.id/ many men.

/ ׳ ̸ ڵ Ҵ.

beauty(̸, Ƹٿ) ߻ (a/an), Ұ


* : [W ́..Ǯ](x) ܾ -ful. ܾ,

==>[Ǯ ̀] : arm.ful /ɑ́:rm.fùl/

==>[] ȴ.


*beaut.y/bjú:t.i:/[W ́.] [] ̸, , Ƹٿ


*̱ ü : its beautiful. Ƹ䱺.


@ 039. be.cause/bi.kɔ́:z/[.^ ́]

[] (ֳϸ) ̹Ƿ[ϹǷ],

b~/bi.kɔ́:z/ you are late/leit/.

/ װ ʾ ...


040. be.come/bi.kʌ́m/[.Ŀ^ ́]

[] (became [bikéim]; become) [] Ǵ, , ,

he ~/bi.kʌ́m/ a good doctor.

/ ״ ǻ簡 Ǿ.


== ( 2) ==

it became cold. / ߿.

־(it) + (became) + (cold, )

become: ~ Ǵ. ~ ° Ǵ.( , )

she became a doctor().



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!