͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (001)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-11-29 1:56:32 | ȸ : 495

̽ å 5õ (001)

== a (001) ~ (020) ==


(01) a ==


@ 001. a/ei, ə/[, ], an/n, ən/[^, ]

<> ϳ, ϳ * : . (* / the )

== a ܾ ù ڰ Ǹ a/ei, ə/[, ]

this/is/[] is/is/[] a/ə/[] pen/pen/[].

/ ̰ ϳ ̴.

== a ܾ ù ڰ Ǹ an/n, ən/[^, ]

this is an/ən/[] egg/eg/[].

/ ̰ ϳ ̴.



ܾ 忡 ɿ 8ǰ .

̴ ȣĪ ְ Ļ ڸ ִ.

ǰ ̷ ȣĪ Ļ ڸ 忡 ϴ ִ.

: λ ġ ӻ ź

Ʒ 8ǰ簡  ̴. ѱ ؼ 鼭 .

wow, you look really tall and thin in the dress!

/ , 巹 ũ δ!



(ή) տ پ 濡 δ ̴.

ڴ Ӹ () տ ´.

a(an) the ִ.



/ei, n/ a, an Ͽ аų Ư ؼ .

/ə, ən/ .


* :

 "a" 7 ޸ ´.

cat/kt/[ij^] may/mei/[] calm/kɑm/[į] call/kɔ:l/[^]

a.bate/ə.béit/[. ́] a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.] care/kɛər/[ɾ()]


ȣ ==> Ҹ ȣ ȭ .

ѱ ==> ȣ ѱ۷ .

 ܾ (Ҹ) 鼭 ̰Ŵ Ŵ

ƾ Ѱ踦 ѱ۷ ׾(Ϸ) ִ ̴.


ũⰡ о Ѵ.

Ϻδ ѱ ʴ ǥⰡ ִ.

⿡ 󼭴 ٸ ̴. н ǻ ̴.

ܾ smartphone 鼭 ȣ ѱ 並 .


002. a.ban.don/ə.b́n.dən/[.^ ́.]

[] , (ȹ ) ܳϴ, (Ǹ) ϴ, (óڸ) ϴ

they ~.ed/ə.b́n.dənd/[.^ ́.] their country.

/ ׵ ׵ ȴ.


*a.ban.don.ed/ə.b́n.dənd/ [] , ڱ, , Ÿ, ķġ


a.ban.don.ed/ə.b́n.dənd/ ܾ 4 ̳ 3 ̴.

Ģȭ ŵ ed /d/[] DZ ̴.


003. ab.bre.vi.ate/ə.brí:.vi.èit/[.() ́..֟ ̀]

[] () ()ؼ , ̴ (to) *[] short.en(ʃɔ́:rt.ən)

i decided to ~/ə.brí:.vi.èit/ my stay in seoul.

/ £ ü縦 ̱ Ͽ.



Ļ Ʒ ȣ Ǿִ.

ο ܾ бⰡ ȣ ٿ.

ܾ ѱ 並 鼭 ޾ д .



ܾ Ļ ޶ 찡 ִ.

ܾ sion ̳ tion̸ ͼ

ܾ ޶.

ܾ abbreviate tion ǰ縦 ޸ϸ鼭

ܾ ִ e tion δ.


*ab.bre.vi.a.tion/ə.brì:.vi.éi.ʃən/ [] , , ,,


004. a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

[] ɷ, ؾ, ( pl.)

it is my ~/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/. / װ ɷ̴.



a.bil.i.ty/ə.bíl.ə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ] [. ́..] ok!

t [] ٴ [] Ѵ.


005. a.ble/éi.bl/[ ́́.]

[] ɷ ִ, ִ, Ǹ, ִ, ڰ

i am not ~/éi.bl/ to go. / .



go/gou/[](o) [](x)

ѱ ǥ ۸? no[] go[] what/hwat/[](o) [](x)

ѱ ǥ , ױ .. .. 밭 밭!


006. -.a.ble/ə.bl/[-..]

<̾> Ÿ翡 پ ִ ϱ⿡  

: countable

翡 ٿ ϴ ִ

: : peaceable

make yourself com.fort.a.ble/kʌ́m.fər.tə.bl/!

/ ϰ !

* : ̾ ʴ´.


007. ab.o.li.tion/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/[^ .̀.() ́.]

[] ( ) , ö, of

he pro.pos.ed/prǝ.póuzd/ the ~/̀b.ǝ.líʃ.ən/ can.ing/kéi.ni/ in school.

/ ״ б ü ߴ.


@ 008. a.bout/ə.báut/[.ٟW ́]

[] []Ͽ, () ó[α]; (ǹ ) 𿣰

a~/ə.báut/ what? / ΰ.

[] , ü 뷫, ó[α]. ; η ־, պ

he is ~/ə.báut/ my size.

/ ״ ü [Ű, ]̴.

[] (ħ󿡼) Ͼ, ٴϴ; Ȱϴ. (ҹ ) ,

how ~/ə.báut/ you? /  ϴ?


*̱ ü :

just about. / .


009. a.bove/ə.bʌ́v/[.^ ́]

[] ʿ[], , () ̻. (å ) տ

my bedroom is just ~/ə.bʌ́v/. / ħ ٷ ִ.

[] (), ָ; , ̻

health is ~/ə.bʌ́v/ wealth. / ǰ κ ϴ.


010. a.broad/ə.brɔ́:d/[.()^ ́]

[] ܱ, ؿܷ

at home and ~ / ܿ

θ, ȹ; (ҹ )

the rumor is ~ that .... / ҹ Ĵϴ

he lives ~/ə.brɔ́:d/. / ״ ؿܿ .


011. ab.sence/́b.səns/[^ ́.]

[] , , , *[] pres.ence(préz.əns)

the teacher was worried

by toms frequent ~s/́b.sən.siz/ from class.

/ Ž Ἦ Ͽ.



־ ź ɹ ϰ ª

д´. ؾѴ.

ʷ 缱( / ) 鼭 ܶ .

: the teacher was worried / by toms frequent absences / from class.


012. ab.sent/́b.sənt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

[] ; ; .opp.present.

he is ~ in america on a tour.

/ ״ ̱

, (lacking)

revenge is ~ from his mind. / .


* :

 01. Ǎ //[^]

[]ϰ Ͽ []Ͽ /e/[] /a/[]

ϳ .

[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ǾѴ.

[] [] .

н ǻ ٿ ϳ 濡 ^ ȣ .



߼ ϸ ٸ.

߼  ׷ ϴ ̰

 ܾ  ׷ д° ϴ ̴.

׷ ȥؼ Īؼ ڴ.


013. ab.so.lute/́b.sə.lù:t/[^ ́..()W ̀]

[] , , Ȯ, , , ʴ,

he is an ~/́b.sə.lù:t/ fool. / ״ ٺ.


*ab.so.lute.ly/̀b.sə.lú:t.li:/ [] , (); ȣ.


*̱ ü :

absolutely. / ( ) ! !


014(1). ab.stract/b.stŕkt/[^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] ߻, , [opp.] concrete. ̷, ɿ,

his knowl.edge/nάl.idʒ/ is too ~/b.stŕkt/.

/ ʹ ߻̴.

[] ( ) ߻ϴ, []ϴ, (ϰ) , ġ(steal)

he ~.ed/b.stŕk.tid/ a purse from jacks pocket.

/ ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ.


014(2). ab.stract/́b.strkt/[^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

[] ߻,߻ , ߻ ; ̼߻ ǰ. .

she has no idea of pov.er.ty/pάv.ǝr.ti:/

but in the ~/́b.strkt/.

/ ׳ ۿ 𸥴.


015. ab.surd/əb.sə́:rd/[.() ́]

[] ո, , ͸, 콺ν *[] fool.ish(fú:l.iʃ)

dont be ~/əb.sə́:rd/. / Ҹ[] .



/-.sə́:rd/[-.́() ́] /-:-/ r

ܾ ƴ * / -:r / = / ər /[()]


* :

 r ̷ ϴ .

: r () ù ̰ų

̻ ܾ ϸ鼭

ܾ ù ̰ų ù Ȯ r ; Ѵ.


: right, ko.re.a

"(/moon)" (ʫ) "(cock, hen)" ְ " " ִ.

ѱ ϴ ۱ Ƴ ݹ ȴ.

׷ ȶġ ʰų ƴ.


Ʒ ϰ ܾ о .

car/kɑ:r/[ī()] & card/kɑ:rd/[ī()] cart/kɑ:rt/[ī()Ʈ] == .

() ϰ , ް ó Ѵ.


016(1). a.buse/ə.bjú:z/[. ́]

[] (Ưȣ ) ϴ, ϴ, дϴ, () ̴

he ~d/ə.bjú:st/ our trust. / ״ 츮 ŷڸ ȴ.


016(2). a.buse/ə.bjú:s/[.́]

[] , , д, Ÿ, .

they gave us a term of ~/ə.bjú:s/. / ׵ 츮 ߴ..


017. a.cad.e.my/ə.ḱd.ə.mi:/[.ij^ ́..]

[] м, ,̱ (Ư 縳) ߵб; б

he grad.u.at.ed/grǽdʒ.u.èit.id/ l.a. police ~/ə.ḱd.ə.mi:/.

/ ״ l.a. б ߴ.


018. ac.cent/́k.sent/[^ ́.Ʈ]() or /́k.sənt/[^ ́.Ʈ]()

[] , ,, (): primary(1) [secondary(2] accent. ǼƮ ȣ( ǥ ^ )

he has a strong american ~/́k.sent/.

/ ׿Դ ̱ ִ().

[] ǼƮ δ, ϰ ϴ, ǼƮ ȣ ̴,

an ~.ed/́k.sen.tid/ syl.la.ble/síl.ǝ.b.əl/. / ǼƮ ִ ().


# ac.cept/ək.sépt/[.Ʈ ́]

vt. ޾Ƶ̴, syn⟩ ⇨receive.

she was ~ed at harvard. / ׳ Ϲٵ п ߴ.

(ʴȥ ) ϴ,

i ~ your offer. / Ǹ ޾ƵԴϴ.

(ӹ ) ϴ,

~ the office of president / ȸ ô.

vi. (ʴ ) ϴ.


*ac.cept.a.ble/ək.sép.tə.bl/ a. ޾Ƶ ִ, ߵ ִ

/ək.sépt.bl/ (ok) ̱

*ac.cep.tance/ək.sép.təns/ n. ޾Ƶ, , ä.

i find gain, winacceptance with inhim.

/ ׿Լ , ϴ.

*ac.cep.ta.tion/̀k.sep.téi.ʃən/ n. (Ϲ Ǵ) , (), ; , (acceptance).n.




ٸ Ѵ.



c ڿ a, o, u ų ܾ ̸ /k/,

ڿ e, i, y /s/ .

ڿ ų ܾ /k/ Ǵ 쵵 ִ. *pic.nic/pík.nik/


020. ac.cess/́k.ses/[^ ́.]

[] , (to); [Լ̿]ϴ [Ǹ]; Է

this way is the only ~/́k.ses/ to the house.

/ ̰  ̴.

[] ٰ, ; ǻϴ.

single rooms have pri.vate/prái.vit/ baths ~.ed/́k.sest/

via the bal.co.ny/bǽl.kǝ.ni:/.

/ ̱ 뿡 ڴϸ  ִ.


*ac.ces.si.ble/ək.sés.ǝ.bl/[. ́..] [] ϱ


/ək.sés.bl/[. ́.](ok)


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
LV47 alexҹ
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