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>   > α

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å 5õ (065)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-02-23 12:53:31 | ȸ : 399

å 5õ (065)

== g (041) ~ (060) ==


(07) g ==


@ 041. glue/glu:/[]

[] Ʊ, ,Ϲ, Ǯ

[] Ű, Ʊ[] ̴

the wood ~s/glu:s/[] well.

/ Ʊ ٴ´.


@ 042. go/gou/[]
[] (went [went]; gone [gɔ()n, gɑn]; going [góui]) () ϴ, ư, ̴, () , ()

you may ~/gou/ home! / !


*gone/gɔ:n/ [] go źл

[] , , , (dead),

*gon.na/góu.nə/ == going to ظ *wanna = want to ظ


* : 09. Ō /ou/[]

Ư н ʿ .

ѱ [] ״ ȴ.

[] ϴ 찡 ̴ ݹ! []θ ȣ .

*no/nou/[](o) [](x) go/gou/[](o) [](x)


* : [+o] Ǵ [+o++e] ̷ .

*go/gou/[] no/nou/[] so/sou/[ҿ]

home/houm/[ȣ] lone/loun/[()ο] mole/moul/[]


*̱ ü :

go ahead. / ϼ.(̾߱ϴ )Ӹϼ.; .

go fifty-fifty. / ݹ .

go for it. / ѹ .; غ.; ȭ!

go get it. / .; (ݷϴ ǹ̷) ѹ غ.

go on, please. /  ϼ.

going down? / (ַ Ϳ) ?

going up? / (ַ Ϳ) ö ?

thats the way to go. / ׷, ׷ ϴ .


043. goal/goul/[]

[] ǥ, , ,

plan your ~/goul/! / ǥ !


@ 044. goat/gout/[W]

[] a billy ~ =a he-~ / , a nanny ~ =a she-~ / Ͽ.


@ 045. god/gɑ:d/[]

[] (Ͻű, Ư ⵶) , ϴ, , õ(), (ٽű)

god, king, i == ϴ, , (ڽ)


* : 忡 ù ڴ 빮ڷ

 ܾ ϰ ҹڸ .

׷ ܾ ֵ 빮ڸ .


@ 046. gold/gould/[]

[] (aurum) (ݼ ; ȣ au; ȣ 79), Ȳ.

g~/gould/ is money.

/ ̾.


*gold.en/góul.dən/ [] ݺ, Ȳݺ, Ȳó ,


047. golf/gɔ:lf/[^]



@ 048. good/gud/[]

[] (better [bétər]; best [best]) , , () ,

honey is good for your cough. / ħ .

Ư ʾұ


*good.ness/gúd.nis/ [] , ̴, ģ, , ھ,


*̱ ü :

good enough. / մϴ. ϴ.

good for you. / ( ǹ̷) Ǿ׿.

good luck to you! / .

good luck. / ϴ.

good talking to you. / ȭ ſ.

thats good. / Ǿ׿.


049. goods/gudz/[]

[] pl.ܼδ , ǰ, ǰ, , , ȭ

she earns enough to satisfy her ~/gudz/.

/ ׳ ڽ ʿ ִ.


* : needs = ǰ,

our daily ~s / Ͽ ʼǰ


050. goose/gu:s/[]

[] (pl. geese[gi:s]) , , ( gander), ٺ,


051. go.ril.la/gə.ríl.ə/[.() ́.]



052. gov.ern.ment/gʌ́v.ərn.mənt/[^ ́.().Ʈ]

[] , ġ(), ()


*gov.er.nor/gʌ́v.ər.nər/ [] ġ, , (̱) (state)


053. grab/grb/[()^]

[] (-bb-) , ä, , (Ӿ) ()

he ~.bed/grbd/[()^е] me by the arm.

/ ״ Ҵ.


54. grace/greis/[()̽]

[] , , ǰ, ŷ, () ; , ں(clemency, mercy).


*grace.ful/gréis.fəl/ [] , ܾ, ǰ ִ. [syn.] elegant.


@ 055. grade/greid/[()]

[] , , г

what ~/greid/ are you in ? / г̳?

i am in 6th grade. / 6гԴϴ.


056(1). grad.u.ate/gŕʤ.u.èit/[()^ ́..֟ ̀]

[] ϴ,̱ ִ, ű

he was ~d/gŕʤ.u.èit.id/[()^ ́..֟ ̀.] from harvard.

/ ״ harvard ߴ.


*grad.u.al.ly/gŕʤ.u.əl.i:/ [] , , ʷ

*grad.u.a.tion/gr̀ʤ.u.éi.ʃən/ [] , ;

̱ ( ƴ б) . [cf.] commencement.


056(2). grad.u.ate/grǽdʒ.u.it/[()^ ́..]

[] () ; ̱ п л(~ student).


057. grain/grein/[()]

[] , , ˰, (ұ ) , , ̷(ڰ)

a ~/grein/ of rice/rais/ /


058. gram.mar/gŕm.ər/[()^ ́.()]

[] , ( ´)

we have to learn english ~/gŕm.ər/.

/ 츰 Ѵ.


@ 059. grand/grnd/[()^ȵ]

[] , , ߿. Ÿ, , () ,

it will be ~/grnd/ if you can come.

/ ð Ǹ ڽϴ.


*grand.child /gŕnd.tʃàild/ [] ()

*grand.daught.er/gŕnd.dɔ̀:t.ər/ [] ճ

*grand.fa.ther/gŕnd.fɑ̀.ər/ [] Ҿƹ,

*grand.moth.er/gŕnd.̀.ər/ [] ҸӴ,

*grand.son/gŕnd.sʌ̀n/ []

*grand.pa /gŕnd.pə/[()^ ́.] [()^ ́.] ok


* : [()^ ́. ̀.()] or [()^ ́. ̀] ok


060. grant/grnt/[()^Ʈ]

[] ִ, ϴ, ( ) ϴ, () ִ, ϴ

they ~ed/grn.tid/[()^ ́.] me to take it with me.

/ ׵ װ ޴ Ͽ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!