͵Ȧ ΰ

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å 5õ (151)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-17 11:40:18 | ȸ : 77

å 5õ (151)

== t (101) ~ (120) ==


(19) t ==


101. ti.ny/tái.ni:/[Ÿ ́.]

[] , ׸

the war started off with a ~/tái.ni:/ accident.

/ ׸ ǿ ۵Ǿ.


@ 102. tip/tip/[L]

[] , ÷, ÷ܿ [] [], (), () մ,

[] , , , ʱ, (ü ) , , å.

[] ޴[̴, ], ڸ.

he ~.ped/tipt/[] rasp.ber.ries/ŕz.bèr.i:s/. / ״ .

[] ̴(up), ߸(over; up), (ھ 빰) , (λϱ ڿ)

he ~.ped/tipt/[] his hat to me.

/ ״ ڸ ¦ λߴ.


*rasp.ber.ries/ŕz.bèr.i:s/ p .


@ 103. tire/taiər/[Ÿ()]

[] Ƿϰ ϴ, [] ϴ, ġ, ,

she never ~s/taiərs/[Ÿ()] of talking.

/ ׳ ĥ 𸣰 ̾߱Ѵ.

[] Ƿ(), (ڵġ ) (Ÿ̾)

the ~/taiər/ is lower. / Ÿ̾ ٶ . (ũ .)


*tired/taiərd/ [] (more tired, tireder; most tired, tiredest) ǰ, (of). ̰ , () ,


@ 104. tis.sue/tíʃ.u:/[Ƽ ́.]

[] (Ư ), (), ( ) õ[], ȭ


* : ȭ bathroom tissue or toilet tissue


@ 105. ti.tle/táit.l/[Ÿ ́.]

[] ǥ, ( pl.)ȭtvڸ, ŸƲ, (ĪȣĪ )


@ 106. to/tu:/[]

[]~[ʿ], ~, ~ Ͽ, Ų ~, () ,

where are you going to/tu:/? / ִ°?


@ 107. toast/toust/[콺Ʈ]

[] 佺Ʈ,

[] ϰ [], ҿ ؾ ϴ[]

this bread ~s/tousts/ well. / ˸° .

[] 踦 ޴ , , Ǵ []

lets drink a ~/toust/ to him. / 츮 ׸ 踦 .

[] , ǹϴ

we ~.ed/tóus.tid/[́.] the couple with champagne.

/ 츮 Ŀÿ champagne ǹߴ.


@ 108. to.day/tə.déi/[. ́]

[/] , [, ó]()

t~/tə.déi/ is happy day. / ູ ̴.


109. tod.dle/tɑ́:d.l/[Ÿ ́.]

[] ȱ, () ȴ

[] ȴ, Ÿ, ŴҴ

i ~d/tɑ́:d.ld/[Ÿ ́.] round to my friends house.

/ å ģ  .


*tod.dler/tɑ́d.lər/ [] ȴ , (Ư) Ÿ


@ 110. toe/tou/[]

[] () ߰, () ߳ κ

a big toe/tou/[] / ߰


@ 111. to.geth.er/tə.gé.ər/[.c ́.()]

[] Բ, ,

they were standing ~/tə.gé.ər/. / ׵ ־.


@ 112. toil.et/tɔ́i.lit/[^ ́.()]

[] ȭ, , , , ȭ(Ӹ ⵵ ϴ )

paper towel / η縶, napkins / Ź ,

toilet tissue / ȭ


113. toll/toul/[]

[] , (ٸ ) , , ( ) , Լ

[] () Ϻθ μ ޴, [] ϴ

the report advocates/́d.və.kèits/[^ ́..ij潺 ̀]

expressway toll.ing/tóu.li/[ ́.()].

/ ӵ Ѵ.

[] ) (õõ Ģ) (ð) ˸

the church ~ed/tould/[] in people.

/ ׵ ȸ .


@ 114. tom/tam/[Ž]

[] Ž( ̸)


@ 115. to.ma.to/tə.méit.ou/[.ş ́.]

[] (pl. es) (̱Ӿ) (ŷ)


* : 17. /ə/[] :

(1) ´.

̴ Ȯ [] [] ƴ ̴.

Ʊ [] Ȯ [] []

ƴ (Ҹ) ٹ ̴.

* to.ma.to/tə.méit.ou/[.ş ́.](o) [Ʈ.ş ́.](o)


(2) ̷ ִ.

* af.fair/ə.fɛ́ər/[.() ́]


(3) ̻ ܾ  ϳ (-ə-) ǥ

Ȱ ϴ ־ ص ٴ ǥô.

̷ ߼̶ Ѵ.

* fam.i.ly/f́m.ə.li:/[^ ́..()] =>[^ ́.()]

* cred.i.ble/kréd.ə.bl/[ũ()A ́.. ] =>[ũ()A ́.]


@ 116. to.mor.row, to-mor.row /tə.mɔ́:r.ou/[.^ ́.()ο]

[/] , , ()

the day after ~/tə.mɔ́:r.ou/. /

the day before yesterday ==


117. tone/toun/[]

[] , , , *[] sound(saund) , ()


@ 118. tongue/tʌ/[^]

[] , ( Ŀ) ٴ

[] ϸ鼭 DZ⸦ Ҵ, (Խ ) , ִ.

the land ~s/tʌs/[^ӽ] out. / ٴٿ ִ.


@ 119. to.night/tə.náit/[. ́]

[/] ù()

he will be at home ~/tə.náit/. / ״ ̴.


* : last night / , the night before yesterday /

tomorrow night / , the night after tomorrow /


@ 120. too/tu:/[]

[] , Դٰ, ׷, ʹ()

nice meet you ~/tu:/. / ݰϴ.


*̱ ü :

too bad! / ʹ Ǿ.

too expensive. / ʹ γ.

you are too much. / ʹ ϴ±.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!