͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (006)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-12-06 12:34:38 | ȸ : 302

̽ å 5õ (006)

== a (101) ~ (120) ==


(01) a ==


101. al.low/ə.láu/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ϰ ϴ, (of), ϴ

no/nou/ swim.ming/swím.i/ ~.ed/ə.láud/[.()L ́] !

/ ( ) !


*al.low.ed/ə.láud/[.() ́] *ed /d/[] ȴ.


102. al.low.ance/ə.láu.əns/[.() ́.]

[] [] ϴ. ( ) [] ϴ

~ []ϴ.

his par.ents/pέər.ǝnts/ wont ~/ə.láu.əns/ him to stay out late.

/ θ(ģ) Ͱ 볳 ʴ´.

[] ( ϴ) , ޿, ; ( ִ)

i used up my ~/ə.láu.əns/ in two days.

/ 뵷 Ʋ Ⱦ.


103. al.mond/ɑ́.mənd/[ ́.յ]

[] (), Ƹ(); غ; Ȳ.


* : almond l .

ؾ ٿ ʰų

ʾƾ ϴ 쿡 ۸ ȴ.


104. al.most/ɔ́:l.moust/[^ ́.콺Ʈ]

[] , Ź, ü, ִ

he comes here ~/ɔ́:l.moust/ every day.

/ ״ ⿡ ٽ Ѵ.


* : almost never [no, nothing] / ʴ, :

it almost never rains here. / ̰ ʴ´.

almost no one believed her. / ƹ ׳ฦ ʾҴ.

there was almost nothing left. / ƹ ͵ ʾҴ.


105. a.lone/ə.lóun/[.()ο ́]

[] ٸ Ȧ[ȥڼ],

i want to be ~/ə.lóun/. / ȥ ְ ʹ.

[] Ȧ, ʰ, ,

you cannot do it ~/ə.lóun/. / ȥ Ѵ.


@ 106. a.long/ə.lɔ́:/[.()^ ́]

[] , . ȿ, ϴ ߿.

walk/wɔ:k/ ~/ə.lɔ́:/ this street.

/ () ɾ.

[] , () . , Բ []

move/mu:v/ ~/ə.lɔ́:/, please/pli:z/.

/ ( ) ּ.


107. a.loud/ə.láud/[.()L ́]

[] Ҹ *[] in a whis.per(hwís.pər) *[] loud(laud)

she reads ~/ə.láud/. / ׳ Ҹ д´.


@ 108. al.pha.bet/́l.fə.bèt/[^ ́.. ̀]

[] ĺ, ڸ()

there are 26 letters

in the/i:/ eng.lish/í.gliʃ/ ~/́l.fə.bèt/.

/ ĺ 26 ڰ ִ.


# al.read.y/ɔl.réd.i:/[^. ()A ́.]

ɑd. ̹,

i have ~ read the book. / å о.


he had already left when i arrived.

/ ״ ̹ .

had + źл(left) = ſϷ

̱ Ÿ (right now)

lets start ~. / ׷ .


she isnt up ~, is she?

/ ׳డ Ͼ ʾҰ.



ǹ is he back yet? (װ ƿԳ) .

already ̷ (thus early) :

is he back ɑlreɑdy? / ̷ ƿԴ°().


110. al.so/ɔ́:l.sou/[^ ́.ҿ]

[] () . [all+so].

[] , , Ȱ. [syn.] tod.

he saw it ~/ɔ́:l.sou/. / ׵ װ Ҵ.


* : not only a but also b, aӸ ƴ϶ b

(not only but also ǰ .)


111. al.tar /ɔ́:l.tǝr/[^ ́.()]

[] ; (); (ȸ) .


112. al.ter/ɔ́:l.tər/[^ ́.()]

[] ٲٴ, ϴ, ()

that ~s/ɔ́:l.tərs/ the case. / ׷ ̾߱Ⱑ ޶.


*al.ter.a.tion/ɔ̀:l.tǝr.éi.ʃən/ n. , (ܨ); ; () ġ ġ;


113. al.ter.nate/ɔ́:l.tər.nit/[^ ́.().]

[]̱(̸ ) , ü; , (); ǻü

[] ϴ, ,Ĺȣ(),

it was a week of ~/ɔ́:l.tər.nit/ snow and rain.

/ ְ̾.

[]́ Ͼ[Ÿ], ü[]ϴ,ϴ.

day ~s/ɔ́:l.tər.nits/[^ ́.().] with night.

/ ´.


*al.ter.na.tive/ɔl.tə́:r.nə.tiv/ [] , ޸ , ٸ 浵

[] [] , ޸ ,


philip kitcher and wesley salmon have suggested that there are two possible alternatives among philosophical theories of explanation. (2022 ) (40)

ʸ Űó(philip kitcher) (wesley salmon) ö ̷ ִٰ ߽ϴ. (2022 ) (40)


114. al.though/ɔl.óu/[^. ́]

[] , ̱ , ̶ ϴ.

a~/ɔ:l.óu/ he is rich, he is not happy.

/ ״ ູ ʴ.

although her budget was tight, anna bought cora a taekwondo uni.

(2022 ) (43) ȳ ڶ󿡰 ±ǵ ־.


115. al.to.geth.er/ɔ̀:l.tə.gé.ər/[^ ̀..c ́.()]

[] , , (entirely)

how much ~/ɔ̀:l.tə.gé.ər/? / 󸶳?


* : not Բ κк ȴ.

that is not ~ false. / ƴϴ.


@ 116. al.ways/ɔ́:l.weiz/[^ ́.]

[] , , ׻, ٰ, , Ӿ. ()

she ~/ɔ́:l.weiz/ works hard/hɑ:rd/.

/ ׳ Ѵ.


* : always be , Ϲ տ ´.

be + always == you are always late. / ʾ.

always + Ϲ == you always come early. / .


== ( 1) ==

i always/ɔ́:l.weiz/[^ ́.] walk to school.

/ ׻ б ɾ.

־(i) + ľ(always) + (walk) + ľ(to school)


@ 117. am/m/[^]

[] be 1Īܼ,

( ö ̴), ( ⿡ ִ). ( ǰ ̴.)

i ~/m/ a girl/gə:rl/. / ( ) ҳ.

i am here. / ⿡ ִ.

i am a healthy man. / ǰ ̴.


*̱ ü :

i am aware of that. / ؼ ˰ ֽϴ.

i am impressed. / ޾Ҿ.

i am stuffed. / Ծ.; ŭ ҷ.


118. am.a.teur/́m.ə.ʧər/[^ ́..ó()]

[] Ƹ߾, [ΰ] ƴ

he is still an ~/́m.ə.ʧər/ on golf.

/ ״ Ƹ߾.

[] Ƹ߾, ƴ.

peter is an ~/́m.ə.ʧər/ painter in his spare time.

/ ʹ ð Ƹ߾ ȭ ȰѴ.


119. a.maz.ing/ǝ.méi.zi/[. ́.¡]

[] , óϾ, (astonishing).

what an ~/ǝ.méi.zi/ book.

it is so well written and fun to read.

/ å̴. ʹ ְ .

л(amazing) (book)


120. am.big.u.ous/m.bíg.ju.əs/[^. ́.̿.]

ɑ. ָȣ, иġ , ؼǴ.

his role has always been ~/m.bíg.ju.əs/.

/ ݱ ׻ ָߴ


*am.big.u.ous.ly/m.bíg.ju.əs.li:/ ad. ָȣϰ, ˽޽ϰ

*~ness n.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!