͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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̽ å 5õ (008)

LV47 alexҹ

2023-12-09 12:38:12 | ȸ : 536

̽ å 5õ (008)

== a (141) ~ (160) ==


(01) a ==


# an.nu.al/́n.ju.əl/[^ ́.̿.]

[] , , ϳ Ĺ [] , ,Ĺϳ

an ~/́n.ju.əl/ plant / ϳ Ĺ


more than 96% of the worlds annual rice crop

is pro.duced/prə.djú:st/ in the far east.

/ 96% ̻ ص ȴ.

(produce) ü ƯϱⰡ .

(more than 96% of the worlds annual rice crop) ־


*(1). pro.duce/prə.djú:s/[().́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, Ű, ϴ ( ) ϴ (Ÿ) δ

*(2). prod.uce/prɑ́d.ju:s/[() ́.̿콺]

[][] ,


*pro.duced/prə.djú:st/[().콺Ʈ ́] == źл


142. a.noth.er/ə.nʌ́.ər/[.^ ́.()]

[] ٸ ϳ, ϳ[ѻ], ٸ

will you have ~/ə.nʌ́.ər/ cup of cof.fee/kɔ́:f.i:/ ?

/ Ŀ ðڽϱ?

( ° ƴϰ, °, ° ).

[] ٸ ( , ), ٸ , , ׿ ()

to say is one thing,

to do is quite/kwait/ ~/ə.nʌ́.ər/.

/ ϴ Ͱ ൿϴ ٸ.


* : another other, others, another, the other, the others :

볪 ڸ ̴.


1. ߿ : ù° / one ° / the other

2. ߿ : ù° / one ° / another ° / the other

3. ߿ : ù° / one ()° / another ° / the other

4. 10 ڸ Ϻδ ϰ ݴѴٰ

ڴ some̶ ϰ, others Ѵ.

. ׷ 2̰ 8 ڰ Ȯ

ڴ 2 persons ̰, the others Ѵ.


* ° ° ϸ the others ȴ.

ֳϸ ߿ ϳ ̶ ڰ ̴.

׷ ڸ others ȴ.


* another = an + other ==> ٸ ϳ


@ 143. an.swer/́n.sər/[^ ́.()]

[] , ȸ, (), ش

give me/mi:/[] your ~/́n.sər/! / ٿ.

[] ϴ, Ͽ , () ϴ

she ~.ed/́n.sərd/[^ ́.()] that she was ill.

/ ׳ ʹٰ Ͽ.


* : answer() ed Ģȭ ed /d/[] д´.


@ 144. ant/nt/[^Ʈ]

[] . [cf.] termite.

there are a lot of ~s/nts/ in the garden.

/ ̵ ִ.


* : ants/nts/[^Ʈ] ==> / n t s/[^Ƚ] ok !

gar.den/gɑ́:rd.ən/[() ́.].<==ܾ ȣ ٸ.


145. an.ten.na/n.tén.ə/[^. ́.]

[] ׳


146. an.tique/n.tí:k/[^.Ƽ ́]

[] ǰ, ̱ ( ̻ ) (ͯ) , ̼ǰ, ǰ

[] dz Ÿ, ϴ. ǰ[̼ǰ] ãƴٴϴ.

[] [̼](ǰ). (ͯ); (), ô뿡

the ~/n.tí:k/ shops display

and sell mod.ern/mάd.ǝrn/ art pieces.

/ ̼ǰ Ե ̼ǰ ϰ ǸѴ.


147 an.xi.e.ty/.zái.ə.ti:/[^. ́..Ƽ]

[] , ٽ, Ҿ, Ÿ, ,

all these ~.ies/.zái.ə.ti:s/ made her look pale.

/ ̷ Ÿ ׳ฦ ۾ϰ .


@ 148. an.y/én.i:/[ ́.]

[] , 󸶰, [] , ƹ(), ̵

do you have ~/én.i:/ ques.tions/kwés.tʃəns/ ?

/ ִ?


*̱ ü :

any good ideas? /  ̶?

any time. / ƿ.

anybody home? / ־?

anything else? / ٸ ?


149. any.bod.y/én.i:.bɑ̀d.i:/[ ́.. ̀.]

[] ǹ , , [ƹ]

is ~/én.i:.bɑ̀:d.i:/ ab.sent/ǽb.sənt/ today?

/ ߴ?

, ƹ

i havent seen ~/én.i:.bɑ̀d.i:/. / ƹ .

, ƹ

a~/én.i:.bɑ̀d.i:/ can do that.

/ ׷ ƹ ִ.


[] ǹǹ [] ι, ̸ ִ

is he ~/én.i:.bɑ̀d.i:/?

/ ˷ ιΰ?

( just ) (),

he has been just ~/én.i:.bɑ̀d.i:/.

/ ״ ׷ ׷ ̾.


* : anybody anyone

ڴ ַ ü, ڴ ü .

ü Ҹ ϻ Ȱ Ѵ.


150. an.y.one/én.i:.wʌ̀n/[ ́..^ ̀]

[] , ƹ

i dont think ~/én.i:.wʌ̀n/ was at home.

/ ƹ ٰ ȴ.


has ~/én.i:.wʌ̀n/ heard of it?

/ װͿ Ͽ ?


a~/én.i:.wʌ̀n/ could have told you that.

/ ׷ ƹ  ˾ ε.

== ־ ̴.


151. an.y.thing/én.i:.ɵì/[ ́.. ̀]

[] ǹ

can you hear ~/én.i:.ɵì/? / 鸳ϱ?

ƹ ͵,  ͵

i could not see ~/én.i:.ɵì/. / ƹ ͵ .

̵[], [] ̵

give me something to eat. a~/én.i:.ɵì/ will do.

/ ֽÿ. ƹ ̵ .


152. an.y.where/én.i:.h̀ər/[ ́..() ̀]

[] []

dont go ~/én.i:.h̀ər/. / ƹ .

ǹ 𿣰

did you go ~/én.i:.h̀ər/ yesterday? / ?


you will be welcomed ~/én.i:.h̀ər/ you go.

/ ȯ ̴.


153. a.part/ə.pɑ́:rt/[.()Ʈ ́]

[] , ε

we live ~/ə.pɑ́:rt/ since 2016.

/ 2016 ̷ .


@ 154. a.part.ment/ə.pɑ́:rt.mənt/[.()Ʈ ́.Ʈ]

[]̱Ʈ( )

what number is your ~/ə.pɑ́:rt.mənt/?

/ Ʈ ȣ?


* : ѱ ϴ apt ==> apartment building (̱)

==> # 3 ==> (apartment three ), or unit 3


# a.pol.o.get.ic/ə.pɑ̀l.ə.dʒét.ik/[. ̀..I ́.]

ɑ. , ظ; ; ϴ , ̾ϴ

an ~ letter /

n. ( ) ظ, ȣ, ȣfor; =apologetics.

*a.pol.o.get.ical /ə.pɑ̀l.ə.dʒét.i.kəl/ ɑ. , ظ;

*a.pol.o.get.ical.ly /ə.pɑ̀l.ə.dʒét.i.kə.li:/ ad. Ͽ,


156. a.pol.o.gize/ə.pɑ́l.ə.dʒɑ̀iz/[. ́.. ̀]

[] ϴ, [ظ]ϴ, ȣ[ȣ]ϴ

if i have of.fend.ed/ǝ.fén.did/ you, i ~/ə.pɑ́l.ə.dʒɑ̀iz/.

/ ¨ Ͽٸ, ϰڽϴ.


# a.pol.o.gy/ǝ.pάl.ǝ.dʒi:/[. ́..]

n. , for

all my ɑpologies.

/ ̰ ̾ϰ ƴ

with ɑpologies for troubling you.

/ ( ) ˼ Ź帳ϴ.

, , ӽ 빰


158. ap.par.ent.ly/ə.pɛ́ər.ənt.li:/[. ́.()Ʈ.()]

[] , ϰϿ, ܰδ,

a~/ə.pɛ́ər.ənt.li:/ he never got my mes.sage/més.idʒ/ after all.

/ ᱹ ׿ ޵ иϴ.


159. ap.peal/ə.pí:l/[. ́]

[] ȣ, ŷ [] ȣϴ, ϴ, ǿ ϴ

he ~ed/ə.pí:ld/ to us to support

his can.di.da.cy/kǽn.dǝ.dǝ.si:/.

/ ״ 츮 ڱⰡ ĺ ֱ⸦ ûϿ.


160. ap.pear/ə.píər/[.Ǿ() ́]

[] Ÿ, Ǵ. *[] seem(si:m), Ÿ *[]dis.ap.pear there ~s/ə.píərs/ to have been an accident.

/ .


*ap.pear.ance/ə.píər.əns/ [] , , , ܰ, ܸ


== ( 2) ==

he appears to be an athlete. / ״  .

־(he) + (appears) + (to be an athlete/ǽ.li:t/.)



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
LV47 alexҹ
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2023-12-09 1:34:43