͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (052)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-02-06 12:41:07 | ȸ : 299

̽ å 5õ (052)

== e (101) ~ (120) ==


(05) e ==


101. ex.ceed/ik.sí:d/[.ß ́]

[] (ѵ) Ѵ, ʰϴ, ( ) Ѿ

imports ~d/ik.sí:.did/[. ́.] exports by 27 billion.

/ () () 270 ޷ ʰߴ.


*ex.ceed.ing.ly/ik.sí:.di.li:/ [] , ſ, .


@ 102. ex.cel.lent/ék.sə.lənt/[ ́..()Ʈ]

[] پ,

your english is ~/ék.sə.lənt/. / ϴ.


* : [ ́.Ʈ](x)


*̱ ü :

excellent! / ! = super!


103. ex.cept/ik.sépt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] - ϰ, ܿ(but)(: exc).

we are all ready ~/ik.sépt/ you.

/ 츰 غ ִ.


*ex.cep.tion/ik.sép.ʃən/ [] , , ܷ(), []

*ex.cep.ting/ik.sép.ti/ [] ~ ,( ), Ǵ

not, without ڿ Ἥ , []ϰ.


104(1). ex.cerpt/éks.ə:rpt/[́.()Ʈ]

[] (pl. s, -cerpta [-tə]) (), ʷ(); ο() (, )

read the following ~/éks.ə:rpt/ from one of miltons poems.

/ ÿ оƶ.


104(2). ex.cerpt/ik.sə́:rpt/[.()Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, οϴ(from). [ʷ] .

he ~.ed/ik.sə́:rp.tid/[.().́ ] a passage from a book

/ ״ å Ͽ.


*excerption /ik.sə́:rp.ʃən/ [] , ʷ.


105. ex.cess/ik.sés/[. ́]

n. ; , ׿

~ of fat / .

ʰ, ʰ, ʰ;

an ~ of imports (over exports) / ʰ.

; , ħ, in; ( pl.) , ; ( pl.) ģ , ,

his ~es shortened his life. / (ӭ)״.

105. ex.cess/ék.ses/[ ́.]

ɑ. ʰ,

~ deaths /

ڼ ʰ ڼ Ÿ.

*ex.ces.sive/ik.sés.iv/ [] (,), û, .


106. ex.change/iks.tʃéindʒ/[.ä ́]

[] ȯϴ, ȯϴ

i need to ~/iks.tʃéindʒ/ korean money into american dollar.

/ ȭ() ȭ(ڸ) ٲ ּ.


# ex.ist/ig.zíst/[.Ʈ ́]

vi. ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

+󰃤+󰃃 (Ư ¿) ִ, Ÿ(be, occur)in; on

salt ~s in the sea. / ұ ٴ幰 ӿ ִ

such things ~ only in cities.

/ ׷ ϵ ÿ ŸϾ.

ϴ, ϴ, (Ư 濡) ִ, ư

~ on a meager salary / ں Ȱϴ.


# ex.cite/ik.sáit/[. ́]

vt. нŰ, ڱϴ(stimulate); нŰ

dont get ~d! / ȭ , ħض

( ) Ű, ; (ȣ̸) , (Ǹ) ȯϴ

the news ~d envy in him. =the news ~d him to envy.

/ ҽ ׷ Ͽ Ű Ͽ.

ݷϴ, ϴ.

vi. ϴ.


*ex.cite.ment/ik.sáit.mənt/ [] (), ڱع, нŰ .

*ex.cit.ed/ik.sáit.id/ [] (at; by; about); Ȱ; .

*ex.cit.ed.ly/ik.sáit.id.li:/ [] Ȱϰ, ռϰ

*ex.cit.ing/ik.sáit.i/ [] нŰ, Ͽ[]ϰ ϴ, Ȱ.

*ex.cit.a.ble/ik.sáit.ə.bl/ [] ϴ, ϱ , м.


#(1). ex.cuse/ik.skjú:s/[. Ű콺 ́]

n. , ظ, , , ߻

no e~/ik.skjú:s/[. Ű콺 ́] ! / !


#(2). ex.cuse/ik.skjú:z/[. Ű ́]

v. 뼭ϴ, ϴ *[] ac.cuse(ə.kjú:z)

e~/ik.skjú:z/[. Ű ́] me! / Ƿմϴ! (*ڰ .)

e~/ik.skjú:z/[. Ű ́] me? / ? (*ڰ ö.)

we will ~ your attendance. / ⼮ ְڴ.


109. ex.empt/ig.zémpt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] ; ; (from).ȸֱ  ʴ,

[] (ǹ ) [], (Ư) .

[] (ǹ ) ϴ; 鿪 ִ.

e~/ig.zémpt/ him from taxes ! / ϶!


@ 110. ex.er.cise/ék.sər.sàiz/[ ́.(). ̀]

[] ü) , (ü/)

e~/ék.sər.sàiz/ is good for your health.

/  ǰ ϴ.

[] (ü) , (ϴ), (üɷ) ϴ, (ǹ) ϴ

eat less and ~/ék.sər.sàiz/ more!

/ Դ ̰  ø!


* : [ ́.. ̀](x) տ ִ r ̶

ϰԶ 鸮 ϸ . Ȥ 鸮 ʴ

׷ Ϸ ׳ ٸ 鸰.


111. ex.hale/eks.héil/[. ́]

[] () , () , ( ) մ *[] in.hale(in.héil)

he sat back and ~d/eks.héild/[.ϵ ́] deeply.

/ װ ڷ .


112. ex.haust/ig.zɔ́:st/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] () , (ü) ,

[] , (ڿ ) Ű, (üγ ) Ҹϴ

i have ~.ed/ig.zɔ́:s.tid/[.^́.] myself walking.

/ ɾ ȴ.


*ex.haus.ted/ig.zɔ́:s.tid/ [] , Ҹ, , []


*̱ ü :

i am exhausted. / ƾ.


113. ex.hib.it/ig.zíb.it/[. ́.]

[] , , , ̱ȸ

[] []ϴ, ǰϴ, ϴ, ϴ

pro.cess/prά.ses/ does not ~/ig.zíb.it/

dy.nam.ic/dai.nǽm.ik/ pat.terns/pǽt.ǝrns/.

/ Ÿ


*ex.hi.bi.tion/èk.sə.bíʃ.ən/ [] , , , , ȸ, ڶȸ

*ex.hib.it.ed/ig.zíb.it.id/[. ́..]


114. ex.ist/ig.zíst/[.Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ

salt ~s/ig.zísts/[.Ʈ ́] in the sea.

/ ұ ٴ幰 ӿ ִ.


*ex.ist.ing/ig.zís.ti/ [] ,


@ 115. ex.it/ék.sit, ég.zit/[ ́.] or [ ́.£]

[] ,

wheres the ~/ék.sit/? / ⱸ 𿹿?

[] ( ), (ϴ)

he had just ~.ed/ék.sit.id/[ ́..]. / װ . (o)

he had just ~.ed/ég.zit.id/[ ́.£.]. / װ . (o)


* : ѻ : /ég.zit, ék.sit/ ̱ ݴ Ǿ .

̱ : /ék.sit, ég.zit/() <== /ég.zit, ék.sit/() ̶ ok!

ex.it/ék.sit, ég.zit/[ ́.] or [ ́.£]

[] /ék.sit/[ ́.],

[] /ég.zit/[ ́..£] . ص .


# ex.ot.ic/ig.zɑ́t.ik/[. ́.]

[] ̱̱dz, ٸ

[] ܷ, ܱ; ̱, ̱dz, ̱ ; ٸ

the exotic blooms of the orchid / ̱


116. ex.pand/ik.sṕnd/[.^ȵ ́]

[] , ġ; , ȮȮϴ, âŰ, Ǯ ϴ

heat ~s/ik.sṕnds/[.^ȵ彺 ́] metal.

/ ݼ âŲ.


117. ex.pect/ik.spékt/[.́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

dont ~/ik.spékt/ much of me.

/ Լ ʹ ٶ ÿ.

*ex.pec.tant/ik.spék.tənt/ [] ٸ ִ, []ϰ ִ

*ex.pec.tant.ly/ik.spék.tənt.li:/ [] ٷ, Ͽ, ϸ, ϸ


== ( 3) ==

we are expecting to receive it by the weekend.

/ 츮 װ ָ ̴.

־(we) + (are expecting) + (to receive it) + ľ(by the weekend)


118. ex.pe.di.tion/èks.pǝ.díʃ.ən/[̀.. ́.]

[] (Ž Ȯ ) an antarctic ~ Ž

three members of the everst ~/èks.pǝ.díʃ.ən/ were ed.

/ Ʈ Ҿ.


119. ex.pend.ed/ik.spén.did/[. ́.]

[] expend , (ð ) ̴, , Һϴ

he ~/ik.spén.did/ all his fuel. / ״ Ḧ ȴ.


120. ex.pense/ik.spéns/[.ҽ ́]

[] (ð ) , , ,



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!