͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (003)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-12-02 12:41:33 | ȸ : 392

̽ å 5õ (003)

== a (041) ~ (060) ==


(01) a ==


# ac.tu.al/́k.tʃu.əl/[^ ́..]

ɑ. ,

in ~ fact / ǻ(in fact)syn⟩ ⇨real.

it was an ~ con.di.tion/kǝn.díʃ.ən/. / װ ϳ ǻ̾.


~ money /


n. ť͸ . (ǥ ) ().


*ac.tu.al.ness /́k.tʃu.əl.nis/ n. ,

*ac.tu.al.ly/́k.tʃu.əl.i:/ ad. Ƿ, , , δ


actually camila, i recently found out he has long been suffering from color blindness. (2023 ) (44)

īж ΰ ִٴ ֱٿ ˰ ƾ.


042. a.cute/ə.kjú:t/[.ŰW ́]

[] īο, *[] obtuse(əb.tjú:s) ɰ( ); ݽ( ).

the sit.u.a.tion/sìtʃ.u.éi.ʃən/ is ~/ə.kjú:t/.

/ ´ ϴ.


*a.cute.ly/ə.kjú:t.li:/ [] īӰ; ݽ()ϰ; ϰ.


043. a.dapt/ə.d́pt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, [, , ]ϴ(modify)(for; from), (ȯ濡) ϴ

we need to ~/ə.d́pt/ ourselves

to the new cir.cum.stan.ces/sə́:r.kǝm.st̀n.siz/.

/ 츮 ο ȯ濡 ʿ䰡 ִ.


044. add/d/[^]

[] ϴ, ÷ϴ, ϴ

two ~.ed/́d.id/ to three makes five.

/ 3 ϸ 5 ȴ. 3+2=5


*add.ed/́d.id/[^ ́.] add źл


#(1). ad.dict/ǝ.díkt/[.́]

[] ~ oneself Ǵ · ϴ, ŽŰto, ߵ ǰ ϴ. .

she was addicted to drink. / ׳ .


#(2) ad.dict/ǽd.ikt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

[]  Žϴ ,Ư() ߵ; ȣ

he was a morphine ~ . / ״ ߵڿ.

addíction [ǝd-] n. 󰇆󰆴 , Ž; ()ߵ.

addíctive [ǝd-] ɑ. ( ) ߵ, .


045. ad.di.tion/ə.díʃ.ən/[. ́.]

[] ߰,. *[] sub.trac.tion(səb.tŕk.ʃən) [ȭ] ÷

he had an ~/ə.díʃ.ən/ to his family.

/ ״ þ(̰ ¾ ).


*ad.dit.ion.al/ə.díʃ.ən.əl/ [] ΰ, ߰, Ư

*ad.di.tion.al.ly/ə.díʃ.ən.əl.i:/ [] ߰, Դٰ


#(1). ad.dress/ə.drés/[.() ́]

n. λ縻, (), ϱ⹮ an ~ of welcome ȯ

your ~/ə.drés/ was good. / ҽϴ.

v. ̾߱⸦[] ɴ, [λ]ϴ,

he will ~/ə.drés/] us. / ״ 츮鿡 λ縻 ̴.


#(2). ad.dress/́d.res/[^ ́.()]

n. [̱] ( Ѻ) ּ

what is your ~/́d.res/? / ּҰ ?


*ad.dres.see/̀d.re.sí:/ n. (޽) , ޴ .


047. ad.here/ǝd.hí:ər/[.() ́]

[] [, ]ϴ, ϴ

that glue does not ~/ǝd.hí:ər/ to the wall.

/ ʴ´.



r ڿ ų, ܾ() [()] д´.

*girl/gə:rl/[()] *her/hə:r/[()] * car/ka:r/[ī()]

*our/auər/(x) => /auər/[ƿ()]

*flour/flauər/(x) => /flauər/[[ƿ()]

*here/hiər/(x) => /hi:ər/[()]


048. ad.he.sive/ǝd.hí:.siv/[. ́.]

[] (), , â [] [], ο ʴ

an adhesive/ǝd.hí:.siv/ envelope. / Ǯĥ .


049. ad.ja.cent/ǝ.dʒéi.sənt/[. ́.Ʈ]

[] , , αto.cf.adjoining.

  he lives in ~/ǝ.dʒéi.sənt/ village. / ״ ̿ .

* :

he[] lives[()] in[] ad.ja.cent[. ́.] village[].

ok! == lives s in ٿ а,

ad.ja.cent t ܾ ͼ .


050. ad.jec.tive/́dʒ.ik.tiv/[^ ́..M]

[] [] . [] , μ[],Ҽ .

an adjective/́d.ʒik.tiv/ clause / []


051. ad.join/ǝ.dʒɔ́in/[. ^ ́]

[] ϴ, ̿ϴ

the two houses/háu.siz/ ~/ǝ.dʒɔ́in/ each other.

/ ִ


052. ad.journ/ə.dʒə́:rn/[.() ́]

[] ȸ[ȸ, ȸ]ϴ, ( ) ϴ, () ڸ ű(to)

the meeting was ~.ed/ə.dʒə́:rnd/ without day.

/ ȸǴ Ǿ.


053. ad.judge/ə.dʒʌ́dʒ/[.^ ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ; ϴ

the will was ~d/ə.dʒʌ́dʒd/ (to be) void.

=they ~d/ə.dʒʌ́dʒd/[.^ ́] thɑt the will was void.

/ ȿ ޾Ҵ


054. ad.junct/́dʒ.ʌkt/[^ ́.^ũƮ]

[] μӵ, μ. Ͻ . opp.permɑnent.

[] μto; of; , ľ, ΰ(ݾʥ);

that small building is an ~/́dʒ.ʌkt/to the main library.

/ ǹ ߾ μ ǹ̴.


055. ad.just/ə.dʒʌ́st/[.^ƽƮ ́]

[] () ߴ, ϴǥ; () ġ ߴ

( ) ϴ, ϴ, Ÿ ٷ


he ~.ed/ə.dʒʌ́s.tid/ a tel.e.scope/tél.ǝ.skòup/ to his eye.

/ ״ ߾.



̻ ܾ  d j ִ Ʒ д´.

(1) ѻ : ad. just /ǝd. ʒʌ́st/[. ^ƽƮ ́] ȴ. ߸̴.

(2) d/d/ j/dʒ/ ٸ ̴.

(3) /dʒ/ j g(gi, ge, gy) ´.

(4) d j d ǰ j /dʒ/ .

(5) /ʒ/ su, si ´. ( /ʒ/=/dʒ/[/] ).


*ad.just.a.ble/ə.dʒʌ́s.tə.bl/ [] , , ִ

*ad.just.ed/ə.dʒʌ́s.tid/ [] [][], (); [].

*ad.jus.tive/ǝ.dʒʌ́s.tiv/ [] ()

*ad.just.ment/ə.dʒʌ́st.mənt/ [] (), , , * t .


*̱ : ad.just/ə.dʒʌ́st/[.^ƽƮ ́]

< adjust > google how many syllables

how many syllables in adjust? 2 syllables [ ]

divide adjust into syllables: ad-just [ ]

stressed syllable in adjust: ad-just [ ]

how to pronounce adjust: uh-juhst [ ]


057. ad.mire/əd.máiər/[.() ́]

[] źϴ, Īϴ *[] re.gard(ri.gɑ́:rd) (̱) ϰ ; ϴ.

id ~/əd.máiər/ to go. / ʹ.


*ad.mir.er/əd.máiər.ər/ [] , , , ȥ,

*ad.mir.ing/əd.máiər.i/ [] ϴ, [ź]ϴ.


* : ad.mire/əd.máiər/[.() ́] /ə/ ΰ?

ѻ ad.mire/əd.máiər/ Ǿ [.̾() ́] ȴ.

ȣ ܾ ڿ д ε 𿡼 Գ?

̴ r ٸ ؾ Ѵ.


058. ad.mit/əd.mít/[. ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

this case ~s/əd.míts/ no other ex.pla.na.tion/èks.plə.néi.ʃən/.

/ ޸ . (ٸ ʴ´.)



/əd.mít/[. ́] ̸鼭 ̰

ϸ ̷ оִ .

[. ́] [. ́] ϸ ȴ.


059. a.dopt/ə.dɑ́pt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] Ծϴ, ä[ä]ϴ, .

they ~.ed/ə.dɑ́p.tid/ a child as their heir/ǝr/.

/ ׵ ڷ ̸ ڷ 鿴.


*air/ǝr/[()] []

*are/ǝr/[()] []f. Ƹ<100>,


060. a.dore/ə.dɔ́:r/[.^() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ()ϴ, () () ϴ

he ~s/ə.dɔ́:rs/ listening to music. / ״ ⸦ Ѵ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!