͵Ȧ ΰ

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å 5õ (140)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-03 8:11:15 | ȸ : 225

å 5õ (140)

== s (261) ~ (280) ==


(18) s ==


261. square/skwɛər/[ũ쿡()]

n. ; . (ٵ) .

(Ÿ) ; ̱ ( ѷ) ð ȹ, , (ʶϡ)(block) madison squɑre () ŵ ().

ɑ. , ; , ̷with; to.

ϰ ִ, ̷with , ȣ, .


be ~ with ones landlord / ΰ .

ɑd. , ; Ű̵ο .


look a person ~ in the face. / ƹ Ĵٺ.

ϰ(fairly), ϰ, ϰ(honestly).


* : square/skwɛər/ squ- ϴ ܾ /skw-/ ǰ

are/-ɛər/ DZ square/skwɛər/ ȴ.


* : are /ɑ:r/ /ǝr/ о

ܾ(are)տ  ٰų

ܾ ڿ  ڸ ͼ ܾ Ǹ /-ǝr-/ д´.


262. squeak/skwi:k/[ũ̟]

[] ( ) ; (ְ) Ӿ , Ҹ ϴ


*squeak.ing /skwí:.ki/


# squeak.y[skwí:k.i:/[[ũ̟ ́.]

ɑ. (squeakier; -iest)

ϴ, ߰ưŸ.


263. squeeze/skwi:z/[ũ]

[] ˴, ϴ, , ȴ, ׷߸, ¥, ư[, ], (through; in; into; out).

he tried to ~/skwi:z/ in. / ״ ߴ.


264. stab/stb/[^]

[] (-bb-) (Į ) (thrust); (pierce), ̴in; into; to

( )  ϴ; ( ) ġ, ߻ϴ

her insult ~.bed/stbd/[^е] me to the heart.

/ ׳࿡ Ͽ ʹ.

= ׳  ߴ.




265. sta.ble/stéi.bl/[ ́.]

[] , , (Ӿ) [ǹ]

[] , ߰, , ߽

the lighting is not ~/stéi.bl/, its blinking.

/ ʰ ̰ ִ.


266. stack/stk/[^]

[] , , , (¤ ) ׾ ø

[] ġ״, ó ׾ƿø, () ɴ

he spent most of the time ~.ing/st́k.i/[^ ́.] shelves.

/ ״ κ ð ױ⿡ ´.


267. sta.di.um/stéi.di.əm/[ ́..]

[] , Ÿ


268. staff/stf/[^]

[] [ο] δ, [ο ] ٹϴ.

[] , () , ()

[] , , ο, ()

he is on the ~/stf/ of a publishing company.

/ ״ ǻ ̴


269. stage/steidʒ/[]

[] , ,


@ 270. stain/stein/[]

[] , , , ,

[] , äϴ, () ϴ, () (ΰ)

the wood was ~.ed/steind/[ε] yellow.

/ ־.


@ 271. stair/stɛər/[׾()]

[] () , ( s)

up ~s/stɛərs/[׾()] / ܵ

down ~s/stɛərs/[׾()] / Ʒ ܵ


*stair.well/stɛ́ər.wèl/ []

*stair.way/stɛ́ər.wèi/ [] , ܽ


272. stake/steik/[Ÿ]

[] ( ǥĹ ħ ) , (stick).

[] ( ھ) 踦 ǥϴ, ȹϴ, 踦 ϴoff; out


273. stale/steil/[]

[] ( ) , ż , ,

s~/steil/ food is no longer fresh or good to eat.

/ ̻ ż ʰ Ա ƴϴ.


274. stam.mer/st́m.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] []

he ~.ed/st́m.ərd/[^ ́.()] out a negative answer.

/ ״ ȴٰ ߴ.


@ 275. stamp/stmp/[^]

[] , (), , , post stamp : ǥ

[] ǥ() ̴, ϴ, (߷) , []

he ~.ed/stmpt/[^Ʈ] out a cigarette butt.

/ ״ ʸ .


@ 276. stand/stnd/[^ȵ]

[] (p., pp. stood[stud]) , ִ, Ͼ, () ġϴ

dont ~/stnd/ if you are tired, but sit down.

/ ǰϸ ɾƿ.


*̱ ü :

i cant stand it. / ̻ ߵ .; ھ.


# stan.dard/stǽn.dǝrd/[^ ́.()]

n. ( pl.) ǥ, , ԰; Թ,

below ~ / ǥ Ϸμ

the ~ of living life =the living ~ / Ȱ .


the gold ~ / ݺ.

(Ǻ ) ǥ ġ; Ĵ ̱ 165ԹƮ(=4.67m), 16Թ Ʈ(=0.472m); ().

ɑ. ǥ, ; ; Ϲ, θ ̴˷; ԰ݿ ´

the ~ weights and measures / ǥ

the ~ language / ǥؾ.

Ϸ, , Ǹ. ; (۰ ) ִ; ( ) ε ִ, ǥ

~ authors / ִ ۰.

join the ~ of ߾Ʒ ̴.

under the ~ of ġ Ʒ.

up to below the ~ հհϿ, ǥؿ Ͽ̴Ͽ.


277. sta.ple/stéi.pl/[ ́.]

[] ֿ 깰, ߿ ǰ, ֿ[] ǰ, ֿ, (ȭ ) ,

[] (u ) ; (ȣġŰ) ö()( ̶ ϵ ȣŰ )

[] ߿, ֿ, , θ ŷ[Һ]Ǵ

jeans are a ~/stéi.pl/ part

of everyones ward.robe/wɔ́:r.dròub/[^() ́.()ο ̀].

/ û[] 忡 ֵ ǰ̴.


* : sta.pler/stéi.plǝr/[ ́.()]

n. ֻ깰 ; (sorter); л(). ȣġŰ, ÷;

ö(Ѧ), å ö öϴ (=stápling machìne).


@ 278. star/stɑ:r/[Ÿ()]

[] , ׼,Ϲõü,


279. stare/stɛər/[׾()] or [¾()]

[] ϴ, *[] see(si:)

we ~d/stɛərd/[׾()] the girl into confusion.

/ 츮 ҳ Ȳߴ.


@ 280. start/stɑ:rt/[Ÿ()Ʈ]

[] ϴ, (leave) ϴ, ۵Ǵ

lets ~/stɑ:rt/ right now! / !





[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!