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å 5õ (136)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-05-27 12:09:23 | ȸ : 232

å 5õ (136)

== s (181) ~ (200) ==


(18) s ==


181. snap/snp/[^]

[] (-pp-) , ɑt ܼҸϴ

she always ~s/snps/[^ս] ɑt him.

/ ׳ Ӿ˰Ÿ ׿ .

s~p/snp/ ɑt the bait / () ̳ .


*snap.ping/sńp.i/[^ ́.]


182. sneak/sni:k/[ϟ]

[] ϱ[ϴ ], , , (Ӿ) а

[] [ݻ] ̴, [] , ,

he ~.ed/sni:kt/[ϟƮ] into a pawnshop.

/ ״ .

he ~.ed/sni:kt/[ϟƮ] away from company.

/ ״ κ Դ.


*sneak.er/sní:.kər/ [] [] ൿϴ []

(pl.)̱ٴ ȭ(Ҹ ʴ )

*snuck /snʌk/ ̱ǥ sneak źл.


183. sneeze/sni:z/[]

[] ä (Ҹ), (̱Ӿ) , ü

[] äϴ, () ϴ, , ġ, 򺸴

ive been ~.ing/sní:.zi/[ ́.¡] all morning.

/ ä⸦ ϰ ־.

*sneez.y/sní:.zi:/ [] äⰡ


@ 184. sniff/snif/[]

[] , ڷ Ҹ, , [̽]

[] ڸ ůůŸ, () ô, ڸ ½̴, ϴ

she ~.fed/snift/[Ʈ] something burning.

/ ׳ Ÿ þҴ.


@ 185. snow/snou/[]

[] , , , , , (̱Ӿ) ׷ ,

s~/snou/ was falling heavily. / ־.

[]it ־ Ͽ , (ó) ⵵ϴ, [δ]

it always begins to ~/snou/[] at this time of year.

/ ų ̶ Ǹ Ѵ.


*snow.ball/snóu.bɔ̀:l/ [] ġ, , ο

*snow.fall/snóu.fɔ̀:l/ [] ,


@ 186. so/sou/[ҿ]

[] [] , [], [], ׷

did he really say ~/sou/? / װ ׷ ߳?


*̱ ü :

so much for that. / ׸ .

so soon? / ̷ ?

so what? / ׷ ¼?


# soak/souk/[ҟV]

v. ( ) , ;

let the fruit ~ in water for a while.

/ 㰡 ƶ.


*̱ ü :

you are soaked! / .


@ 187. soap/soup/[ҟX]

[] (̱Ӿ) , , (Ư ġ)


188. soar/sɔ:r/[^()]

[] , ƿ

the eagle ~.ed/sɔ:rd/[^()] into the sky.

/ ϴ÷ ƿö.


@ 189. soc.cer/sɑ́:k.ər/[ ́.()]

=soccer.̱= socker


lets play a socker/sɑ́:k.ər/ game ! / 츮 ౸ !


190. so.cial/sóu.ʃəl/[ҿ ́.]

[] ȸ, , ģ

man is a ~/sóu.ʃəl/ animal. / ΰ ȸ ̴.


*so.ci.e.ty/sə.sái.ə.ti:/ [] ȸ, , (ȸ) , , ȸ, ȸ, ü, ȸ, .


@ 191. sock(s)/sɑ:k(s)/[()]

one socks/sɑ:k(s)/[()] = a pair of socks/sɑ:k(s)/[()]


* : one sock / 縻 ¦ *( ϳ)


192. sock.et/sɑ́:k.it/[ ́.]

[] ȴ[] , ( ) ,غ( ) (), (˷)


@ 193. so.da/sóu.də/[ҿ ́.]

[] Ҵ(Ư źҴźҴ), (), ȭƮ, ź


194. so.di.um/sóu.di.əm/[ҿ ́..]

[] ȭ Ʈ(ݼ ; ȣ na; ȣ 11).


@ 195. soft/sɔ:ft/[^jƮ]

[] ε巯, , , Ų,

he is ~/sɔ:ft/ about her. / ״ ׳࿡ Ͽ ε巯.


196. so.lar/sóu.lər/[ҿ ́.()()]

[] ¾, ¾翡 , ¾翡

the sun is the largest star in our ~/sóu.lər/ system.

/ ¾ ¾迡 ū ̴.


197. sol.dier/sóul.dʒər/[ҿ ́.()]

[] ()


198. sole/soul/[ҿ]

[] ߹ٴ, ()ٴ, Źٴ, â()

[] ϳ[ȥ], *[] single(sí.gl)[ȥ]

he is the ~/soul/ surviving member of the family.

/ ״ ߿ ̴.


# sol.emn/sɑ́:l.əm/[ ́.]

ɑ. , پ , , ߴ

a ~ speech / a ~ sight / a ~ truth. /

~ly ɑd.

~ness n.


200. sol.id/sɑ́:l.id/[ ́.]

[] (er; est ) ü, , ܴ, ߰(), ưư *[] firm([fə:rm)

the planet jupiter may have no ~/sɑ́:l.id/ surface at all.

/ 񼺿 ܴ ǥ ִ.

it rests on a firm[solid] basis. / װ ִ


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!